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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. I really like this one.
  2. And some cool covers from the UK editions. Darn Brits...
  3. And Book 7, by Michael Whelan no less!
  4. Some cover spoilage...?
  5. It's funny, 'cause Kill Bill itself was an exercise in "double dipping."
  6. There's nothing wrong with the original Exorcist. It might not have the visual pizazz of today's hyper-edited CGI laden "horror" movies, but I think it still packs a punch. If The Exorcist is "overrated" then get thee to Van Helsing post haste.
  7. I think some folks are taking this stuff far too seriously. It's time to go outside and get some sun. G...I...Joe!!!!!!!!
  8. I have a bad feeling about this one. *spoiler* They were on earth all along, and solyent green is made from people.
  9. I had just suggested that it was reserved for "banned" members.
  10. That was one of my favorite scenes too. Caparzo - "Duhh...She reminds me of my niece sir. Duhh...Captain the decent thing to do is atleast to take her down the road to the next town." *BANG* The big dumb ape dies. Audience- "Yayyyy!
  11. The animation definitely improves after the first 5 episodes. At first, the CGI aircraft seemed a little wonky and at times didn't seem to move properly. I'm glad to see that the later episodes are much smoother, and I actually dig the quasi cel shading they're using. Definitley an interesting alternative to the approach Kawamori is using in Zero.
  12. D'oh! Of course. Man, it's been forever since any of us have seen ET.
  13. Ok, what movie was Mongo's last line, "Be good..." from? My friends and I were tearing our hair out trying to remember what it was from.
  14. Hey, I think I have that channel. I think it's called "COPS" or something... waitaminute! Yep, this film is definitely still relevant today. It's what has me interested in Lucas' post Episode III works, since he's said that he'd like to return to smaller, more experimental films.
  15. Sadly, no. It was built for an ex-GF, who's now living in a nother province.
  16. Count me in the "hate Vin Diesel" camp, but I'm still willing to give this film a chance. It's not very often that somebody makes a sci fi film with such a large scope, and for that alone I'll gladly plunk down my $8.50 to see it.
  17. You left out the rather large fact that the entire populace is kept in a drugged, emotionless stupor in order to keep them subjugated.
  18. Actually, if you watch the trailer again, you might see that they've done a "cloud city" to the background. There's one or two new looking shots that appear to really expand the scale of the underground city.
  19. Really? I've never sat through either of them, so I wouldn't know.
  20. Don't worry, I made it expressly clear that it was only to be photochopped onto Schwarzenegger's body and/or movie posters. Well, with the exception of Jingle All The Way. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
  21. Hee hee. This one's actually pretty good: *clicks on AgentONE's profile, saves image, sends email...*
  22. Interesting. I hope Sting knows what he could potentially be getting himself into, should he sign with the WWE. For all we know, Vince McMahon could sign him for the sole purpose of destroying his image, like he did with Goldberg. Would Sting really want to job to Triple H and Randy Orton every week?
  23. *cough* Did you watch the trailer...? http://www.thx1138movie.com/trailers/1/thx480dd3a.mov
  24. http://www.thx1138movie.com./ THX-1138 is finally comming to DVD. An expansion of his student film, THX-1138 was George Lucas' first feature film. While it's still seen from time to time on late-night cable, not many people have seen this interesting little film. I definitely recommend it to movie buffs everywhere, if for no other reason than to see a film that's markedly different from Lucas' work in American Graffiti and Star Wars.
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