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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. All I get is "Tripod page unavailable" screen. Can somebody post a picture for me?
  2. Hmmm...I'm not too sure. The original theft was a near-complete Beta of HL2, but I don't believe it had any of the actual"story" portions of the game. This would imply a second code theft. I'd hope that after the first one Valve would have tightened up security.
  3. Just imagine the possibilities that the HL2 engine will open up.
  4. Not to mention that quack Erich von Daniken. He's been around since the early 70's.
  5. Out of morbid curiosity, can anyone tell me how the Robofans are reacting to this? Are they thrilled that HG has double dipped into their wallets (triple dipped, if they also bought the Mospeada/SC sets) and are foaming at the mouth in anticipation for preordering the remastered set?
  6. I've never heard that before... Sounds like a good explanation though. I've always heard the old "burden-load, mega road" evolution of the name. Not to mention the apocryphal stories that Macross is a bastardization of Macbeth.
  7. Hmmm....I dislike your Rainbow Brite-ism, but I defend your right to discuss and worship it. Fair enough?
  8. Right now, all they're saying is "Fall 2004," so yoour guess is as good as mine.
  9. It's just one of the many ultra right-wing references hidden in each and every episode of Macross.
  10. Interesting. That would certainly counteract the "I don't wanna be the Axis" phenomenon that has cropped up in Call Of Duty. On the downside, that means that all the weapons are coded exactly the same for both sides. Of course, since no game has actual bullet ballistics (yet) the only real difference between an AK and an M16 would be the rate of fire. Not that it bothers me, but it for sticklers for accuracy it would be a point of contention. Hmmm....maybe after I finish my delicious dinner, consisting of Doritos and Kokanee beer.
  11. Thanks, I must have missed that little blurb about the "OPFOR." But what do they mean by this comment? Is this supposed to mean that regardless of which team you pick, the other side will appear as the "Godless commie scum?"
  12. Yeah, that was a classic moment for me too.
  13. Actually, my friends and I were just discussing that game a few days ago. For a free game, it's supposed to run pretty good. How balanced is the gameplay? The official site doesn't really give you any idea what the bad guys get for weapons.
  14. *COUGH COUGH* Excuse me? You'd better take a look at the driver of the next Viper, Vette or Bimmer that you see in traffic. There's LOTS of rich folks who like to buy expensive toys just so they can flaunt them in fron of us plebians. <_< Oh yeah, nice looking toy and all. I like the articulation.
  15. No word on that one way or the other. The press release only mentions that Lucasarts is working with Pandemic. However, I doubt they're developing a proprietary game engine strictly for this game. I'd imagine that, like the Jedi Knight series, it will be based on another engine.
  16. PC, PS2 and X-Box.
  17. That depends...how much do they whine about the many toys Bandai produces?
  18. *UP!* Some new info was posted on the official site. http://www.starwars.com/eu/news/2004/01/ne...ws20040113.html It looks like some of my concerns have already been aleviated. It will handle 32 players online and up to 64 players via LAN. It will also include voice comm, which I don't need to say is good. In fact, when an online game omits voice comm these it's downright criminal.
  19. *nods in agreement with dejr8bud's post* And WTF is with this "Foley is a coward" angle? If it's going somewhere, just tell us already! If Foley is returning for the Rumble, tell us, because otherwise I'm already getting sick of it!
  20. Speaking of which, how are the subs on those boots?
  21. So is this a continuation of the original series, or a remake?
  22. A cheapo "Convertor" bootleg was my first Valk, wayyyyy back in about '86.
  23. Apparently you've never heard of the "Buddy Jesus?"
  24. No question!!!! Vostok 7 Indeed!
  25. Why, the Hory Froating Head of course!
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