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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. They've just announced a Smackdown taping for Winnipeg this July, but frankly my interest in paying to see the WWE in its current state is very unappealing. I'll wait and see how the Backlash turns out before I decide. If the results are anything like A7 is predicting (and I'm inclined to believe he's 90% right on his predictions) then forget it. And lets not forget their current "Canada is for heels only" bullshit. Sorry, Vinnie Mac. You can't have my money.
  2. [Rabid Fanboy] Then your friend should either get laser eye surgery, or find another hobby [/Rabid Fanboy] Seriously people, this Sub versus Dub debate is old, old, oooooooooold. Get over it. Now that we all have DVD's with both formats, why is this even an issue any more?
  3. No kidding. I absolutely loathe obnoxious picture sigs, whether it some video game kiddie's "i r teh cool sniper" sig, or a thousand pictures of somebody's car. pics in sig = punch to the groin
  4. I'm still not convinced that these will ever go as "cheap" as the MPC VF-1. After all, we live in a crazy world where people will pay THIS much for a "Rick Hunter" MPC.
  5. you fargin' icehole. Man, would you two get a room already? Or possibly some kind of Island? An Island where you could make all of your Fantasies come true. God I'm funny...
  6. Ouch! You'd think those were Canadian prices, or Yen even! You'd be better off finding the older versions and repainting them.
  7. Wowsers! That's still the single best Macross poster ever. Would there by chance be a link to the full sized version? It'd make an awesome wallpaper for my work PC.
  8. Just to update this thread.... Here's the supposed specs for the DVDs. - 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen, THX Certified - English Dolby Digital 5.1 EX; English, Spanish & French Dolby Surround - George Lucas, Ben Burtt, Dennis Muren & Carrie Fisher Commentary - Irvin Kirshner (ESB) & Lawrence Kasdan (ESB, ROTJ) Commentary - Star Wars: The Independent Films Documentary (150 mins) - The Evolution of Characters Featurette (30 mins) - The Influence of Star Wars Featurette (20 mins) - Lightsabers/Fights Featurette (10 mins) - 1977 Vintage Star Wars Featurette (20 mins) - Episode III Behind the Scenes Preview (10 mins) - Star Wars Battlefront X-Box Video Game Preview - Original & 1997 Re-Release Teasers and Trailers - Original TV Spots & 1997 Re-Release TV Spots - Comprehensive Posters and Artwork Gallery - DVD-ROM: Link to StarWars.com Website That's actually pretty good, IMHO. However, I've also heard some interesting rumblings about a bunch, and I mean a big Texas sized BUNCH, of archival footage being unearthed recently. Most significantly is the near entirety of the famous Star Wars deleted/alternative footage!!! That's right. They've apparently found - the wampa attack on Echo base - John D's brief role in the Death Star battle - the sandstorm from ROTJ you name it, they've found it. Word is that much of this is being cleaned up for a future, all-encompassing DVD release. Now that is some footage that I've always wanted to see.
  9. Here's the article:
  10. I saw those articles last week. Tarantino wanting to film a Bond movie I've heard several years before. But truthfully, Casino Royale would NOT be a great movie, if adapted faithfully. Sure, there's some great characterisation, but there is ZERO action. Bond plays bacarat for the entire book, then crashes his car and has his balls tortured before being "rescued" by an agent of SMERSH. Adding fuel to the fire, Dark Horizons is reporting that Heath Ledger is the new "maybe" to replace Brosnan. Ugh, this just gets better and better.
  11. Looks good to me. Keep in mind that those CGI shot of Spidey are likely not finished shots. However, if they look like that in the movie when it hits the theaters.... I think Venom would be an OK villain for a future installment, but you can bet that if any villain would raise the ire of CGI haters, it would be Venom. I think it's obvious that the Lizard is a likely candidate for a future sequel. And there's always the possibility of one of the many Hobgoblins making an appearance. My money is on Harry Osborne in that role.
  12. Looks like a primitive version of Briareos from Appleseed.
  13. http://www.psxnation.com/movies/mgs3_camouflage_e.wmv Is it just me, or is changing your camo several times a level just getting silly? Worse, why are we allowed to change it instantaneoulsy in a "realistic" game like Metal Gear? If they'd kept the quasi-futuristic setting of the original Metal Gear Solid games, I could have accepted that Snake was using some kind of adaptable camo suit, but instead we're supposed to accept that '60's era "Snake" (or is it Big Boss?) is carrying a backpack stuffed full of different jumpsuits. "Oh look, some shadows. I'll put on my 'black' camo." "Oh look, a clump of grass. I'd better get out my 'woodland' camo."
  14. One of my favorite tactics was to snipe 2 or 3 mercs from extremely long range, then circle around behind them while they try to flush me out. There's a few levels where you can successfully "Solid Snake" the entire level without firing a shot, but I think my favorites are the levels where you get a jeep or a boat and just blast through the entire level.
  15. Mesa liken da Macross Zero.
  16. So has anybody else beaten this game yet? The last level was frustrating as hell, but I enjoyed every minute of it. This game was one of the best gaming suprises in a long time. It will likley be one of my favorites for some time, especially since Soldner and Joint Ops are both looking kind of "Meh" to me.
  17. Yeah, that's the only thing I'm not digging about the GBP-1. If I get one, those things are staying in the box. Thumbless DYRL hands all the way! Say....I hope this thing can hold a gunpod.
  18. Practical or not, I still think its cool that somebody has the stones to actually manufacture and market something like that. Now, when am I going to get my officially licensed Mad Max Interceptor?
  19. lol! I had forgotten about that 'argument." 1/48 detractor: "How do you sleep at night?" 1/48 owner: "On a gigantic pile of money, surrounded by many beautiful Valkyries."
  20. Where's that "Happy Birthday" emoticon when we really need it?
  21. As a famous smuggler once quipped, What good's a reward if you aren't around to spend it? Even if they were making as much as Agent ONE suggested, it still wouldn't be enough to get my selfish ass over there. If I were going to go play in the "sandbox," it would have to be for the big, BIG bucks. What's the reward on Osama these days anyhow?
  22. The Soldner: Secret Wars demo is out. http://soldner.jowood.com/?RubrikIdentifier=726〈=en I'm stuck at work, so if anybody else manages to download it today, be sure to post your opinions of the demo.
  23. I assume that everybody noticed what all three of those wrestlers had in common? Yeah, we love you too, Vinnie Mac.
  24. Wasn't there talk of a kitbash using an old Imai or Arii GBP-1 kit? I think it was back on the old boards.
  25. That certainly brings new meaning to the title "Battle Fairy," doesn't it?
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