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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. u r jest jealous cuz you havent mastered url stuff yet. lololol!!!!111!1oneoneone.
  2. Sounds like you've got spyware to me. I've never gotten popups on MW. Get yourself one of the free programs like Adaware and clean 'em out.
  3. I believe it was actually JsARCLIGHT who had an old, nth generation VHS copy. Whatever happened to that project?
  4. Bleh. None of those mutants are a match for Super Dimensional Fortress Sharon Apple. She would come back and zap them all with her main gun, then have hot lesbian cybersex with the Pheonix/Jean Grey. Then together they'd fly off into the universe, where some say they prospered in dry goods.
  5. Apparently it's owned by some guy in Brisbane, QL. Maybe it's actually Cyclone, who's (finally) decided to branch out into Macross fandom.
  6. Feh. With both Isamu and Rei out of the way, there is nobody to stop Sharon from taking over the Macross. She then flies off into space and hypnotizes the first rogue Zentradi fleet she meets. From there on, galactic conquest is an inevitablility.
  7. Sharon Apple would hack into both planes, and hypnotize the pilots. Then she'd make them fly into a mountain. The End.
  8. I think the problem is how one defines "collector." To me, a collector is somebody who aquires a number of some item due to an interest in the subject and the intention to keep them for posterity. However, many of the so-called collectors I've know who ammased huge stockpiles of toys based on their resale value actually had very little appreciation for the toys themselves. While they called themselves "collectors" the toys were actually more like merchandise to them. At that point, it's not so much a collection as it is inventory. At least, that's the way I see it.
  9. If I want an investment I'll look into the stock market. If I want a cool toy I won't buy an MPC Valkyrie. not everyone is like you Well in that case, the Low Viz 1/48 blows the pants off of the MPC in terms of resale value. What does that prove?
  10. I think your problem is that you're brush painting Tamiya to begin with. While I've seen some examples of beautifully hand-painted model, I never ever could get Tamiya to go on properly in anything but small areas. I hate brush painting acrylics. My advice is to invest in an airbrush. You'll never regret it.
  11. Ok, this one has to take the cake for absurd auction. Who here is brave enough to bid on THE HAUNTED BAYONET. ? And for those not "in the know," that's clearly not a WW2 bayonet, and the markings are Danish not Dutch.
  12. True enough. I'm just fighting my lone crusade against black and white e-opinions on everything. Not that it applies to anybody in this thread, but I get tired of seeing everybody rating everything as either "teh bestest thing evar" or "Omfg, dis movie is teh suxorz." There IS a middle ground, people. However, there can be NO fogiveness for Van Helsing. It's like having Gary Busey yell in your face for 120 minutes. It's amusing at first, since he's so crazy, but it really starts to grate after a while.
  13. Roy could drink Rei under the table, hands down. In fact, would Rei even order anything other than a Shirley Temple? Whadda wuss.
  14. Aliens was actually written as an ALIEN ripoff back in Cameron's Roger Corman days, back in the late 70's and early 80's. Thank goodness he got the attention of Brandywine Prod. or it would have been something cheesy, like "Alien Infestation From Beyond The Stars." But regardless of the fact that he didn't create the franchise and its creatures, ALIENS is still a solid film. Ditto the original Terminator. In retrospect, I think Terminator 2 started to show his decline. As much as I love that film, it really drags in the middle. But that's all made up for in the final reels, with some textbook-rewriting action sequences and a lot of amazing practical FX ( I still can't believe that somebody was nuts enough to fly that helicopter under the overpass). True Lies suffers from his more neo touchy-feely filmmaking, but is again saved by the last reels action sequences. I can't begin to defend Titanic, but damn if that boat didn't sink all purty like. Joe Johnston is decent enough, provided he sticks to the kind of films he's cut out to direct. Both Jumanji and Jurassic Park 3 were written to showcase a bunch of creatures chasing the human cast members. That's it. Neither of them are meant to be Citizen Kane, and if you look at them as straight popcorn fare, then I don't see any complaints.
  15. I was fine arguing it from that standpoint until somebody suggest that somebody else should shoot themself. It seems that certain individuals can't recognize where to draw the line when discussing a cartoon.
  16. The problem with the MPC is not only its price. The toy itself would have been okay....had it been released 10 years ago (and at a more realistic price). Where the MPC really fails is that it offers ZERO improvements over the older 1/55 and HCM toys of yesteryear. Whether Toynami was incapable of designing an improved toy, or just blindly copied what they could from the HCM could be debated for years. The fact remains that the MPC was already outdated before it even hit the store shelves.
  17. LOL! Even when you've lost, you still insist on throwing your lame rhetoric around. Warmongers? Let's see what Dictionary.com has to say.... So, who exactly is the "warmonger" here? I don't think we have any mercenaries here, so that definition is out. Nor do we have anybody attempting to start a war, so we'll cross that one off the list too. Finally, I haven't seen any of the anti-Macross 7 crowd posting anything remotely like "Yay war! W00t! Kill 'em all!" so you can't really say that anybody is "advocating" war. Instead, we have some very grown-up people who recognize that war is, unfortunately, at times a necessary evil. But I'm not the least bit surprised that you wouldn't recognize that. What's really ironic is that you chose your country's Memorial Day weekend to lash out at the "warmongers" and other assorted boogeymen. The very weekend that honors those who sacrificed their lives so that you could sit in your parent's basement and wank off online about a freakin cartoon as if you were f*cking Socrates. In the end, this just shows what a sad, ungrateful little person you really are. If you insist on following this lifestyle, at least take Renato's advice and bathe. Nobody likes a dirty hippie. Edit: forgot to mention the nonsensical attack on gun owners. Seriously: wtf?
  18. Whoa whoa....WHOA!!! Has Bandai finished with 0080 and decided to move on to Zeta? Where's my HGUC Kampfer, Zaku FZ and GM Sniper?!!
  19. The only way Yukikaze would win is with its AI piloting, since the human pilot is nothing but a wishy-washy, sulky Shinji wannabe. SORRY REI FUKAI! YOU SUCK!
  20. I've seen it get a couple of half decent reviews on the net. It might at least be worth a rental.
  21. Do you not understand the word, or are you just being argumentitive? hypocrisy n 1: an expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction [syn: lip service] 2: insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have ie, the self proclaimed love-conquers-all pacifist who wishes somebody would shoot themself in order to shut them up. Try to keep up with the rest of the class here, Keith. It's not like I'm speaking latin. This is fundamental 10th grade english here.
  22. Not really bizarre, if you think about it. After all...you still like Robotech. Nuff said.
  23. You know....for somebody who claims to hold Macross 7's ideals in such high regard, Keith is sure quick to lash out at anybody who disagrees with him. I love the smell of hypocricy in the morning.
  24. Talk is cheap. If people really have a problem with the MPC's pricetag, they'll vote with their wallets.
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