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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Jeeze, why'd those other toys even bother showing up? A landslide indeed. Hardly surprising, though. That Convoy/Prime is one awesome piece of toy engineering.
  2. Hile, Gunsligers! To Me!! Aside from myself and Isamu, has anybody here read Wolves of the Calla yet? Or have you all forgotten the faces of your fathers?
  3. Here's a link to the first part of an interview with Whedon. Gee, do you think he's bitter? Yeah, FOX. You do suck.
  4. You have heard the american sound dub, right? Compare that to the original Aussie dialogue track and tell me you don't laugh every time you watch the americanized version... I dunno...I kind of liked the American version of Bubba Zanetti. He was flat and emotionless in a cool, Boba Fett kind of way.
  5. That's what we ended up doing! After running back and forth all over the level, and getting sick of my friend suggesting "did you look over there yet?" I just got fed up and said "I'm dumping this bitch into that huge hole." Of course it turned out that was the idea or something.
  6. 'Cus this site is just so much more exciting than http://www.marcosworld.com/
  7. Except for the 1/2 hour I wasted on the "dream" sequence in the beginning.
  8. [Luke] Who is she? She's beautiful. [/Luke]
  9. Macross World? Damn, I thought I'd bookmarked Robotech.com.
  10. Awesome stuff! I missed out on SMT's Star Wars kits, but I may have to send some business their way if and when that Monster becomes available.
  11. Isn't that the very same episode that gave us the *ahem* VF-1R and the cigarette-lighting GU-11? Anime Friend, you suck.
  12. [sarcastic guy] Whoa, whoa there. A fat, sarcastic Macross fan. You must be a whiz with the ladies. [/sarcastic guy] I'm sorry, but for that price it'd have to include a private "performance" by Mari Ijima. But that said, it'd be a cool helmet to wear if I was to ever road race my 'Stang.
  13. Why a gas truck specifically? Would a garbage truck be a suitable alternative? Or perhaps some kind of septic tank service truck?
  14. With 2 episodes left in Macross: Zero, I've got a sneaking suspicion we'll get to hear this "Song of Destruction" that Sara fears so much. The discovery of Mao's "treasure," Sara's rock floating antics, the "blood" from APHOS matching the island shaman's bloodline....all of the pieces are starting to fall into place. But like a puzzle that you've lost to box to, it's difficult to figure out just what we're piecing together. Let's put our noggins together and see if we can come up with an answer, sort of a "Unified Protoculture/APHOS theory." If anybody has the fansubs handy and is feeling ambitious, transcripts of any and all relavent dialog would be muy-muy appreciated. Personally, I'm beginning to believe that this "Song" will in fact turn out to be the very thing that attracts the Zentradi to our solar system in the first place. APHOS sings/broadcasts it's beacon, and the Zentradi show up and lay waste to the planet. Prophecy fulfilled.
  15. Natalie Portman is hot an all, but that's just plain creepy.
  16. bsu legato


    [Tarkin] This bickering is pointless. [/Tarkin] Seriously guys (and gals), enough of the High School theatrics, or I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot after science class. Anyway, I'm really tempted to get one but I'm afraid I'll have to wait until I see some reviews first. Even with Canada's strengthened dollar the Qua-Rau is one darned expensive non-transforming toy. I'm wondering if I'd be better off waiting for the inevitable VF-0 and SV-51 toys.
  17. What brand of paint were you using under the Dullcote?
  18. Anime going mainstream has gotten me the restored SDF Macorss & Mospeada sets (ie, not Robotech). That alone makes it all worthwhile to me. Otherwise, I'm just glad I can buy R1 anime at almost reasonable prices without having to search high and low for it, although the internet would have largely solved that by now regardless. I've never been turned off by a hobby of mine getting popular, since I'm long past the age where I'd feel compelled to fit in with the "cool" crowd, nor do am I driven to spend my time on something "unique" or "obscure." Anime and Japanese culture is just the flavour of the month for North Americans right now, and when it quiets down again we can go back to lurking in the shadows. At least we won't have to do it crappy fansubs any longer.
  19. Van Damme ees....All Washed Up I love that he and Segal are once again competing, only now it's for the title of Straight-to-Video B-movie Action Hero Wannabe. It's funnier than those stories that you used to hear about Van Damme getting his ass handed to him in assorted barroom fights. Hopefully these two chumps will be forgotten in another 10 years, and we can all pretend they never existed. And that stuff about Segal "teaching" cops to shoot is just scary.
  20. I'll wait for the 1:1 scale version. Seriously though, I love movie props and all, but there's no way I'd spend that kind of coin on a static showpiece like that. 18G will buy you all the Stormtrooper/Boba Fett/Colonial Marine costumes you want and leave you change leftover. Heck, $18,000 would make a good sized dent in an MFP Interceptor replica, and you can really drive it to boot.
  21. Just more proof that FOX is good at developing cool shows and then abusing them like a red-headed stepchild before prematurely cancelling them.
  22. Plus there'd be no story.
  23. Can I quote you on that?
  24. In the Go Go flashback scene the gross nerd asks her what she thinks of Ferraris, and she says they're Italian trash. Thank you. Graham Yep, Kill Bill certainly doesn't have much (if anything) in the way of memorable, quoteable dialog. Nice fan art tho, BoB.
  25. Predator 2. It's not a great sequel, but I feel it's certainly a cut above the average paint-by-numbers sequels we're inundated with today. But it does have some nice looking action sequences along with some excellent pre-CGI effects and Stan Winston's awesome creature.
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