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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Yeah, I'd be happy if every FPS had iron sights too. But sadly there's still a lot of resistance to iron sights in some circles, probably from the Quake-style "twitch 'n' shoot" kiddies.
  2. Ooh....fans of other cartoons don't like us. How will I go on? And Tommy can take all the shots at us that he likes. It doesn't change the fact that he's an unprofessional punk.
  3. Not quite. What it does is sort of hold the gun closer to the screen, and gives you a slight zoom. However, you move slower while doing this. Also, you can "hold your breath" while aimed, giving you a slight increase in accuracy. But you DO NOT use the actual sights on the firearms, as in Vietcong of CoD.
  4. Well it is still possible that there's problems with hit detection, being a demo and all. Iron sights like Op Flashpoint and Call of Duty are cool, but I don't know if they'd really be suited to a game like Far Cry.
  5. I don't know...I don't seem to have too much trouble hitting the mercs. Are you guys using the "aim mode"? I have it set to my right mouse button, and can usually headshot guys from a reasonable distance. The only problem I run into is a quick lag spike when I ambush the first 4 guys at the beginning of the demo.
  6. Hey, I don't cry when "Robotechfan78" takes a shot at us. In fact, it's sometimes good for a laugh. But I do expect people to comport themselves like professionals. I have opinions about some of my coworkers, customers and rival companies, and you know what? I keep my opinions to myself when I'm discussing them in business circles. You know why? It's because I'm a frakking professional, thats why. Tommy on the other hand...? Well, this is HG we're talking about here. HG and ethics don't especially go hand in hand.
  7. Its not just you. Macross fans like to argue about 7. A lot. Imagine the catholics and protestants in North Ireland. Now change them to Macross fans.
  8. We ran those bastards off of this message board for a reason. Heh. You think they're bitter? I once saw that somebody had re-registered as "Steve Yun" on the new boards, but sadly he has yet to post anything. Besides, they've got enough synchphants who will appraise them of everything we say or do, however irrelevant it may be.
  9. I just love how Tommy boy couldn't resist taking a little jab at us. You're truly a freakin' professional, Tommy.
  10. This is the word from Ubi Soft, as confirmed on the official forums. 4 install discs, plus one "play" disc.
  11. Thanks for the update, ewilen. Interesting developments in the ongoing saga.
  12. Only the European release will be DVD-only. Us schmucks here in North America will have to load up no less than 5 CDs.
  13. Don't hold your breath. Weaver has always been a b*tch about the use of her likeness, and won't allow said likenesses to include any guns. Case in point, the otherwise excellent "Ripley" kit Geometric made a few years back. She wouldn't let them include an M41A/flamethrower, even as an option.
  14. You guys are still having problems downloading the demo? Yeesh, just how the hell did I manage to get it in the first place? I don't know what to tell you guys...hopefully it'll get featured in PC Gamer, so you can just throw the disc into your PC. Oh, and Uwe Boll is the cinematic equivalent of the AntiChrist. Seriously, House of the Dead was an afront to all that's good and decent in the world. Why do people give him money to make films?
  15. So who here has managed to download the demo? anybody? Bueler? If you're still wondering if it's worth the 1/2 gig download, take a look at these fan videos on the official site. Ragdoll physics are f-u-n. http://farcry-thegame.com/uk/index.php?changesite=flash
  16. No, but revenge is a dish best served with fava beans and a nice chianti.
  17. We don't. At least, we don't in the episodes that I've seen. I think that's one of the fundamental flaws of Yukikaze. We're thrown into this story with no idea of who or what the "JAM" are and yet in the 1st episode we're supposed to automatically accept that they can disguise themselves as another Yukikaze.
  18. But you forget that they don't want to create new mecha. They want to use the existing Macross mecha. Think of all of those sites that have already assimilated the VF-11, YF-19 and so forth. By all accounts, there's one or two of these individuals in particular who have HG's ear when it comes to RT continuity (sorry if I forget their names). Is it any surprise that they'd want to see this stuff canonized?
  19. I dare HG to try "borrowing" the VF-0. Heck, I'll double dog dare them. Whats the matter, Tommy Yune? Chicken?
  20. *gasp* Fullscreen heathen! Actually, it's not even that simple anymore. T3 was shot in a format (I forget which it was called) that actually gets matted to create the theatrical ratio. THat's why the "Fullscreen" version, which was unmatted, actually had more image than the widescreen version.
  21. And for the love of God people, there's an Extended Edition coming a few months after this! Only buy this one if you don't care about the EE version! And if you don't have a soul, buy the "fullscreen" version.
  22. How about this one?
  23. No kidding. I hope this finally convinces the anime community what we've been preaching all along. HG is morally and creatively bankrupt, and cannot allow Macross to flourish on its own merits without somehow absorbing its assets into their own plagaristic universe.
  24. So much for the claims that HG "had no interest in merging the remainder of Macross into the RT universe."
  25. It's time to contact the Sith. What time is it over there in HK anyhow?
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