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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. No fair! You can edit without any "Edit" tags showing up! Agent ONE is going to hate that. At least she wasn't singing "Zero G Love."
  2. Meh. Diecast was cool and all, back when I was a kid and every toy was potentially a weapon to be thrown at my little brother. Today, I can really live without it. Give me a toy entirely molded in one color anyday, as opposed to parts painted to match plastic. And as far as the $$$ is concerned, collectors should just resign themselves to forking over large amounts of it every time. That's sadly the nature of the hobby. And as far as the "innacurate sculpt" is concerned, the only difference I've seen pointed out was the changed cockpit. For all we know, that may have been mandated by Kawamori. That whole biomechanical aspect of Zentradi mecha only appears in DYRL, and he may very welll have retconned it back out of continuity.
  3. Weirdo.
  4. You know....it sounds to me like you're in the wrong hobby. I'd try suggesting a new one, but I honestly don't want to sound like I'm flaming you.
  5. Hey now. The music may be fairly trite, but at least Mari Ijima has a set of pipes that can sing. Unlike her Robotech counterpart, that is...
  6. Awesome review as usual, Graham. I may have to get one of these after all.
  7. bsu legato


    Well I can't say that I'm surprised about the balance issue. Just look at how top-heavy the Rau is! But the lack of articulation is a disappointment. Maybe I'll look for one on clearance. Which reminds me, it's nearly time to go hunting for the FAST pack VF-11!
  8. It's just too bad that Thomas Jane didn't sink that knife in any deeper when he was filming that fight scene in The Punisher. The world would be 1/2 of the way to being rid of those two has-beens. Still, there's hope for some kind of lethal "accident" on the set of Blade III.
  9. LOL! Funny, but true.
  10. I can imagine the ads for that... Now with 30% more fanservice!
  11. My point exactly. Besides, as a 'historical" film within the Macross universe, DYRL is severely lacking.
  12. Yeah, from what I've read today, the full body shot is a photochop based on the headshot. But otherwise, everything else seems legit. We've already seen renders of Grievous' ride, the speeder and the quasi AT-ST.
  13. second batch....
  14. Here we go....
  15. I have them on my pc. Give me a few minutes....
  16. Evidently Jedidefender.com is one of those weird SW fan pages that doesn't like you linking directly to the story. I never did understand that. Go to http://www.jedidefender.com/index.php and click on the first story. Those pictures are either real, or they're well done fan art based on the real deal. They're too close to the known spoilers that have come out to be made up.
  17. I believe there's also talk of Dennis Quaid playing a younger pre-commisioner Gordon.
  18. With one glaring difference. Nobody walked out of Batman & Robin saying that Joel Schumacher "raped" their childhood.
  19. I hope they forget about the existing Batman movies altogether. Batman and Batman Returns were ok in their day, but in hindsight they were more "Tim Burton" than they were "Batman."
  20. The in-universe answer (which some here tend to wrongfully use as a "real life" answer) is that DYRL is merely a docu-drama, filmed some time in the 2040's. Its the "Pearl Harbor" of Space War 1. The real answer? Its hard to say exactly. Many times when an anime gets the cinematic treatment (and I don't mean an edited/abridged version of the TV series) things will get jumbled around like this. If you read up on the production of the original SDF Macross series it was actually a pretty troublesome production, what with the series length being raised and lowered seemingly on a weekly basis. To my eyes, DYRL represents sort of a "Do Over" for the Froating Heads. A chance to start over again without filler and/or repetitive episodes.
  21. Just thinking about transforming that monstrosity give me carpal tunnel.
  22. Step 1 - visit http://www.valkyrie-exchange.com Step 2 - place order Step 3 - wait 1-2 weeks Step 4 - Enjoy unaltered DYRL goodness.
  23. Do you think those molds of yours have a few more months of life left in them? I'm up to my eyeballs in bills right now, and it wouldn't be until April at the earliest before I should think about buying more models.
  24. bsu legato

    Yamato rumors

    LOL! Yeah, that was amusing to see. Now we'll have to compete to see who gets mentioned by name over there. Anyway, thanks for the translations. It looks like some of those fans are as obnoxious, outspoken and opinionated as we are.
  25. 2050 posts into the new boards and you're just noticing Abombz now? Where've you been?
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