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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Come on, I know you guys are like me and have a closet full of models to build. I don't mind the delay, since it's one less model I have to feel guilty about not building.
  2. Furthermore, didn't the Row-Bow-Tek VFX-4 have a "failure" to transform, thus aleviating the need to design a possibly copyright-infringing Battloid mode for it?
  3. Man...forget Lovecraft, this is turning into more of a Tom Clancy thriller. I can just imagine Mechamaniac and his bud setting up their paintball ambush with well thought out intersecting lines of fire, etc. That poor "elf" won't know what hit it.
  4. On a slightly related topic, ignfilmforce.com has the first part of an interview with hack director Paul Anderson, from the set of AVP. http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/446/446412p1.html Fans of HR Gieger will no doubt be miffed when they read the part where he credits Ron Cobb for the design of the unused Alien pyramid and the infamous "hieroglyphic." Be warned.
  5. Stop reading my mind!!! So far, Yukikaze has been like a "what if" Shinji from Eva grew up and joined the air force. "I don't want to pilot Yukikaze." "I'm sad." "Why does daddy hate me?" Bollocks, says I.
  6. I'm surprised that there's been barely any mention of the infamous Macross II dub, but that could just be because nobody likes MII to begin with. The old Dominion Tank Police dub was pretty painfull too, as I recall.
  7. Screw the Hobbit, I want to see a 4-hour adaptation of the Silmarilion.
  8. Best. Thread. Ever.
  9. I've heard this before. I don't know what Scott's current take on the project is, but I know he's already got a full slate ahead of him. But why, oh why are they so insistent on bringing back Ripley yet again? Fox really needs to wrap their heads around the notion that the ALIENS are the stars of this franchise, not Ripley.
  10. I'm not convinced. I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something Lovecraft-ian about all of this. Have you perhaps been reading aloud from the Necronomicon, becasue I have to warn you that those are not Christmas carols.
  11. I wonder how they celebrate Xmas in SW Galaxies..... *quietly hums the first few bars of the Life Day song*
  12. bsu legato

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Wow. I want one.
  13. And don't forget that talking, haunted car! Or was that only in Filmation's cartoon version?
  14. Wait, what have you read about Shelob?
  15. Not even through the magic of Protoculture....? *ducks various blunt objects thrown by angry mob*
  16. Ouch. Even I downloaded Scary Movie 3. I'm sorry I brought it up.
  17. Not one single movie? You must be a fun date.
  18. You see, that would have been cool. They could have featured Biel/MJ during the high school scenes, then later on they kill off Dunst/Gwen Stacey at the bridge. Would it have really changed anything? As it stands, the Peter/MJ relationship in the first movie went nowhere, so whatever they have planned for the two characters in SM2 could remain as-is. It's too bad they didnt have the cojones to try something like that.
  19. My solution is an easy, 2-step process. 1 - Bring back Nitro. Schedule it any night of the week, except for Thursday (Smackdown) 2 - Transfer all the RAW talent over to nitro, except for HHH and his cronies. Now you'd have a new show where it'd once again be entertaining to watch. Meanwhile on RAW, Triple-H can walk out to the ring and tell the crowd just how "damn good" he is for two straight hours, which if you think about it is all he really wants to do anymore. (he sure as hell is incapable of wrestling) Whichever show gets the ratings and ticket sales, stays. The other gets cancelled. And if nobody attends/watches the HHH-centric RAW....then so be it.
  20. I liked the first Spider Man, but it was completely overhyped. Kudos to Sony Pictures on that count, since they wanted to insure that Spidey trounced their main summer competition *cough* attackoftheclones *cough*
  21. All I know is that I'm going to wait for A7 to post the results. My already lowered interest in WWE took a serious nosedive after reading the results from Armageddon. I'm going to find something else to do when RAW comes on.
  22. I wonder if, by some bizarre twist of logic, Triple-H somehow believes himself to actually be a face. Maybe he thinks that by just being a "badass" (note my use of quotes) that he'll get over with the audience like the Stone Cold of yesteryear. After all, that was how Austin got over. He was actually a heel back then, and a particularly good one IMHO. But the more vile he acted, the more crowds loved him. So maybe, just mayyyyybe, HHH thinks he'll get the same rection just by being the Game-uhh. Or, more likely he's just a raging egomaniac who's running RAW into the ground just to satiate his own....umm....ego. (I couldn't think of a better word)
  23. Hey, isn't that usually my line? But I agree, this Evolution crap is going to kill the WWE. Look at what happened to WCW when the NWO and/or the 4H took over. It just turned into a weekly ego-stroke for the baddies (who were running the show backstage) to come out and wank off on the mic for 2 hours. I know they had other problems, but that surely contributed to the decline in ratings. The WWE has forgotten the cardinal rule for dealing with heels. Everybody loves a good badguy, and everybody loves a good feud, but sooner or later the heels need to get taken down. But with HHH, and by proxy his friends, running the show that'll never happen.
  24. I saw the trailer for this at Last Samurai. It actually looked pretty good, to tell the truth. Definitely a throwback to the old days (it is a remake, after all). But I'd thought that there was talk of Dwayne dropping the "Rock" monicker, now that he's gone hollywood.
  25. Ugh! I guess you didn't need a crystal ball to see those results, did you A7. So basically, all the the RAW talent jobbed for HHH and Evolution. <_< I have absolutely no desire to watch RAW (aka the Triple-H variety hour) tomorrow night. Way to go, Vince McMahon. Your son-in-law has nearly killed your franchise.
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