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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Bah, Col. Mustard couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. However, that shifty Prof. Plum has an unholy fascination with that pipe wrench, and I could have sworn I saw him in the observatory on the night in question.
  2. True. I hadn't considered Rick & Co. making a comeback, but I guess anything's possible. Let's hope that those Sentinels make-overs remain in whatever hell spawned them. And 1BRD, it turns out that my old "Henshin Robo" Ride Armor refers to the Invid in the story capsule on the back of the box, engrish be damned.
  3. If Zeon is comparable to Nazi Germany, then the mecha from 0080 is like the last ditch refinements to their panzers. The King Tigers, the Panther II, the E-100 etc. That's why the Zaku FZ is the ultimate evolution of the Zaku. Besides, it was the Zaku FZ kai that took out the Alex, not the Kampfer.
  4. Yep, yet another snoozer of a RAW. I agree with A7 about Orton. I think he could be a good enough heel on his own, but he'll never have an serious heat while he's part of this Evolution garbage. At least he can win matches without stupid run-ins all the time. Or a sledgehammer. <_< The Rumble is looking like a turd. A real floater, too.
  5. *raises glass to toast* Yes. To Appleseed. That's what frustrated me the most about Shirows abortive attempt at Appleseed Book 5, as published in Hypernotes. The first thing that you notice when you read it is that....it's actually good. The story whipped along at a brisk pace, the story made sense, shirows oldschool humor had returned, Deunan kept her clothes on.....what more could you ask for? If Shirow wasn't pleased with his efforts at Book 5, I'm afriad to know what he really wanted to do.
  6. I've noticed that HLJ lists the Rick Dom as a "retool" of the original kit. Have all the 0080 kits been retools so far? If so, how improved are they over the original kits?
  7. Last year saw the release of the Zugok, Hygog and the (discontinued) GM cold-district in HGUC. Now HLJ is shipping the new Rick Dom II!! http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN923713 And next month we finally get an official kit of the Guncannon production type, the only one that doesn't look like ass IMHO. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN924121 It's about time that the classic mecha from 0080 gets some HG recognition. The GM Sniper is getting a B-club conversion kit and so is the Zaku FZ. Bandai had better get moving and make us some 1/144 kits of those too. Then all we need is the Alex and Kampfer and our 0080 mecha collections will be complete!
  8. Just further proof that toys are NOT for children.
  9. I'm in the minority that likes the blue on Max. IIRC, it was animated like that in Love Drifts Away. I think it was the later post-war episodes that featured the darker blue.
  10. bsu legato

    Yamato 1/48 M&M

    Hobby Link Japan has listings for both up now. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMTX-06 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMTX-05
  11. Cyc, you really don't think Tatsunuko wouldn't want to market RT2K4 in Japan as some kind of Mospeada sequel? It's not as if they'd be able to broadcast it as a Robotech sequel. Couldn't they just rewrite the script and replace the words "Invid" with "Inbit" and replace "Protoculture" with "HBT?" BTW, did you ever notice just how much they liked saying the words "HBT" in Mospeada? Seriously, every time it was mentioned it was like: Stig: "We need more HBT." Fuke: "HBT?" Jim: "HBT?" Stig: "Yes, HBT."
  12. Damn, that's nice. I wish I'd jumped on the Captain Carboard kits while they were still available. As I understand, the molds finally gave up the ghost. BTW, have you seen any photos online of the original Viper miniatures? I've got an old Monogram kit in my closet and I'd like to find some reference pics before I build it someday.
  13. By the way, I assume everybody noticed how Shirown managed to slip in a little Tentacle Sex in MMI #11. Seriously, was that really necessary?
  14. Sure, why not? Manga is a perfect media to explore all kinds of side stories without impacting the rest of the Macross universe. In fact I'm surprised that, aside from Trash 7, there haven't been any published.
  15. I wouldn't even go so far as to say Man Machine Interface had a lot of flash. At least, other than the pretty CG backgrounds. If Shirow had resorted to filling MMI with nothing but robot combat and explosions then I'd agree. But to really get anything out of this story it seems that you need a philosophy degree. I was ok with his stories when his characters would wax philosophical about insect exoskeletons or religous zealots in the third world, because at least that had some bearing on the story (sometimes). But in MMI it is the story, and I didn't become a fan of Shirows earlier works just to read a bunch of metaphysical/existential nonsense. Shirows better works have always balanced the mumbo-jumbo with an actual story, you know....plot, pacing, characterization. Thats what frustrates me the most about MMI. He's taken the "deeper" elements of the story and amped them up to a level that's absolutely unreadable. When you have to reread each page at least twice to get a sense of what the hell is going on, it become a chore just to finish the damn comic.
  16. Wow, that's pretty impressive. I'd love to see one of those sitting next to the Captain Cardboard X-Wing. Studio scale models rule.
  17. I don't know anything about Mars, but I keep having this weird-ass dream about a unicorn. And who keeps leaving these little origami figures all over my office?
  18. Since nobody's mentioned it yet.... What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz? Chicken?
  19. Nope, I think you summed it up pretty good. I just finished #11 over coffee here in my office, and all I'm left with is an overwhelming sense of apathy toward the entire MiM story. Instead of adding some insight into what was going on over the past 10 issues, we're treated to a bunch of talking heads discussing life, evolution and the universe. Ho-hum. Shirow, why hast thou forsaken us?
  20. Hahahahahah...Robotech 2004? If there's one thing that....wait, isn't it 2004 right now? Even if it's going to debut this fall, should they be announcing some...any...details by now? At least, that what nearly every other TV show would do.
  21. Do you ever get the feeling we took the wrong career path? I for one could easily deal with a fantasy land work schedule.
  22. But is that enough? Couldn't they have added something like "Original Story by Studio Nue/Artland" plus whoever wrote Southern Cross?
  23. Don't even joke about that, Super O. You wouldn't screw with us like that, would you?
  24. Slightly OT, but did you notice how that report from AICN is just one big run-on sentence? At least the other movie sites like Chud or Dark Horizons will report stuff in coherent english.
  25. Whose breasts are those anyhow? I've seen that avatar on several different message boards and it's been driving me nuts.
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