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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Bottom line: If you're going to post pictures of yourself online, expect to be made fun of at some point. Particularly if you're going to play dressup like our non-Tron here. And if you DO wear spandex, for God's sake people get a cup!!
  2. I thought that's where you kept him? Keep nothing! I can't keep him out of there! He keeps telling me he's looking for "VHS copies of the Snorks cartoon."
  3. And speaking of Glocks, I recently found this beauty while looking for Glock stuff online (I blame JsARC and Chowser. They're a bad influence on me) It's not a real Glock, unfortunately. Its just an airsoft, patterned after a fictional Glock that appears for all of ten seconds in Stand Alone Complex.
  4. For what it's worth.... In the extras section of the deluxe Black Hawk Down DVD, there's footage of the actors training at Fort Whatever with Delta Force, and they clearly appear to fire airsoft M4s at a couple of points. They rehearse entry drills, and you can see the BBs bouncing off the walls. Now the question remains whether those were Delta's airsoft M4s, or rather something that the production company brought with them.
  5. It's just a re-release of the old Halcyon kit, BTW. It's not a bad kit, but it's not the greatest either. With some tlc (and lots of superdetailing) you'll have a winner.
  6. You know damn well it is. If I catch you in my basement one more time....just ONE MORE TIME....there's going to be trouble.
  7. Ah...it's no big deal to find it. I'm 95% certain I know which box it's in.
  8. Solscud007, have you heard anything about an Airsoft XM-8 yet?
  9. I imagine that we're supposed to pronounce it "Foo-keh" as opposed to "Fyook" then? That's the only way I can think of that's close to "Houquet." That's a battle that's being fought to this very day, my friend. Maybe someday they'll get it right.
  10. Yep, it's like a VD that no amount of penicillin will clear up. So now that you're "back" from basic, do you have any stories worthy of the Banter thread? Me? I'm impatiently awaiting the arrival of my brand new Norinco (boo hiss) 1911A1. If it shows up by Tuesday, I can make it out to the range before it gets cold again this weekend. Stupid weather.
  11. Just bumping this to see if there's still any interest in the Macross Zero reproduction decal project?. Anybody who's interested, say "Aye." And a'ight is NOT an acceptable reply.
  12. Not to derail this thread (any further than it alread is) but that is one badass looking Chevelle, KingNor.
  13. I have no doubt that the animation will be mind-numbingly good, but I'm a little leery of what Oshii will do with the story. He has a tendancy to make relentlessly downbeat stories. I'm just worried that Innocence will just be 2 hours of Bateau moping around, staring off into space while contemplating his existance. For my money, Stand Alone Complex is much closer to the tone of the original manga. But that discussion might be better suited for the "Shirow Appreciation" thread.
  14. Good, 'cause I hated MMI with a passion. I don't mind if they focus on Deunan, but sidelining Briareos is a big no-no. The rest of the ESWAT crew can be minimized without hurting the story, but the Deunan/Bri interaction was always one of the strong points of the manga. But like you said, perhaps we'll get that in the sequels. And a SAC movie would kick so much ass it wouldn't even be funny. Instead, we'll have to wait and see what Innocence has in store for us.
  15. Guh! If you really....really need to know, I can dig my copy out of the basement tonight.
  16. Let me put it this way: Is the Appleseed movie more entertaining than Man Machine Interface was?
  17. *wipes away a tear* Beautiful... MikeRB, where art thou?
  18. OK, here's a dumb question, but it's something that's always bothered me. Why are the carbon fibre hoods NEVER painted to match the car? Is it just to say "Hey, look at me! I've got a carbon fibre hood?"
  19. That's a pretty damn good deal. Too bad the shotgun/grenade launcher doesn't work, but I'd imagine you could add one in with a bit of ingenuity. But for the price that's a way better deal than MiM's M41A. If Airsoft wasn't so stupidly expensive up here, I'd definitely get one of those kits. Edit: *Drools over JsARC's picture *
  20. Ok, so let's say we all run out and buy Fujimi F14's now. How does the actual kit rate? Is it a relatively new tooling, or is it a dinosaur like Hasegawa's Macross Zero kit?
  21. Didn't "Fuke" show up on some of the Gakken and/or Imai merchandise? I know it's not a recent innovation, since I remember seeing her name translated like that as far back as the mid 80's.
  22. Aw man! As butchered as it was, I'd kill to see some of those old episodes again.
  23. Yeah, I just went and reread the MiM writeup on their M41A, and the grenade launcher is based on a (airsoft) Remington 870, just like the film props were. Maybe they're not using a kit and are making the parts themselves. Or maybe they've just recast one of the garage kits that were on the market a few years ago, like SD Studios and GEM productions. Or maybe they've even recast the old Icons prop.
  24. It looks like it could be the same kit, but redwolf lists their kit for $100 cheaper than Legendshobbies. But wherever they're getting the kits from, MiM is clearly making a killing on every M41A they sell. Then again, they're not exactly known for thier low prices, are they?
  25. There is an aftermarket conversion kit for airsoft Thompsons. In case you can't read the watermark, I found it for sale at http://www.redwolfairsoft.com Is this the same thing? It's even possible that MiM is simple selling this kit assembled on a Tokyo Mauri M1, and at a ridiculous profit.
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