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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. LOL! Good one! But even better was that badass ship the Decepticons had in the first episode. Anybody have a screenie of it?
  2. they never said it was to scale with the figures, its just for them, the millennium falcon toy that was made wasnt to scale with the figures, the cockpit only fit 1 person No, I think Solscud007 is referring to that gigantic Tantive IV blockade runner that some lunatic built. It was something like 30' long and was to scale with the 3 3/4" action figures. It was featured at Celebration 2, IIRC.
  3. Found! Appleseed weapon replicas! http://www.polymerarmory.com/appleseed_weapons.html There's Deunan's "Gong" pistol (just where does that name come from anyhow?) and the Seburo "J-9" silenced SMG. They're probably just recasts of the various airsoft replicas, but they still look pretty good. If there's enough interest, we could always go in for some kind of grooup purchase...provided these guys aren't total scam artists like many "prop makers" turn out to be. Just don't click on the questionable "cosplay" images. You'll regret it.
  4. Zeong + legs = Perfect Zeong I'm not sure where the term originated, but that's what I've always seen the "what-if" version of the Zeong referred to as.
  5. Ok, my dad officially sucks because he never built one of those for ME!
  6. So....many....valkyries.
  7. They don't. Maybe Cyclone can give us a definitive answer, but I'm assuming it was an idea that was dropped.
  8. What's wrong with her chest? It looks so.....normal. I thought those kits usually had D-cups and fanservice out the whazoo.
  9. I wouldn't go too far. I think it looks pretty good the way it is. Maybe a couple of nicks and scratches in the paint with a dark steel color (silver would just disappear on the light green base color). Or perhaps a light dusting of...er, road dust on the "lower" surfaces.
  10. About 15 years in mold-making technology. The original 0080 kits weren't bad, per se. But these new HGUC kits are light years ahead of the original kits. It's like comparing an old Tamiya armor kit from the 70's to today's offerings. Edit: not to mention that some of the original 0080 kits suffered from slightly wonky proportions. Compare that picture of the HGUC Gelgoog Jaeger to the original kit and you'll see what I mean.
  11. So let me get this straight....that thing is CG? Hooo-leeee shiiiiiii........t Awesome work.
  12. Thanks to Black Valkyrie for finding these shots of the new HGUC Alex and GM Command.
  13. A perfect Zeong? Good lord, that thing will be HUGE Thanks for the pics, Black Valk. I have to repost those 0080 suits in the 0080 thread now.
  14. I know it's just wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be a nice surprise if this "aquarian" business was just a cover for a macross project? Sousei no Aquerion = Blue Harvest?
  15. I predicted *that character's* death in the first 10 seconds of the episode, but otherwise it really came out of the blue. I think that, like Trigun, its becomming more serious in its latter episodes.
  16. I'm curious. Can't you watch both?
  17. Bigger = Better* *within reason, of course. No need for 600x600 avatars, is there?
  18. I hope somebody does. I think this show could easily do well in the R1 market. It should appeal to a broad segment of the anime community. The second season has just started, so we'll have to keep our eyes open for announcements.
  19. My suggestions: Do You Remember Homeworld? or Homeworld: Space War One and rejected on grounds of taste: Homeworld 2: The Quickening
  20. What's that Max? Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?
  21. Personally, I'd be in for a set of each. However, I'm leaning towards 1/72 scale so that they'd be in scale with the rest of my Macross models. Perhaps this is worth starting a new topic. We could have it pinned for all to see, and we can work on the details together.
  22. Gah! It's like a Pepe' le Peu cartoon crossed with Hello Kitty! Cuteness....burning.....eyes....
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