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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. We're one step closer to Landmates, or Powerloaders. I can't decide which. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/tech/2007...obo.soldier.ksl
  2. ...And at virtually the same price as the Megahouse.
  3. Because if there's one thing a giant monster movie needs...nay, demands, it's realism.
  4. Why would you watch it raw? There was a fansub of it ages ago. FANSUB
  5. Just watched Razor, and here's some quick comments: - The Cain/Gina dynamic took a turn for the sexy! (no wonder Cain was so pissed) - Old school raiders! - Old school centurions!! - By Your FRAKKIN Command!!! - nice casting for young Adama. He plays a mean EJO - Cains well intentioned guerrilla war deteriorated into vengeful anarchy pretty damn quick - Shaw sitting on the bomb at the end was a bit cliche, but not horribly so - new doom & gloom prophecy regarding Starbuck? Girl can't catch a break, even when shes "dead"
  6. Blah blah blah, then Ideon destroys the entire universe. The End. And I thought Yukikaze was more emo than gay, but what do I know.
  7. Is it just me, or is Stick raising his visor in that picture. I had assumed that the Megahouse just had a solid sculpted head.
  8. What about the virtual lack of blood squibs in the shootouts? Has anything been cut back in?
  9. Those CM versions look way better than I was expecting, but to echo the popular sentiment, at that price I'll stick with Megahouse. Still waiting to see that damn Beagle version, though.
  10. Chud.com is reporting that they had not only recieved a similar rumor of Bale's casting, but that he was to be the next Terminator?! Dammit, for a movie that I don't want to see made, they're already doing their best to make me want to see it (McG's direction aside).
  11. I saw that story too. Now I'm all conflicted an' stuff...
  12. 'Splodey woman goodness...err, badness? Frustratingly brief glimpse of.....It? And some semi-spoiler pictures http://www.movieweb.com/news/91/24491.php
  13. In case there's anybody who's still mildly interested, Entertainment Weekly has some new PROMO PICS for T:SCC (and an awkward acronym that is.) Terminatrix Summer Glau is photoshoppy, as can be expected considering the subject matter, but Lena Headey as Sarah is pure sex. Having seen the pilot, she's actually a pretty good replacement. Unless, that is, somebody is prepared to moan about "Sarah Connor needing to be a blonde!" The rest of the show is....ehh, not entirely sucky, to my surprise. I can't see it lasting, but at least they gave it the old college try.
  14. I'm definitely leaning towards the Megahouse (it'll be a cold day in hell before I buy another Toynami product) but I'd really like to get a look at this vaporware Beagle version before I do any pre-ordering. Sure Megahouse's bike mode looks a bit small, but the tradeoff is a kickass armor mode. Someone should find & post a picture of a decent Imai Ride Armor. It seems to me that their take on it had better proportions than the Gakken rendition (and, by proxy, the Toynami.)
  15. Bullshit. Stand Alone Complex's Section 9's HQ may have been spotless, but the remainder of the shows locations were suitably "lived in." Hell, almost the entirety of 2nd Gig is spent in the shelled, worn-torn refugee sector, which was every bit as destroyed looking as anything Shirow ever put on paper.
  16. Pretty much my feelings. Some people just can't accept that it's not 1985 anymore.
  17. I'll admit that the old OVA is somewhat of a guilty pleasure for me. It's certainly an oversimplification of the manga, and painfully dated in some respects (that music is horrible) but there's still just something about it that makes me pull it off the shelf every once in a while. Maybe it's just some lingering excitement from 20 years ago at seeing those characters and events animated in the first place.
  18. It's a movie (and likely a bad one). Do the drapes really have to match the carpet?
  19. Just an FYI, there is now a torrent out there of the first volume of the Pailsen Files, containing both eps 1 and 2. Also, I've found a torrent of not only The Last Red Shoulder (previously available this past summer) but Big Battle and Roots of Ambition. They're all raw, unfortunately, but it's better than nothing.
  20. They used the typical MG-34/MG-42 ammo basket, big enough for one 50-round belt.
  21. Surprisingly, the pilot for SCC was.....not entirely sucky. Not great, mind you, but certainly a lot better than I was expecting. That is, until the last 5 minutes, which had me loudly (not quite shouting, since I couldn't care enough to do so) ask "Why would you do that? What was wrong with the premise of the show up until now?!"
  22. http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=news&id=12104 Not that I was hotly anticipating this movie to begin with, but it did look like it would at best be a serviceable action romp. Oh well, now at least the video game demographic can get into the theater to see Agent 47 pwnzor some nubs. lol
  23. Properly done, I believe a GITS movie could be breathtaking. The trouble is that the odds are really stacked against it getting a creative team who "gets" the material. Would anybody want to see a GITS movie directed by Brett Ratner?
  24. http://www.chud.com/index.php?type=news&id=12002 So it seems that James Wong of X-Files and Final Destination fame is now attached to write and direct a live-action DB movie. God, and here I had been close to comparing the Gatchaman movie to this supposedly dead project. Does this mean that we have to start worrying about the live action GITS* movie again? ie, a franchise actually worth caring about.
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