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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Agreed. Rei is essentially Shinji from Evangelion, 10 years later. <_<
  2. Sure we have. We did this on the VEX boards back when MW was down for the overhaul. IIRC, my result was in the "Poser" category so I guess I'm not too geeky.
  3. Last night's RAW was actually watchable, aside from Trish's attempts at acting and HHH vs HBK (and of course, Triple-H sells for his buddy HBK).
  4. The most positive thing I've heard about G-Savior to date was the fact that it had not been conclusivley proven to cause cancer. However, the Surgeon General still recommends you avoid it.
  5. I see that Max and Roy have also bumped up their post counts to reflect the old boards as well. And you guys teased us about that stuff?
  6. Has anybody else read GiTS:MMI #10 yet? I sense a big letdown for the last issue, I'm afraid. Not a Matrix: Revolutions sized letdown, but a disappointment all the same.
  7. Don't quit your day job, Roy.
  8. Heh. I read that story on Wednesday. It sounds to me like they were too busy trying to make the Predators extreeeeeeme to the max!!! that they forgot to make them practical.
  9. This reply proves just how TOTALLY clueless you really are. I didn't even bother to read the rest. Even Robotech fans know thats not what was going on in that scene. I don't see how anyone here can ever take you seriously, I know I won't from now on. Better yet, I won't even bother to respond to you. Agreed. The last time this came up on the old boards, we looked at the actual dialog from Ep 27, and it clearly stated that Minmay's singing was to be used as a weapon. Period. They used it to disable a sizeable portion of Bodolza's fleet, allowing them to destroy Bodolza. There was NO discussion of converting, saving or otherwise winning over the enemy. This wasn't about passion, but pure tactics.
  10. Awwww! You mean a person has to get banned before they can get a custom member title?
  11. I guess we can't expect to see an R1 release of Predator SE anytime soon, can we?
  12. Actually, I would have combined it with it's (superior) sequel, A Pack Of Gifts Now.
  13. Are those actual production photos, or are we still looking at the prototype? I'm really curious if Toynami will be able to manage that nice of a paint job.
  14. Crap! I'm never going to be able to afford that Luger at this rate.
  15. Wait....are you guys saying that Star Wars isn't real? Anyway, here's a scan of the new starfighter from the latest Insider magazine. I've cropped a bunch of empty stage from the pic so it wouldn't be too terribly huge.
  16. Woah, sounds like my kind of movie! Does he kill people!? It's Hulk Hogan, brother! The Hulkster don't kill nobody.
  17. Kidding aside, the only real beef I had with ROTK (and I admit it's a small, insignificant one) was that the Army of the Dead looked exactly like the ghosts in The Frighteners. I don't really have a problem with that, but I was just hoping for something new or different. And while I'm at it, I'd have liked to have seen them used a bit more dramatically. Imagine that shot from Pirates of the Carribean where you see the undead pirates marching underwater, but on a much much larger scale. Instead they just poured onto the battlefield like floodwater. Perhaps there's additional footage awaiting us in the ROTK:EE, but as it stands the dead's contribution to the battle is all too brief.
  18. I have some much better renderings stashed somewhere. I just need to find 'em for you guys. Edit: Try this one. Much, much better IMHO. http://www.galacticsenate.com/index.php?ac...=post&id=326250
  19. Nope, that's only for the Clone Wars cartoon and the acompanying toys. Theforce.net has fan renderings based on spy reports and webcam footage that's probably what the new starfighters will look like. Edit: Here's the best guess as to what it'll look like: http://cgi.theforce.net/image.cgi?Image=/e...compare_swi.jpg
  20. Already been discussed. Read about a few posts from the beginning.
  21. By that token, I could have included the original Lethal Weapon, along with Die Hard 1 and 2. <_<
  22. Strong are you in the dark side. Evil you are, yes. Think of the Holiday Special as one of those cubes from Hellraiser. Sure, it looks pretty neat, but if you play with it you're gonna end up in some nether realm with your skin flayed off by hooks and chains for all eternity.
  23. Technically, it was called the "Star Wars Holiday Special" so I didn't feel bad about leaving it out. For all we know, it may have been intended to celbrate Hanukkah, Ramadan, or maybe even Kwanza. OT: as somebody who's actually seen it, I've decided that I actually want you curious fans to find it and watch it. And then when it's over, and you're desperately clawing your eyes out to deaden the pain that the SW:HS inflicted on your soul, I get to punch each of you in the groin for beeing foolish enough to seek it out.
  24. The only excuse I can offer is... "D'oh." Poor little Ralphie definitely deserved a spot on that list.
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