With 2 episodes left in Macross: Zero, I've got a sneaking suspicion we'll get to hear this "Song of Destruction" that Sara fears so much. The discovery of Mao's "treasure," Sara's rock floating antics, the "blood" from APHOS matching the island shaman's bloodline....all of the pieces are starting to fall into place. But like a puzzle that you've lost to box to, it's difficult to figure out just what we're piecing together. Let's put our noggins together and see if we can come up with an answer, sort of a "Unified Protoculture/APHOS theory." If anybody has the fansubs handy and is feeling ambitious, transcripts of any and all relavent dialog would be muy-muy appreciated.
Personally, I'm beginning to believe that this "Song" will in fact turn out to be the very thing that attracts the Zentradi to our solar system in the first place. APHOS sings/broadcasts it's beacon, and the Zentradi show up and lay waste to the planet. Prophecy fulfilled.