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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Megahouse by way of Toynami is an interesting new wrinkle. Is it possible that Toynami has recognized their own ineptitude, and canceled their own "cyclone" in favor of the MH version? Well, they can do whatever they want, but I'll still order one from HLJ (if they don't suck). It'll be a cold day in hell before Toynami sees another red cent from me. Just as long as the MH isn't produced in whatever chinese crap factory that slaps together the Toynami line, it'll already have the edge.
  2. I'd need to see it posed next to a Yamato 1/48 before I could really judge.
  3. I wish MW had one of those "reputation" type features, because that was bloody brilliant.
  4. I post this only for the sheer hilarity of it.... IGN has details on the coming DVD for AVP:R, including the I'm-not-jokingly-titled Two-Disc Extreme Unrated Special Edition Did they run out of adjectives? Does this leave room for the Two-Disc Extreme To The Max Unrated Special Directors Cut Extended Edition? Seriously...are there any developmentally-challenged manchildren who are still interested in this? Even the soft headed dolts who gave the first movie a decent BO take seemed to have stayed away from this one. Come on...I just know somebody's just dying to post "Well....maybe they'll do better with the third one. I liked the comics. They should do those."
  5. http://twitchfilm.net/site/view/another-da...railer-arrives/ Ugh...makes me hate myself for enjoying the PC game. However, it looks like Boll may have learned a thing or two from his critical and box office drubbings in the past few years; This one looks like a fairly linear retelling of the video game. A retelling told through Bolls....umm....unique...perspective. Ah, who are we kidding. This movie will cause cancer and we all know it. In fact, in some cases, it will be found to have cured cancer, only to turn around and give it right back to the patient.
  6. Skip ZZ and don't look back. You won't be missing anything, and by watching it you lose 19-odd hours of your life that you simply can't get back. I'd spend those same 19 hours reading up on Scientology before I'd sit through ZZ again.
  7. And we all know whose fault that is, don't we EXO?
  8. ...and now Pailsen Files #4 is out from Shinsen Subs. DL'ing as I type!
  9. Take this with a HEAPING mound of salt, until it's actually confirmed....but this could be the titular crystal skull. uh-huh-huh-huh-huh....titular.
  10. No, if it was cosplay, his costume would be made of that shiny polyester crap that they seem to love.
  11. Indiana Jones and the Perilous New Pictures!
  12. Sounds about right for a 1/15 scale figure.
  13. Funny you should mention that. Shinsen Subs has just released episode 3 of Pailsen Files. Commence torrents!
  14. That review is terrible. The writer throws around Campbellian monomyth buzzwords without really seeming to understand what they mean. But hey, Stuart Beatie....and no "Cool Dude" so it's already better than the original abomination of a script that started this thread.
  15. Lol, EXO isn't as dumb as he looks*. Nobody with half a brain is going to "wait" for the Toynami. *seriously, he's not as dumb as he looks.
  16. The same! I'm more or less indifferent to The Hobbit, but ATMOM is something that just demands Del Toro's attention.
  17. I'm 110% behind Del Toro doing the Hobbit, but only if it doesn't interfere with him doing At The Mountains Of Madness. Last I'd heard, he was supposed to start on it right after he finished Hellboy II.
  18. Eugimon, I would gladly pay $2.00 at the second run theaters to see your movie. Which is $2.00 more than I'll pay for 10,000 BC. Fool me once, Emmerich, shame on you. Fool me twice....? I don't think so.
  19. I'm already sold on the Megahouse toys (moreso now than ever) but that Beagle version looks like the best one yet. I'm dying to see an actual test shot of that one. When's the next big toy & hobby show in Japan?
  20. Really? I only need to know one thing: Where they are.
  21. There's audio clips of the staticy transmission from the end of the credits online, and it doesn't actually say anything. However, played backwards it does indeed say "It's still alive" clear as day. Google it, people.
  22. If there's a point to buying this movie in any Hi Def format, it'll probably be for the extra extras. I'm sure you've already noticed this phenomenon, where a Blu Ray release will get bonuses over even a 2-disc DVD release.
  23. Yes, Bourne Supremecy is an excellent example of how not to do handheld. Even Greenglass seemed to realize this, and thus Ultimatum was much more restrained. Sure it was still largely handheld, but with some actual focus. It doesn't look like it was filmed by a cameraman suffering from cerebral palsy.
  24. Well there really should be a distinction made, here. There's works like Cloverfield (and the movie Redacted) which are intended to be hand-held mockumentaries, and there's the the handheld camerawork that get abused by the likes of Michael Bay. Handheld garbage like the action scenes in Transformers should go away and never be seen on the screen again. But look at handheld done right, like the few handheld shots in Saving Private Ryan (a film I consider having birthed the moden epoch of shaky-cam) or even 2007's The Kingdom before you do away with it entirely.
  25. Well it's tough to give a hard, factual answer since even the mere definition of it seems to be open for debate (check the wiki article and the associated threads) but basically it's all about real, firsthand documentary of the subject (as opposed to something studio produced). And that's what Cloverfield is. It's not just some movie filmed with a hand-held camera. It's pseudo-documentary. A pseudo documentary monster/horror film documenting the ultimate demise of the characters, which is apparently a trope that goes back as far as Edgar Allan Poe. Think of it as a modern day The Call of Cthulhu, and substitute an SD card for the manuscript.
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