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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. That's so very very cool. I think she looks great with the MP-40. Very sleek & sexy. Maybe she could use an Artillary Luger with the 8" (no jokes, please) barrel.
  2. Maybe this is what they reallymeant by "Robotech 2K4"...?
  3. Great stuff, Sebastian! Get that "dawg" an FG-42 and a Mauser C96 for his arm-shield, and he'll be ready to put down some radical protestors!
  4. Harmony Gold raped my childhood!!!111
  5. Heh. We used to get some big-uns in the bushes around my house, back when I lived in Surrey BC. Every now and then we'd "cull" them, and make them fight in our giant coffee can arena. Then we'd put the lid on and give the winner a good shake. But even in those days we didn't go near the ones that were bigger than a twoonie.
  6. Wow, she's pretty cute with her hair down. Too bad she's so very very young.
  7. Guh! No way! I'm already queasy after finding that one picture. Just google "Necrotic Arachnidism" and you'll find all kinds of nasty, disgusting stuff. Scary, scary stuff to be honest. I saw a program about it once. Apparently, in some rare cases people will have an acute alergic reaction to the venom and wind up with their flesh necrotizing over a large percentage of their body. :puke:
  8. You need to read about Arachnid Necrosis then. And that's a comparitively mild case.
  9. Is this gonna be a stand-up fight sir, or another bug hunt? I'm with AgentONE on this issue. I'm not really afraid of spiders, but I will always take the time to crush their tiny live with my boot. Exaggerated stories aside, I think that thing would be reason enough to carry a shotgun. I'd like to see any spider live through a blast of 00 buckshot, even that photoshopped monstrosity. And abombz's spider stories always make me shudder. The only good bug is a dead bug.
  10. My enthusiasm for this movie has definitely dwindled. While I don't usually trust reviews by critics, even the few that I trust are panning this flick. It's supposedly just big, loud and assaultingly dumb. Or, as Dark Horizons phrased it...
  11. No kidding. Hmmph...they must use the same ad agency as Toynami.
  12. So what you're really saying is that Spiritia = Midichlorians. Brilliant.
  13. I hate Macross 7 but I am really loving Macross Zero, in spite of the more "out there" elements of the story. Do you know why? Macross Zero handles it's "mystical" elements with infinitely more maturity than Macross 7 did. Also, it seems to be pushing the mysticism back towards the realm of Sci Fi.
  14. zOInks! I've seen that freaky, well endowed racoon before, but I have no idea what it's from. Some kind of commercial, I presume?
  15. No. Instead, I propose we summarily ban the next person to post a picture of....Nerdy McSaggyass.
  16. Hey, has anybody here seen THIS, the world's most expensive GLock accessory?
  17. I still can't believe that there are actually TRON fanboys in the first place.
  18. There were only one or two Dooku pics in there, but any Christopher Lee is good Christopher Lee IMHO.
  19. Andromeda, aka "Gene Rodenberry's Andromeda" is a syndicated sci fi show starring that meat-puppet Kevin Sorbo. Nice SFX for a tv show, though. Which I assume is partially thanks to Mike's hard work, right?
  20. Yup! But I have no idea when Sci Fi will air the mini series, much less when I'll see it up here in Kanada. I'll probably end up downloading it, which is the same way I saw all of season 4.
  21. *pats twich on the shoulder * There there...it's ok. We'll get to see the miniseries soon enough.
  22. I've corrected this picture to better reflect Ackbar's role in Ep III....
  23. He clearly is already evil in that picture! Otherwise, why wouldn't he be paying attention to Padme's pert little breasts?
  24. All old pictures, I'm afraid. But they're still nice to look at again. Seeing them all together kind of helps paint a better picture of the film, moreso than seeing them spread out over several months and different web sites. And die hard SW prop nerds rejoice! Anakin's saber handle even has the correct silver tape on it, just like the original ANH prop did!
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