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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. because there was better acting and way better used than in Starwars episodes 1 and 2... edited to add: Even Gollum was a better actor some times than the real ones... And just what does that have to do with the amount of CGI and bluescreen?
  2. How come nobody ever mentions the massive amounts of blue/green-screen work in the LOTR trilogy?
  3. Anybody who hasn't seen 0080 by now should just turn in their MSiA and join a different fandom.
  4. Speaking of which, meet my new desktop. http://www.skycaptain.com/downloads/SkyCap...12_1024x768.jpg
  5. What does the R2 Blade Runner feature?
  6. I was really looking forward to this movie, but it's better off that they moved it to September. Opening the same weekend as SpiderMan 2 would have been suicide.
  7. Word is that he *snifff* had a problem *snifffffff* with the director and *ssniiiiffffffff* was canned. Either that, or he left to film "Cyborg."
  8. We're a rescue team, not assassins.
  9. aka: About G-D time! Sure it's the same as the Region 2 disc, but why has it taken so long to come out here? From IGN:
  10. Wow. Do you have any idea how much I hate you right now? Anyway, pictures of the models are definitely on my list. Also, be sure to check out Half Life 2 Brothers in Arms Star Wars: Battlefront Call of Duty: United Offensive
  11. I think the timing of this is interesting. The last time Toynami did this, they were preparing to release the original MPC VF-1. Smart shoppers couldn't be allowed to make a choice between Toynami and Yamato, could they? Here we are a couple of years later, and again Toynami is getting ready to unleash a new MPC onto an unsuspecting market. The difference is....there aren't any import "Alpha" toys! Somebody get these guys a clue!
  12. What...? Are we talking about a *new* round of C&D letters?
  13. Tee hee....it's funny 'cuz it's true.
  14. Trumpeter is cool and all...but from what I've heard, each and every kit seems to have something that is off. The most extreme example would be their 1/32 Wildcat which was recently reissued as a "corrected" version. At least, that's what the guy at the hobby shop tells me. I'm not going to complain though, since there's so few large scale kits on the market these days.
  15. Could be a descendant, like his great great grandson or something. Even Lance Henrikson isn't clear on who he was supposed to be at the end of Alien 3. In the script and credits he's listed as Bishop II, which clearly implies that he's supposed to be another droid just like the first Bishop. However, in the film itself he identifies himself as a human, and this is supported by the fact that he bleeds red blood after getting conked on the head. What's dumber is, if all the droids are supposed to "look like Weyland" then what the hell was Ash? Yutani?
  16. Guh? Ok, you are officially the second person I know of on planet earth who does NOT like Aliens. Congratulations.
  17. Paul Anderson's Jedi mind tricks won't work on me! Does he really expect us to believe that AvP will really be all about the characters?
  18. I liked The Thomas Crown Affair....
  19. Probably because you keep answering the phone "Mushi mushi."
  20. Sorta, but just with little kids, which after all was its target audience. I betcha it sold a lot of CDs, though.
  21. Ubi Soft has just opened the "Mod" section of the Far Cry site. They spotlight the Korean War mod "The Forgotten War." Some of the stuff they have planned sound very very interesting, such as allowing the commies to command an entire AI squad, so that they can accurately simulate the 10 to 1 odds in some of the famous battles. Plus tanks, aircraft and destructible terrain! Read about it HERE Or visit the FORGOTTEN WAR WEBSITE. And let's not forget the requisite STAR WARS mod.
  22. Yeah, that's the same problem that all of these polls have. For example, the questions like "Do you know what a "seiyuu" is? " always bug me. We all know what a child molester is, but should that count as 1% towards our "child molester score?" I don't think so.
  23. 87.5% otaku pure, baby! Of course, that also means that I'm 12.5% Otaku, so I should't celebrate to hard.
  24. Hasn't it already?
  25. For comparison's sake, I've finally found the prologue for the original A New Hope novel. When asked about it in an interview, Alan Dean Foster admitted his memory was a little hazy on where it came from, but it is known to have been based on the original screenplay and Lucas' notes.
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