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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Highly unlikely, sonsidering that HG's vaporware anime RT2K4 is supposedly making its debut this year.
  2. You may be more right than you know. Combine this with the news of DYRL superunposeable toys, and suddenly things begin to fall into place. Maybe their vaunted RT2004 anime fell through, and HG has decided to do some hardcore milking of the Macross franchise.
  3. Ohhhh...I see. Probably to make it more XTREME!!!!!!, right?
  4. Just a moment....doesn't the Macross footage only account for roughly half of the RT opening credits? Are we supposed to believe that ADV spliced in the restored Animeigo footage into the credits? Something doesn't make sense here....
  5. I'd just like to add my "Huh?" to the chorus.
  6. I think 99% of that was simple fanboi rumors.
  7. Guys! It's February! Stop posting in this "Christmas" thread!!!
  8. Well to be fair, Megatron's original U.N.C.L.E. inspired P38 mode was decidedly stuck in the 1970's. If you wanted to update Megs, I think a Desert Eagle wuld be a perfect place to start. Or perhaps the S&W .500? Give it a modern aimpoint-style scope, and maybe a fancy muzzle break, and you're set.
  9. Yeah, if anybody has seen a bootleg of the Original-OT, please post a pic or description of the cover art so we can find it.
  10. Apparently you've missed all of the patented "Areaseven Bad Anime Reviews." Yeah, guess I did. I shudder to think what went in THERE!! Oh come on....aren't you at least a little curious to see what Bobobo-bo Bobobo-bo is like?
  11. Yeah that was a little odd, but I've pretty much come to terms with this issue long ago. Besides, anybody who's a really, really picky cinephile should wait until after Ep III before buying the OT. That way when there's the inevitable double dip, you'll only have to buy the OT once.
  12. Indeed. All that's missing is an architect bragging about how the tower is "unsinkable" and the recipe for disaster will be complete.
  13. You know....it's like I'm hearing an echo or something. I could have sworn that I predicted this six months ago, the last time this topic came up.
  14. Just for old times sake, I'd like to see Technovoyager, aka Thunderbirds 2086.
  15. I swear, that guy second from the left is actually trying to cop a feel.
  16. There's a semi-interesting article on Far Cry on this page, along with some nice screenshots. I think this game has some great potential. http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=15937
  17. I dunno...that Federation officer isn't half bad herself. It'd be a little hard to choose sides in a conflict like that.
  18. IGNfilmforce has a new behind-the-scenes short. http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/490/4902....html?fromint=1 Jeebus, is Kate Beckinsale hot!!!
  19. This has been discussed before. It's just an eerie coincidence.
  20. Besides, who needs stealth when you've got an AT-AT?
  21. Steam doesn't cost anything. It's even included in the retail Day of Defeat, where my experience with it comes from. The only costs are 1) price of game 2) dial-up/dsl fees. Edit: you don't need Steam to play single player, but you will need it for patches.
  22. Maybe it's just a poor translation of a vague press release, but that article just doesn't sell it for me. Besides, I was hoping it would be the long-awaited standalone Constructicons anime.
  23. Can anybody translate that title? I'm guessing it's NOT the next Macross project, like we had hoped it was.
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