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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. A Joint Operations demo before the end of the month? That's what a Novalogic guy said on one of the Joint Op forums last week. Now if we could just get some gameplay footage of Soldner, we'd be that much closer to making an informed decision on which to buy.
  2. It matches what is shown in Memory Perfect, so I'm inclined to say its legit.
  3. I'd rather have a real life Seburo.
  4. Meh. Trailers mean very little in this case. Paul Anderson has never had a problem making a film that looked good, visually speaking. Its his absolute inability to tell a story thats his downfall. I guess we'll see, one way or the other, this august.
  5. Didn't the master grade Nu Gundam get a slight "facelift" from Katoki?
  6. Just for comparisons sake, here's what the competition has to offer. http://www.dfmax.com/jointoperations/multimedia.htm Its still too early to judge which game is better. Soldner has yet to release an official trailer yet, so we can't compare the gameplay footage. Joint Op doesn't have an official page yet, so we can't compare game features. I will say that Soldner seems to have a much more ambitious scope to the game, particularly in single player mode. Instead of creating individual levels, they went and modeled the whole freakin' world, or at least the geographic areas that the game will take place in. Its just one big map. Apparently, it would take you 200 hours to cross it on foot. But I really like the way Joint Operations lets you sit on the Little Bird helos, Black Hawk Down style.
  7. Damn, I clicked on this thread hoping that there was a new trailer or something.
  8. Official or not, I enjoy each and every entry on your site, Nanashi.
  9. Funny you should mention that. I read in one of the official "diaries" by the dev team that they have actually coded a variable for that. However it is currently turned "off" in the game engine. Whether it ever gets turned on or not depends on community input. And the team has shown that they do listen to their community. Of course, if it does get activated ingame, then there is no way in hell I will be seen online using any of the AR family.
  10. Felix was never married in the books. After getting snacked on by the shark, he retires to work for Pinkertons, then is recalled to active duty by the CIA in Thunderball. AFAIK, that was his last appearance in the original books. As for Joe Don Baker? I'm sorry, but he'll always be Mitchell to me. Mitchell....heart pounding...Mitchell!! Blood clotting....Mitchell!!
  11. Ugh! Tell me about it! But I think I have some insight into at least part of its popularity. Think of these gamers who have no real insight into how real things work here on planet earth, be they pc gamers or pen & paper RPG geeks (and I still know three or four). To them, the Desert Eagle looks great....in theory. On paper, there's nothing NOT to like about it? Semi Auto...heavy calibre...badass looks. But these people will never have to - carry it - shoot it - complain about its shortcommings - and most importantly...PAY for it, and its ammunition.
  12. I'd just like to chime in and agree that Opus is indeed a wise man. But then, we already knew that didn't we?
  13. Is that the one that Dragon produced last year?
  14. Well I for one cannot wait for the Appleseed movie, much moreso than GITS: Innocence. Changes to the character designs aside, it looks to me like like the action firmly takes place in Shirows world. The animators seem to have a firm grasp of how Shirow used to meticulously compose his fight sequences and seeing them animated will be jaw-dropping. And even though it's a little Matrix-ish, Deunan's forward sommersault over that cyborg's claw swipe is one of the coolest things I've seen in anime for some time. I just hope that the story holds up to the same standard.
  15. Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.
  16. I suspect that the GU-11 is commonly loaded with some sort of AP round. There's one clip of animation that is reused several times in the early episodes of SDF Macross, where a battlepod is hit by gunpod fire, and the tracers are seen to pass clear through the body.
  17. That was actually taken from the novel "Live and Let Die" which was the 3rd or 4th Bond novel written. Leighter actaully spent the remainder of the novels with a hook for a hand, and a gimpy leg.
  18. Yeah, they made some odd choices in a few of the weapons. G11? The Jackhammer? They might have been "future" weapons in the late 80's, early 90's but they're long since abandoned today. Where's the Sig 550? No Glock? (I'm sure you particularly felt that abscence, JsARC) Edit: JsARC, I know I told you I was looking forward to Joint Operations, but from what I've seen Soldner has already blown it away. Still, I'll wait for both demos before deciding who's da winnah.
  19. You're forgiven. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...51&hl=appleseed
  20. Did I mention the 100% destructible environments. At last, when you kill that stupid sniper with your RPG you won't just leave a black scorch mark in the window. You'll blow the corner off the freakin' house!!
  21. With the absolute glut of next-generation FPS games coming out this year, one is clearly looking to take the crown from Battlefield 1942 as #1 "Vehicles 'n' Stuff" game. http://soldner.jowood.com/ Set in the year 2010, its a massive, massive online battle experience. It features all the bells and whistles that one would expect from a next-gen game, like an up-to-the-minute physics engine and all the equipment listed in Janes Big Book of Modern Military Vehicles, but what sets Soldner (wtf is with that spelling, anyhow?) is its insane customizability. In normal Quake/HL games you can simply reskin your player model however you like. However, this relies on the other players having the same skin for them to see you in your pretty new clothes. Soldner actually lets you select individual components from a preloaded library to "asemble" your player. Got a gaming clan? You will be able to upload your own unit patches to the server. The game boasts a staggering arsenel of firearms. It will ship with no less than 70 different small arms of nearly every nationality you can imagine, with the promise of many more to come. Making players like myself and JsARCLIGHT happy, it will feature realistic weapons physics and Vietcong/Call of Duty style "iron sights." For those who choose not to drive/fly around in vehicles, theres also mines, rocket launchers, grenades and sharp sticks. There will be at least one interesting new mulitplayer mode. They are creating a persistant online "world" which will be divided amongst any and all registered clans. Each clan will have the opportunity to challenge another clan for a specific time and date. That's right, boys and girls. You can actually conquer the online world. (I don't recall if it said what happens when you lose your territory.) Oh yeah, special dedicated game servers will be capable of hosting up to 128 players!!! No more sissy skirmishes of 16 on 16. this game will feature enormous battles!!
  22. Yeah, that was definitely a baseball bat to the testicles. Thanks for nothing, WB.
  23. I dunno either. The idiots on the radio this AM were talking to Booker T, and afterward said something about it being this Sunday. It wouldn't be the first time they were wrong...
  24. So....who's actually watching Wrestlemania. It *is* this weekend, isn't it?
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