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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Monsters in Motion used to have several Spinner kits in their catalog, but they all seem to be long OOP. The Medicom toy is the same. For a trinket included in the ultimate box set, the spinner toy is good enough. Probably as detailed as most licensed toys that scale would be, if such a thing were available. As for the rest of the set, all I have left to view is the workprint. Dangerous Days is the best documentary I've seen since Empire of Dreams on the SW dvds. The other featurettes are good too, but the real gem is the unused & alternate footage that's included as sort of a readers digest version of the film. It includes an earlier VO track by Ford and has some really eye-opening scenes. This was done for TV coverage, but I guess Scott decided it was better than the R-rated version. But what's really neat is the unused scene of Batty stumbling into the elevator after murdering Tyrell & Sebastian, and calling the Nostromo-esque computer "mother." Then there's Deckards ex-wife. Not only does she appear in a photograph with Rick on the exact same porch that Rachel's "childhood" photograph shows, but in an alternate Happy Ending Rachel asks Deckard just how long he'd known his ex. Then, Rachel ominously supposes that the two of them (Deckard & Rachel) were "made for each other."
  2. What about the fact that Storm Shadow, a Japanese-American, is being played by a Korean?! ZOMGWTFBBQ! teh end of teh wurld!! I'd also like to point out that David H is far, FAR too willing to discuss the intricacies of women's hair coloring for any male. Far too much for any straight male, that is. Just sayin...
  3. For those expecting the Final Cut to be some sort of drastically altered version of the movie, you're going to be massively disappointed. I watched it last night. What Ridley Scott has done is essentially tweak the '92 Directors Cut in terms of audio, clean up a few continuity errors due to dialog looping, remove some matte lines and the wires on the full-scale spinners. That's about it. There's still a unicorn dream, although it's cut differently than the '92 version and uses slightly different footage (the original footage Scott wanted to use was unearthed a few years ago). Edit: The '92 directors cut was based on the original domestic theatrical release, but the Final Cut uses the few extra seconds of violence from the international cut.
  4. Gearbox software is supposedly working on an Aliens based game. It was announced about a year ago, but so far they've shown absolutely nothing for it. It could be yet another case of vaporware.
  5. Only a few hours to go (unless you favorite e-tailer shipped it early). There's an awesome writeup of the 5-disc set on The Digital Bits. I think I'm going to stay up all night watching this stuff and call in sick on wednesday.
  6. This is incorrect. ToD was written by Willard Huyck, based on a story by Lucas. Crusade was done by Jeffrey Boam, again based on a story by Lucas. Lucas has no screenplay credits on all three original Indy films.
  7. It was pretty a good movie. Not one of the best of the year by any means, but a serviceable flick. Certainly a better survival horror movie than Resident Evil Extinction. Will Smith was quite good here, with a minimal amount of mugging for the camera. If I had a beef with the film, it's that the ending was a little weak. And by "little" I mean very much so. Like Wes said, it's more Omega Man than I Am Legend. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing. It just would be nice to see the real story someday.
  8. It's essentially sci fi violence porn for morons. It's like Hostel III: A Space Odyssey.
  9. Last Crusade is by no means a perfect movie, but it does have some strong points in its favor. The Ford/Connery chemistry is only denied by those viewers who are truly dead inside. But deeper than the banter between them is the father son dynamic and the maturation of that relationship, something I've appreciated more and more in my adult years. It's easy to dismiss the young Indy prologue (alas, poor River Phoenix...) but taken as a whole it's an essential part of the film, illustrating Henry Jr's eventual patterning of himself after the man he wishes his father was. Then you get the payoff when Indy slowly reconcinles with his estranged father. Is that not thematically pleasing? In addition to that, there's some great, snappy delivery by Ford, harkening back to the Han & Leia byplay. "Are you crazy? Don't go between them!" "Go between them? Are you crazy?" There's a goodly amount of action, but for me the tank chase is the standout. Nevermind the fact they manufactured a full scale Mk 8 tank replica for the movie, but the whole scene comes close to rivaling the truck chase in Raiders in terms of staging. You also get a decently involving treasure hunt, a hot femme fatal (head and shoulders above Kate Capshaw) and plenty of Nazi face-punching. The worst crime that Last Crusade commits (along with Temple) is that it's not as good as Raiders. And let's face it, this isn't even a fair comparison because Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the best action movies ever filmed. Next to it, nearly everything pales. Sure there's more humor than the previous films (probably a deliberate choice after the darkness of Temple) but is that really such a bad thing? These films were never intended to be as serious as some fans would believe them to be. To me, the humor allows Crusade to be it's own animal, distinct from Raiders. If a seqeul doesn't bring anything new to the table, then what's the point? It's not the best film, for all parties involved, but I'll gladly take another Last Crusade over 100 Van Helsings or Mummy Returns.
