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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. What truly baffles me is the fact that these clowns thought that if they brought their various fansub/model contest grudges here, that we'd be interested in hearing them out. What part about "We don't care" didn't they understand?
  2. Feh...I stopped reading this thread about 1/2 a page ago. It's a shame that such an intelligent film is the subect of this largely stupid thread. To those who are capable of discussion of film, without all of the self-congragulatory wanking: It's too bad there wasn't someplace grown-up we could discuss it ourselves To those incapable of anything beyond the "tom cruz is t3h sux0rz" : don't worry, Jerry Bruckheimer will have some pretty, 'splodey, shootey movies to entertain you next summer. Until then, maybe you could play with your keys to entertain yourselves.
  3. Happy holidays to you too, oh Mr. Maturity. Holee crap, that is priceless. He asks you to do something useful for society, while he's busy trolling an internet forum? Ya gotta love a hypocrite. He accuses you of bing a kid (sorry, that should be "KID" in capitals), yet he resorts to blocking any reply PMs. Mature. And EXO, I thought you were a "Half Pint Junior Mint Fanboy," not a plain "monkey boy?" Anyway, too many smacktards trolling around here lately. Have they started travelling in packs or something?
  4. Hey now...he was still winning those stupid "Sexiest Man" polls as recently as a few years ago. I can only wish that I'll be so highly regarded when I'm in my 60's.
  5. The quality of Infusion's subs is not the problem here. You've joined here solely for the purpose of trolling this message thread. We hate trolls. Hence....we hate you and want you gone. Is that too difficult to understand? If it makes you feel better about your tiny, insignificant life then by all means go running back to whatever sanctimonious otaku message board you and your crony lurk at and tell them about how all the "dumb macross purists" called you mean names and made you cry. You have my permission.
  6. Too bad I answered correctly first.
  7. Yeah, and denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
  8. Can't you and Max Jenius just activate your Wonder Twin Powers? "Form of....steam!"
  9. Yes, please die. And soon, too.
  10. Oh...for God's sake, it's Sean Connery, people!
  11. I dunno about him, but I'd swear that the guy 2nd from the right is Ed Harris.
  12. Jeebus! Where do these morons come from?
  13. God, I hope not. <_<
  14. No kidding. And now he's called for "backup."
  15. MacrossVF-1S and kouwen, take whatever grudge you've got with Infusion and get the hell off our boards. We're not interested in your juvenile e-drama.
  16. Are we talking about toys or Macross continuity here? Or maybe the real, real world? Wrong forum indeed.
  17. Which brings me back to my (much) earlier comment on how there won't be any revolutionary games until we get some new & improved game engines. Cranking out game after game based on the Quake or Warcraft engines is not the road to new and exciting gameplay. For something really, truly new we need something much more capable than any of the current engines allow. That's a large part of why I'm so excited about Half Life 2, and it's Source engine. Half Life 2 on it's own will likely be an awesome single player experience, but I'm equally excited about the possibilities the the Source engine will open up for mods. And if it is a disappointment, then you're all welcome to come over to my place for "Pong Night." Just bring your own paddles.
  18. Bah. You know you'll give in to the siren call that is Half Life 2. [smith] It is...inevitable.[/smith]
  19. CounterStrike has to have the absolute worst online community. Period.
  20. Hey, I've had more than my fill of Deathmatch gameplay. Heck, IMHO it's that mentality that helped drag CS down into nothing more than a glorified frag-fest. It's been done. To death. That's why I'm all about Objective-based gameplay. Teamwork....strategy...co-ordination...co-operation....stuff like that.
  21. That was the idea. Dismissive generalizations can be made about any game genre.
  22. Again, you can make this argument about any game. I don't like RPG games, for example.... [sarcasm]All you do in a RPG is nance about with an ridiculously large sword in some fantasy land with a hodge-podge assembly of silly looking critters and girls in hotpants, all the while collecting the components of some inane mystical talisman that just happens to have been distributed to the four corners of the realm. Combat, when it does actually happen, consists of queing up your attacks (which usually consist of summoning a ludicrously powerful entity from some nether region) and waiting for each attack to unfold one at a time. However, most of your time is spent talking to repetitve townsfolk about which inn to stay at, or tackling some random beastie in the wild for the sole purpose of "experience" points. Ho hum, where's the enjoyment?[/sarcasm] You see? Now, as far as online FPS games go, some of us enjoy the competitive aspect of them. As far as games have come, an AI opponent is still not as challenging as a thinking, breathing player behind another PC. If you think about it, even when you crank up the difficulty of a computer opponent all that really does is - increase the AI's aim to unerring levels - increase their reaction time beyond human levels - make them more agressive in locating you with their "radar" For example, an AI opponent won't enter a building by choice. They enter a building because it's scripted that way. They won't turn and shoot you behind the door because it's an obvious place to hide, but they'll do it because they "know" you're there. A human opponent, however, will think and act differently. No game that I've played to date has fully replicated the feeling of human teammates or opponents. This is where a game's replay value comes from. Call Of Duty single-player is an awesome game, but the levels still play out the same way because it relies so heavily on scripting. Opposingly, the Caen level of Day Of Defeat will never play the same because of the decision making ability of it's human players. That's why an online game gives me a more immersive and satisfying experience. Edit: added [sarcasm] tags
  23. It's an old, old kit. I'd just buy an upgrade kit if you wanted newer ordnance.
  24. I've used Dullcote on Tamiya for years, and I've never had any problems. The two together will usually give you an awesome flat finish. Just make absolutely sure you don't touch anything until it's dried for amny, many hours.
  25. *shoots a spitball at Abombz!*
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