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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Just a reminder that Dark Tower Book 6: Song of Susannah is supposed to be in stores on June 8th. Or have you all forgotten the faces of your fathers...?
  2. Guh, not more of this "Terminator 3.5" crap. I'll believe it when I see it. It's basically a bunch of fans saying "Hey, we thought your movie sucked, but with our brilliant fanboy insight we'll make it better. Give us money."
  3. Hah! Definitely not. A born 'n' bred north-end Winnipeg girl, though and through.
  4. The difference being that Hikaru is, for the sake of argument, the central character in Macross. We follow the events of the show through him. Had he died 1/2 way through, then the writers would have had to "promote" one of the supporting cast to the leading role. In Troy, however, there's several leads. And one of them (Hector) does die 2/3 of the way through, and he's arguably the hero of the entire film. So there!
  5. Cool! I may actually get one of these.
  6. Wow. Anything witty I could say would still pale in comparison to that story.
  7. Well thank God we at least still have AgentONE's avatar. I couldn't make it through the day if I didn't see his manly pecs staring back at me from each of his testosterone-laden posts. Edit: Incidently, the girl in A1's profile pic looks an awful lot like somebody I know. Perhaps they were seperated at birth.
  8. ...And then they flew into a big black hole. The end.
  9. Heh heh. Now that I've got you hooked, you'll have to go trolling eBay to find the elusive "Sketchbooks" from the OT as well. And need I mention the Ralph McQuarrie portfolios?
  10. Agreed, poor guy only gets bit parts... Hell even in LOTR's while that was a pretty big role, he got cast as the least likable charactor who died in the 1st movie. Can I get a "Hell Yeah?!" I caught one of his old Sharpe movies on the weekend, and I was sitting there saying "F*ck! This guy needs a starring role, dammit!"
  11. I'm with AgentONE and Max. If there's a sympathetic version of Minmay's story, it's the DYRL version. Plus, it's a lot easier to actually feel sorry for her in DYRL, since she's portrayed much more maturely.
  12. Jump To Lightspeed is the sort of add-on that would almost make me play a MMORPG, even though I hate them with a passion. With all due respect to the game designers, when I imagine living in the Star Wars universe the last thing I'd want to do is be a fisherman, or a basket weaver. I understand that's the price you pay for having an actual player-based economy, and I'm sure that there's still people out there who'd be happy as a pig in sh*t just to run a restaurant on Bespin, but that's not what "Star Wars" is to me.
  13. They're definitely worth the money, Mr March. The Episode I book may be a little tough to find, but the AOTC as well as the Original Trilogy books still show up in my local Chapters all the time. Don't mind the "Special Edition" blurbs on the covers of the OT books. They didn't really change anything.
  14. I cannot wait for the Art of Episode III book. All 5 of the existing Art Of books are some of my favorite SW books published, and from what I've seen the production art for Ep III looks spectacular.
  15. Imagine a movie theater that served cake. Now that would be cool.
  16. Oooohh...Rick Dias. Very nice.
  17. One of the Hyperspace exclusive videos is now available for non-members. Check it out HERE.
  18. That sounds like you want to have your cake and eat it too. The movie is set in our "real" world with no Gods or demi-Gods, yet we're to believe Achilles is a semi-divine being with magical blade-deflecting powers? You can't have it both ways, I'm afraid. I think the movie did a good job of showing how a "real" Achilles (if we're to believe he was in fact a real person, historically) would come to be known as a legendary, untouchable fighter. But they BOTH pale in comparison to Sean Bean! Hollywood needs to give him more work.
  19. I thought it was good. Not a perfect film, but definitely worth seeing if you like old-stlye epics. And for the record, I thought it works perfectly well as a story without the Olympian gods and their bickering.
  20. Thanks for the pics, EXO. I can't believe that they had a working Intellivision, with Triple Action no less. God knows how many hours I wasted on that game....
  21. What about your stereotypical Boston, or New Yawk accents? They both make my ears bleed. Can we do something about this soon? And while we're at it, what about those North Dakotan accents, what with their "Okey-dokey" and their "Dontcha know?"
  22. VF-0 nothing! Look at that Kotobukiya Boba Fett!!!!
  23. E3 brings much goodness, and Battlefront fans aren't left out. Check out all the new videos at IGN!! (save all 4 of them and play them back-to-back) The official trailer is cool too, but it doesn't show as much as the gameplay videos. Damn, I soooo want to play as that "rocketeer" Clone Trooper.
  24. Speaking of Grievous, one of his "hench-bots" has been spotted in the new Republic Commando game trailer.
  25. Anybody have a link for a non-torrent copy of this file? I'm stuck at work, and I desperately need to see this. This isn't the official HL2 trailer, is it? I already found a copy of that on IGN. Edit: and I really, really hate EXO right now. Although I DO appreciate his pictures. Yowza!
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