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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. By all accounts, yes.
  2. A 1/48 VF-1D is the only other 1/48 I'd buy at this point. In fact, I'd preorder one the second it was announced.
  3. So, when you say that "any" Fujimi F14D will be ok, that means that THIS one of HLJ will fit the bill? I ask because it's the only F-14 HLJ lists that's not an "A" model.
  4. Thanks for the pictures, David. I'm definitely going to track down one of those Fujimi kits. Now we just need to drum up more interest in the repro Macross Zero decals....
  5. As the title says, George Lucas has provided a nice introduction for the new "Shatterpoint" novel, starring Mace Windu. What's interesting is how closely much of it mirrors the introduction to the original Star Wars novel from '77. Without further delay, here it is: Oh, and thanks to whomever it was on TFN that transcribed this.
  6. Toit. Yesh...very toit. Like a tiger.
  7. Such an odd subject.... A friend's mother was growing up in England during the Blitz. The next time I see her, I'll try to remember to ask about shell casings. I'd imagine a 20mm case falling from 10,000 feet would definitely ruin your day.
  8. Well, the "real" version would work that way. This is actually a conversion kit, not a complete gun. It actually conceals a small Glock compact inside the Ceruberus. That's why you see the magazine where it is.
  9. True enough. It's just that these days it's getting so darn difficult to tell who's legal and who's not (at least around here it is). With all the "Hillary Duff" types around, I like to err on the side of caution.
  10. Wow. I take back....75% of the bad things I've said about cosplay. Too bad she looks about 16 years old.
  11. ummm....ok. How about you sprechen zie english for the rest of us?
  12. Suspension of disbelief and Macross 7 do not mix.
  13. I didn't know Red Comet was into Warhammer...
  14. Has anybody seen THIS airsoft version of Grave's Ceruberus pistol yet? Make sure you watch the videos.
  15. Perhaps Kevin from VEX can enlighten us, as usual?
  16. The Ex-fiancee Strikes Back.
  17. Strangely enough, this is actually based on a manga! One can only wonder how f*cked up the manga version was. Not you, Pickle. You can't watch.
  18. Yeah, what he said. Two members in all of Manitoba! Do we even have anybody from Sask. here?
  19. Graham, The lead character really redefines "Strong & Silent" but make no mistake; there is NO teen angst to be found here. Brandon Heat is the polar opposite of Eva's Shinji and whats-his-name, the femme guy from Yukikaze. And if any of you decide to check out Gungrave, make sure to watch more than the first episode!! I cannot stress this enough. Episode one is really more like episode 16 or 17. In fact, I'm sure you could watch it from Ep. two through to the end with little ill effect, since much of the first episode is repeated when the series catches back up to that point in the narrative.
  20. You should definitely check out the anime, dejr8bud. Before anything "weird" happens and people start coming back from the dead, it's actually quite an interesting crime story. Heck, they could have just made the show about Brandon and Harry without any of the "Necro Rise" shenannigans and it would still have been a good show.
  21. 26 episodes, all but the last have been fansubed Geneon's first volume will come out in July.
  22. A P7...? Damn you're lucky. I'd love to get one of those lil' babies, if they weren't prohibited up here. Likewise, all our cops just cut up and/or melt down whatever "bad" guns they have in storage. That is, after they've picked through the pile for whatever catches their eye. Edit: After checking, I've found that apparently P7s are NOT prohib up here. I wonder how that slipped thru the cracks?
  23. That is one bitter, bitter auction. And those craptacular Ride Armors for $395 were pretty funny too.
  24. While I've seen it mentioned once or twice on these boards, I think it's high time we formally discussed Gungrave. Video Game. Anime hero. Ass kicking necro-risen action figure. Over the past couple of weekends, my friends and I have been watching a big Gungrave marathon, and I think this show rocks. Right from the intro, with its strangely "Lounge Music" theme and really well done Super-8 lookalike footage (great job on that, Madhouse) this show oozes cool. For those who've been living in a cave with the Taliban, here's the basic premise. After an introductory episode featuring our undead hero killing heaps of "Orcmen" the show proceedes to flash back several decades, to the early days of two young punks named Harry and Brandon. Over the next few years Harry and Brandon join the local mafia, the slightly oddly named "Millenion." Brandon becomes an expert "sweeper" for the mob, while Harry has his eyes set on the top spot. Years pass until a not-so-sudden betrayal sees Brandon killed by his best friend Harry. Now most animes would end here, but Gungrave is just nearing its halfway point. You see, in the world of Gungrave there exists a technology called Necro Rise. Expecting Harry's inevitable betrayal, Brandon has secretly arranged to have himself Necro Risen, so that he may come back when his "family" in the mob needs him. We flash forward 13 years to finally catch up to the point where the first episode left off and Brandon, now known as Beyond the Grave, wages a one man war agaist what used to be his family while protecting the daughter of the woman he loved. That's probably simplifying this show far more than I should, but I don't have time to construct a complete but spoiler free guide to this franchise. All I can say is find this show NOW! Or, you can wait until Geneon releases it, hopefully later this year.
  25. I told you, I was just...ah, keeping them for a friend. Honestly. And my lawyer told me not to comment on the shoes.
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