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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. And as it turns out, WhiteDrew has failed us in his Starshipmodeler reportings. Would you care to explain how you missed this gem? http://www.starshipmodeler.org/gallery8/db_battlepod.htm
  2. Yesssss....well, we prefer not to think about what might have been (it makes us cry).
  3. Danger, Will Robinson! Thread rapidly veering off course.
  4. Oh poo. I'll have to keep my eyes open if and when Valkyrie offers more of his recasts then. Did anybody here ever break down and order that MiM kit?
  5. Is the similar to the recast that Monsters In Motion is/was offering?
  6. Actually, if you re-read this thread and its spinoffs, you'd see that most people here are actually pretty satisfied with the looks of the final prototype. However, most of us are balking at the $80 price tag. It's at least $30 more than it's worth, based on what other companies are offering in that price range.
  7. Urge...to watch....Wrestlemania....diminishing.
  8. I can't speak for the KITT model, but many of the AMT Ertl kits are former MPC kits. They weren't bad in their day, but by today's standards they're getting pretty dated.
  9. Well...if you exclude the Maya natives, yeah. But their beliefs seem to be kind of important to Zero, don't they?
  10. *pulls out hair* Starting another TV vs DYRL thread...? What have you done?
  11. Dear God, my eyes!!!!! Why do they burn?
  12. Isn't the "Cannon Fodder" SV-51 already low vis-ish? Of course, Hasegawa will wait and offer it as a variant kit.
  13. Hmm....I'm not entirely sold on the VF-0 yet. It's not bad, per se, but I'm not exactly jumping up and down in anticipation either. I'll just have to get comfortable up here on the fence until this thing comes out. That Hasegawa SV-51 on the other hand...? Astounding! I'm going to have to buy three of them!
  14. You know....in a world with common sense, these two would go hand in hand without question. Both the M16 and the 5.56 have had "issues" over their service life, and it would only be logical to look at replacing BOTH at the same time. Start over with a clean slate, so to speak. But of course, here on planet earth things don't work that way...
  15. Preach on, brother!
  16. Alright, who's the lone joker who voted "$80 and up"?
  17. Ah well, it was only $10 Billion dollars. There's plenty more where that came from.
  18. When this was last discussed back on the old boards, somebody posted this picture. To me it looks DYRL-ish, but I could be mistaken.
  19. Pfft....Pokemon teaches kids to keep pets confined in impossibly small containers, and to only free them to fight in perverse gladitorial combat, all for the glorification of the slave master....er, I mean "trainer."
  20. Ok gang, you'd better all upgrade your computers this spring, becasue we HAVE to play a Macross World deathmatch. Download this new multiplayer video I found. I think this is the MP demo that is in beta testing right now. This is going to be f'ng fun!! http://www.downloads-arena.com/download.as...1&nw=1&id=11089
  21. The price tag may be a little daunting for a newcommer, but an airbrush will be the best investment you can make if you're serious about modeling. And airbrushing red paint over a black base coat will just aggrivate you. Red is notoriously difficult to work with. If you want to truly replicate the "Max Technique" you be better off applying white over the black primer, then spraying your red. But the Max technique is just a variation of whats generally known as "pre-shading." The difference, as I've seen it explained, is that Max mostly uses clear colors over his base coats. While this does create some interesting finishes, it's not vital.
  22. Yep, there's definitely too much anime magicu in the design of the Legioss. It almost makes the old VF-1 line art look like it was done in 3d CAD software.
  23. Put me down for $40. Given the Alphas tiny stature, plus the likely Toynami QC and design issues, I'd have a real hard time justifying any more money.
  24. I believe that the corpses may be a variable you can reset. IIRC, Half Life had a "corpsestay" variable, so I can't see why Far Cry wouldn't. Besides, half the fun with ragdoll physics is playing with the buggers after you've fragged 'em.
  25. I say go for it. There's been so many cool customs posted over the years, and they deserve to be archived somewhere. Why no Macross World?
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