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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Ok, I'll bite. Whose M41A is that? SD Studios?
  2. Notice that shot of AIPHOS? Something bad's gonna happen, IMHO.
  3. Was Blue Gender ever popular overseas? It seems to have landed with a thud over here. Cool mecha though.
  4. Chowser, that's so cynical it almost made me raise an eyebrow. Almost. Anyway, thanks for posting the pics of that....antique. Jeeze, nothing but the best for your department, huh? Oh yeah, if there ever is such a thing as a group purchase for the MiM Pulse Rifle (non-airsoft version), count me in.
  5. LOL! Good old "Something Awful."
  6. So....has anybody heard anything about the movie yet? I DID come out on the 17th, did it not? Also, has anybody heard about any potential fansubs yet?
  7. Hey, it's the friggen 21st Century!! Where's my software that responds to voice commands for that stuff. "Enhance 22 to 37. Enhance." Stupid sci fi movies have lied to me yet again.
  8. Dude, let it go. Seriously. I could argue this with you point-by-point, quote-for-quote all day. But like I said in my first post, its not worth it. And my initial two points were realted, since neither "canon debates" nor Continuity Police deserve the debate they so regularly receive. But I'm sure you'll disagree with some or all of this post. Feel free to quote and requote me into next week, but I'm done "debating" this with you. Edit: you've reposted that you too are done with arguing, so we can both just walk away. Ok?
  9. Now that you mentioned it.................a conspiracy theory perhaps? Gak! Not more Yamato conspiracies! Please god no! Apparently they are worse than the freakin' Illuminati. I submit that this post was not actually made by Blaine, but in fact was a Yamato spin control specialist logged in as Blaine. Or perhaps Blaine has been one of them all along....?
  10. The legs...the arms...the waist...all of it! It had basically 2 poses it could do. 1) Marching pose 2) "sliding into home base" pose I left him in the "sliding" pose and haven't touched him since (with the exception of the time that Monev the Gale fell over on him)
  11. *thinks of something to say that convey the majesty of that custom* Holy Macaroni!!! I sure hope Hasegawa plans of making a VF-0D kit, because there's no way in hell I have a chance of replicating that custom!
  12. That's the one. It makes Toynami's "Superposeables" look like Stickfas by comparison. Which is a shame because it has a really nice sculpt, and the paint apps are killer.
  13. Evidently I struck a nerve. No, actually I'd say that you were the one who is bothered by these things. I merely pointed out that I don't find "canon" debate worth the energy required. Personally, I don't like 75% of the mecha from Macross 7, including the embarrassing clown VF-1s. But guess what? It doesn't keep me up at night, and I certainly don't bother posting many many paragraphs about my hatred for them on internet message boards. Other people...? Like you say, "Go figure." You see, now here is an example of you overreacting. The majority of my original post was aimed at Blaine, and NOT you. Blain and I have a mutual disdain for "canon" debates, and "continuity gurus," and the topic of a Continuity Police Force (CPF for short) has come up before. And yet you feel that was somehow expressly mocking you and you alone? Puh-leeze. And for the record, I don't even like the Koenig Monster, nor will I buy one. I think it's nice that Yamato is doing something else besides VF-1s, and it looks like they're doing a good job with this toy. But it's not a toy for me. So really, what IS your beef with me today?
  14. The North American comic industry can't move on from this stupid, quasi-manga style soon enough for me. I rarely visit the comic shops anymore, but when I do it sickens me to see row after row of would-be, almost mangas staring back at me. Anybody remember when everybody was copying Jim Lee and Todd McFarlane?
  15. I agree with Graham that the Scopedog is beginning to look pretty dated, but that new Yamato version is still the shiznit! When that thing finally comes out, I'm going to blow up my crappy, unposeable Kaiyodo with a cherry bomb, or perhaps a load of 00 buckshot.
  16. Sadly, I heard that it's getting an extremely limited release over here. Unless you're in a mojor city like LA, your best bet will be to download it or wait for the DVD release.
  17. Now you folks are starting to sound like somebody who's gotten dumped. "I just want to know why... I feel like I need closure!" "It's over man. Just move on with your life." But she never called, she don't pick up. And when I pass by her house, the lights are off. Dammit why doesn't she call!!! um.. what were we talking about again? Maybe you guys can "just be friends?"
  18. New pics!! Sort of! It's looking...well, exactly the same as last time. I'm still curious as to why Yamato went with the new (and smaller) 1/100 scale. I hope its so that there's a bigger gap between the "low end" toys like the VF-0 and the big "deluxe" toys like the 1/48 series.
  19. That would certainly explain Sara's expression. "You want to put those where?!"
  20. Yeah, you keep cracking jokes. We'll see how funny it is when the Cannon Police kick in your door and take you away. You'll gain a better appreciation of what's "real" fiction and whats fictional fiction after they've maced you and given you a "nightstick massage." Really though, some people take this stuff wayyyyyy to seriously. Tell me why again it matters if something appears in the cartoon or not? You either like a toy or you don't. Why base your opinion on whether something has been animated? If The Koenig appeared in Ep 4 of Macross Zero, would it suddenly become "ok" to like it?
  21. Thanks for the new pictures, Graham. It looks like things are really starting to happen in Ep 4. I wonder what the significance of Sara and these 'marbles' is?
  22. There's a slim chance that this was just a one-shot deal. As "Vic" and "Kenny" wrapped things up at the end of the episode, they referred to it as the First Annual something-something. Hopefully next week will restore order to the universe.
  23. Uhhh...WTF? Don't tell me they're all going to be new *new* footage? Are they not using the Takeshi's Castle footage this year? If I wanted to see a bunch of gaijin morons, I'd drive down to the nearest Wal Mart.
  24. Right you are, Ken! I wonder what tonights "safety fluid" will be?
  25. Heh, that's probably as good an explanation as any. I should probably get off my ass and get the Appleseed Databook anyhow. It IS worth puchasing, isn't it? And I warned you not to click on the cosplay.
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