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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Umm...the in-ter-net? Unless you're watching in in Japan, your only option currently is to download it. I haven't seen any mention of a R1 release yet.
  2. I was going to start my own thread about FMA, but since Bob joe mac had this thread first I'll just bump it instead. So, has anybody watched this show? I've seen up to #27, and I have to say I'm impressed. I was skepical about the concept at first, but this show has really hooked me.
  3. Well if we're going to do it, then we should DO IT. First, I'd imagine we should see if Anasazi is even interested in the job. From what I've seen, he's extrememly busy in his offline life. Secondly, we'd have to see how much interest there is. I have no idea how many orders he'd want before he'd consider doing this.
  4. Great stuff, Sam. You've really nailed the "baby puke blue/green" of the Ride Armor. What paints are you using? And where'd you get that Bateau kit? You should repost it in the "Masamune Shirow" thread.
  5. Has nobody mentioned Aeryn's Peacekeeper Prowler from Farscape yet?
  6. Perhaps we should commission Anasazi to make us a set of reproduction Macross Zero markings, in either 1/72 or 1/48 scale. Then we can just build the kit of our choice without having to buy the M:Zero kits just for the decals.
  7. I keep waiting for this site to be funny. It still hasn't happened yet.
  8. Well if you're going to get nitpickety, then I regret to inform you that the Naboo N-1 does NOT have interstellar capability. However, range was never mentioned in this topic, so why bother arguing about it?
  9. even the official site refer to it as a starfighter then their wrong. a star fighter is a fighter that travelrs intestelar distances. you cna clal anythign a star fighter but it dosnt; change the basic definiton. Nope. A hyperdrive does not a Starfighter make. At least, as far as the Star Wars universe is concerned.
  10. Who wants to see a SCRATCH BUILT TACHIKOMA? All I can say is...WoW!
  11. It was actually a darn good PPV, for a change. Other than the Victoria/Lita match, I can't think of anything that really sucked. And speaking of Lita, it seems to me that she's still very hesitant in the ring. She needs to get her in-ring confidence back ASAP.
  12. Do I detect a hint of sarcasm?
  13. Nah...I think it's more of a band-aid, designed to placate rabid fanboys who just *have* to have everything placed neatly into some kind of continuity.
  14. Doesn't this herald the End Times, as foretold in the book of revelations? I'll have to look into this. and JsARC, if you need help with a copy of the "Canuck" edition, you know I'm your hookup.
  15. While I don't think she's the ugliest girl out there, I have no problem believing that she's a bit of a psycho. Too many of these dress-up convention types just seem a little....odd. You read her journal, Max? What's the reader's digest version?
  16. Caught a matinee of Vol. 2 this afternoon, and I have to say I enjoyed it quite a bit more than Vol. 1. My only gripes are: 1) That Mexican pimp guy was pretty pointless. Shoulda left him on the cutting room floor 2) Bills demise was pretty easy to predict, IMHO. Otherwise, it was all good. And just where was Michael Jai White, anyhow? I wonder where he was supposed to fit into the story.
  17. Just to clarify my stance on these threads....
  18. Wow, cosplay that doesn't make my retinas burn. Who knew such a thing existed?
  19. No, it's more like they were never invited to the party in the first place, and said "Oh yeah? Just you watch, I'll make my own Macross stuff. And they'll be the best toys ever! Ever!"
  20. What are you blind? My whole movie is just one big 4 hour long commentary track! Ok then, at least give us a "Making Of" documentary that's actually longer than the movie itself.
  21. I'll buy that on DVD, but only if you provide a feature length commentary track. "And here we have the characters eating their K rations. We spent 3 million dollars replicating the exact packaging used in 1967, and I really think it shows onscreen. However, we couldn't get the forks to look right, so we had ILM replace them with CGI doubles."
  22. If you only buy one anime for the rest of your life*, Stand Alone Complex should be that anime. It's that good. * assuming you already own SDF Macross, of course.
  23. To me, that was clearly a case of Tarantino saying "Hey look at me, I got Sonny Chiba in my f*ckin' movie!" A pretty pointless cameo, just because he could. When I make my "Kill Bill," I'm going to cast Ah-nuld as the Hot-Dog Vendor in scene 82.
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