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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I'm going to have to ask that you elaborate on this. By all accounts, FUNimation's track record has been spotty at best.
  2. Are you saying that Robotech got poor ratings becuase of a single timestamp?
  3. No kidding! It's going to take forever for FUNimation to catch up to this point. I figure at least fall 2005, if they start releasing the DVDs in January.
  4. LOL! No way is AgentONE wearing a wig, or getting hair extensions. If he were to somehow land the role, he'd do a DeNiro and grow his own darn hair. How's your Cimmerian accent?
  5. Blasphemy! Axis weapons only, no com-bloc please.
  6. I've heard that some of FUNimation's recent subtitles have been outstanding, and even include the Japanese honorifics, like "san" and "chan." Is this true? I'm still worried about low episode counts though. Just because the Japanese release had 4 episodes per disc, is that a guarantee that FUNimation will follow the same format?
  7. I wouldn't recommend using one of those kits on a real Thompson anyway. Aside from the heat issue (the film props used a body made from aluminum, not plastic) they supposedly had trouble getting the things to even stay together. If you look closely at a "real" pulse rifle, and in turn the replicas, you'll see several plates and brackets screwed on just to keep everything in one piece.
  8. Quoth the Evangelion fan. [Tarkin] This bickering is pointless [/Tarkin] I don't really care who they get to play Conan, just as long as it's not that assclown HHH. Personally, I'd rather they go with an unknown. Somebody big enough to meet the physical requirements, but not familiar to cinema goers so there'd be no baggage. Failing that, AgentONE gets my vote. How long would it take to grow your hair out, A1?
  9. Darn tootin'. The first Conan still stands up today, IMHO. A good cast, awesome costumes and set design, and Basil Poledouris' score is one of my favorites of all time. Sure, it's not as flashy or as polished as today's sword & sorcery flicks, like LOTR, but it's silly to hold that against it.
  10. Yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath for this one.
  11. Oh I don't doubt that. But even 1stBRD will admit that SC is arguably the least popular segment of Robotech, and with that in mind my question still stands. Beyond die hard RT completists, just who is going to plunk down the cash for yet another iteration of Soutehrn Cross?
  12. So you don't care the least bit who you're watching swing the Sword of Atlantis? Well that's allright for you, but I'm just a wee bit more demanding of the movies I watch. I don't expect some great master thespian to take on the role, but that doesn't mean that I'm willing to watch any old meat sack grunt at the camera for 120 minutes. And as a near-former RAW watcher, I can assure you that HHH's delivery would be cringe inducing.
  13. Sort of. It takes place in an "almost modern" world, and there is alchemy, so I guess that qualifies as fantasy. Here's a short synopsis http://www.animenfo.com/animetitle,1265,my...etal_alche.html It gets the "BSU" stamp of approval, if that means anything to you. Edit: I just found THIS fan site.
  14. Is there really enough demand for Southern Cross to merit no less than 3 seperate releases?
  15. Full Metal Alchemist rocks. I'm a little concerned about FUNimation, however.
  16. It was indeed Arnold, but he wasn't Conan. At least, not officially. I'd heard somewhere that they had wanted him to play Conan, but didn't have the rights to the character.
  17. I think a large part of it has been getting somebody to green-light the project. Remember, since the mid nineties Arnold has had a string off films that, shall we say....were less than stellar at the box office. It wasn't until LOTR came out that studios began to look at big budget "epics" again. Then there was the period just a couple of years ago where the Wachowski (sp?) bros were going to executive produce it, but they've since walked away (and after the resulting Matrix sequels, perhaps that's a good thing).
  18. I'd be willing to wait a couple more years if it would mean Arnold would come back as Conan. Besides, King Conan takes place when he's older anyhow, so what's the rush? Eastwood waited more than 10 years to make Unforgiven, just to allow himself to "mature" into the role. I say the same could easily apply to Arnold.
  19. Ahh...you just want to team-kill them all, right. Besides, does Keith even play FPS games?
  20. Before anyone thinks BSU is a fruit for defending this show, I will tell you all he is being carcastic. You would say that....h8ter. Seriously though, that thing looks like some stupid Macross hentai fan project. Observe:
  21. So sez the guy with the complete collection of Lorenzo Lamas and Kevin Sorbo DVDs. Sorry Max, but I'd prefer that they cast somebody with at least an ounce of talent. Or perhaps just a smidgen of personality. HHH however, is just all 'roids and ego.
  22. Could Ah-nuld have finally been replaced....by wrestling's Triple H?! From IGN: As much as I've been looking forward to this film, the thought of HHH playing Conan just sickens me.
  23. Pfft....you guys just don't "understand" what the space monsters really mean.
  24. You know it! That's mighty fine avatar material, IMHO.
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