  10. I caught this last night. In a word...Pa-thetic. I liked how the Predalien (or whatever) chestbursts then in instantly a mature alien and killin' folks. That's actually worse than the first AvP where you could at least imagine that there was a slight lag. And why the hell does the predator accidentally blow a hole in the ship? Kinda suicidal, dontcha think? If only Predators had an easier way of committing suicide...oh wait, they DO! The whole clip is editied like a 6-year old would describe the movie, ie one big runon sentence. "OMG, ok so theres this ship and a predalien is on in an he kills a predator an the other predator tries to kill him and the ship crashes then these hunters get facehuggers an a predator sees a video of it and flies off!" At least that way the movie is on track to be mercifully less than 90 mins. And the last bit with the other Predator on his Pred-o-lounger made me "lol". But the worst part is that there will be fans, some of which inhabit this very board, who'll look at this and love it. "Yes! Predalien! Take that, other anonymous predator!" "Woot, blew a hole in teh ship!" "D'oh! A deer!" "Oh snap! Melted his arm off!" etc, etc...
  11. If you have a copy of all 5 episodes of Shining Heresy, I'd definitely be interested!
  12. I believe the DVDs of Mellowlink and the other OVAs were just released for the first time just this spring. I'd hoped that somebody would have ripped & subbed them by now, but that doesn't seem to be happening. It's such a better use of fansub groups' time to sub the same 2007 shows that 18 other groups are already doing. Still, I have the raw versions of the other OVAs in case I ever find an .srt file for them.
  13. I'll freely admit that 00 is quickly losing my interest as well. I do give the writers full credit for trying to create a well rounded new world, complete with new ideas & conflicts. The down side is that we're still being "treated" to the same crap that's made the last several Gundam incarnations nigh unwatchable. Sullen-but-oh-so-uber protagonists in their unbeatable mobile suits, doing all they can to pose for the next Bandai HG plamodel commercial. I seem to remember a time when a Gundam pilot had to actually work to win a battle, but ever since Wing every Gundam show has gone down this boring, repetitive path where ridiculously overpowered Gundams (complete with sullen pilots) wade through enemies like they weren't even there. It's like expecting the Harlem Globetrotters to lose a game. ("But the Generals were due!") And don't even get me started on the Exia Gundam. It's a step in the right direction after SEED, and it's lightyears better than SEED Destiny, but my patience for wasting bandwidth on this show is rapidly dwindling.
  14. Good news: It's subbed. It looks like a dump of an old VHS fansub, so the quality isn't great. But hey...it's better than not seeing it.
  15. Won't know for certain until I watch it. I found this torrent completely by accident when I clicked on the wrong bookmark.
  16. Hey, who'd like to see the Mellowlink OVA spinoff? LINK I had trouble launching the torrent directly from this link. If the same thing happens, just "save as" the torrent link and launch it directly from your pc.
  17. Michael Bay can at least point the camera in the right direction, and Uwe Boll can only dream of having Liefeld's success. Naw, if he's anybody, he's the comic version of Stephen Sommers. No real talent, but successful enough to make people think he's talented.
  18. Long story short, if domestic companies want me to buy their products (and I do buy some anime) then they're going to have to do a better job of making it accessible. I don't watch a lot of anime these days, and like even less of it, so there is just no way that I am going to buy something on the off chance that I like it. Anime is nonexistant on Canadian TV these days, outside of the generic Poke-Card Captor-Yu Gi-whatever crap that infests the youth TV channels, so that might be a place for them to start. If other companies follow Funi's lead on the iTunes front, that'll help. Maybe stream an episode or two online for samplers. But there is just no way I'm spending another nickel on anime sight unseen. Waiting up to 2 years to see the R1 release of a show is bad enough, but when that show turns out to be a gigantic steaming turd you've just wasted $30 on a coaster. That was how I wound up with a copy of "Ninja Resurrection." (VHS actually, but the analogy stands) Never mind that half the stuff I download are fansubs of old, oooold anime that nobody seems to be inclined to licence. Am I supposed to feel guilty about watching Harlock SSX or Hokuto no Ken 2? The chances of them seeing an R1 release are between slim and none.
  19. Perhaps a better title would have been "Liefeld vs Talent" or "Liefeld vs Creativity" then? How about "Liefeld vs Art?" Look, even if we accept the "poor" grasp of anatomy that Romita, Miller et all supposedly have, Liefeld is worse than them by an order of magnitude. The list of his crimes goes far beyond a mere disproportioned triceps or a gross ignorance of foreshortening. There's the absolute laziness in his backgrounds, his inability to design any prop, costume, or character that doesn't looks identical to everything else he's ever done, but the ultimate mark against him is the copying, copying COPYING. But don't take my word for it. Take a look at THIS link, indicting him for his 40 worst illustrations ever. The man is anti-talent. He's a black hole for artistry.
  20. http://jrients.blogspot.com/2007/02/oh-my-...-seriously.html You can't make this stuff up. I find this offensive, not because I'm religious (although that would also be a valid reaction to Liefeld's mangling of the subject matter) but because I cannot believe that he's still...STILL getting work in the comic industry.
  21. Don't be such a spoilsport, EXO. You know it can't be a complete thread until somebody cries "Photoshopped!"
  22. Has there been any word on a possible fansub of Vol 1 yet*? I watched the raw episodes a couple of weeks ago, and while I liked what I saw I'm sure I'd take more away from the story if I could actually understand it. * or better still, some news on potential R1 licencing
  23. And since nobody else has posted it, here's the third of those leaked pics. Ford may be showing his age in the first two, but this one could almost pass as something from Last Crusade.
  24. Take a look at this higher resolution version of the same pic. You can clearly see that it's a Webley, likely another Mk VI.
  25. Legit.
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