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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. What other film does HHH need to appear in? By all accounts, Blade 3 is already in the can.
  2. Too bad about the P7, Chowser. I hear you about the years of neglect too. A buddy of mine has an old Luger buried somewhere at his parent's place. It's supposedly some kind of war trophy from one of the world wars, but nobody's even looked at it for years. I've offered to take it apart and give it a once over (mainly just because I love Lugers) but I'm afraid to see what shape it will be in. As for myself, I'm just a couple of weeks away from finally ordering a Uberti 1851 Colt. The newest drop-in conversion cylinders, seen HERE, have finally convinced me to get my ass in gear and get one. But I'm still not 100% sold on the conversion cylinders. It might just be so much simpler just to buy one of the "Richards Mason" conversions in 38 spl, instead of manufacturing 38 Colt brass and messing around with homecast hollow base bullets.
  3. Fair enough. Perhaps we should just chalk it up to yet another anime character getting shortchanged by the OVA format.
  4. You wouldn't say that if I had four blue dots! Now I'm going to go to the secret "officer's lounge" and post nsaty things about you.
  5. Hmmm...nearly two weeks late. Perhaps Manga is using a different calendar than us.
  6. I just wish the mods would implement some kind of Yoshinol Points System. Don't ask me what they'd do, but they'd be neat.
  7. But what if I argued that Shin had indeed been all dead inside, and that it was his contact with Sara over the past 4 episodes that have healed him? He tells Sara that she's been so busy healing everybody else that she hasn't healed herself....why not include Shin in there somewhere?
  8. I've had good results with just plain water. Isopropyl alcohol works good for me too. However, I've heard that Tamiya gloss colors work the best with the Tamiya thinner. And I wouldn't recommend mixing Model Master and Tamiya paints. I you absolutely feel you must, then make sure to experiment with a small amount first and use it one something disposable.
  9. Here's what I was talking about. My suggestion is to just print up the circled areas, since all the stencils would be duplicates of whatever the "good" kit comes with anyhow. I didn't grab a picture of the MIG 29's decals, but it would be the same idea. Then we'd have them printed on a single sheet, in whatever scale we want. Personally, I'd love the idea of a nice 1/48 Tomcat in UN Spacy markings.
  10. Yeah, but I was just talking about the Macross specific decals, like the UN symbol, "USS Illustria" and Shin's tail artwork, along with the Anti-UN markings for the Mig. The Hasegawa sheet is otherwise pretty rudimentary from what I've seen, and if we're all buying the better kits they'll come with all the stencils and such. Plus this way we get to patronize one of our Macross World vendors. Plus, what if you want to do Shin's F14 in 1/48 scale? Like I said, it was just an idea that seems to be going nowhere.
  11. All I can say is that it's about darn time that the "future" started delivering on some of the cool stuff we've been promised for so long. Now when can I get my sonic shower and my personal backpack helicopter?
  12. Good gravy....do you also get insulted when people pass you in traffic? Why get insulted? In case you didn't notice, everybody else with your approximate number of posts has the exact same goddamn member title. And yet you somehow feel slighted by this? Just post more and work your way up to "Destroid Armor Waxer" and everything will seem better. You'd better watch out, or some mod will give you a real custom title.
  13. Are we talking about who I think we're talking about...?
  14. Didn't we decide that those were actually men the last time that was posted?
  15. Sundown is right, as usual. The Zentradi seem to know next to nothing about Miclones, only that contact with them will *somehow* destroy them. In the early episodes of SDF, Britai was skeptical that we could somehow pose any threat to the Zentradi. So naturally when they see footage from Shao Pai Loon they assume that Kaifun's apparent powers are the reason for the warnings in their records, given their lack of comprehension regarding movies and sfx. They simply believed what they were seeing was real because they didn't know any better. Inferring all this spiritia business needlessly overcomplicates SDF Macross.
  16. bsu legato

    1/60 Gbp

    Ouch. I may skip this one after all.
  17. OVA all the way.
  18. I think that's what mathematicians call a "fluke." But don't make the mistake that I did and write down 5 or 6 results so you can "look at them later." The dice man, it's all in the dice.
  19. Oh there's definitely something going on with the shaman bloodline, but I'm not sure if Kawamori will go into the specifics of how Sara's mojo works. For all we know, near the end of Ep 5 Dr Hassford could just utter the word "Spiritia" before it cuts to the climactic battle between Roy and D.D. Similarly, we never really get any explanation as to how Sharon Apple's "powers" worked. Was her hypnosis an effect of the music? How did she project herself all over the place? Sure there's a few possibilities, but the specifics of it were really secondary to the actual story.
  20. Getting back on topic, I don't think we'll see any sort of technological explanation for Sara's (apparent) powers. We certainly won't hear something really concrete, like the fact that the Protoculture altered our DNA on a submolecular level that allows the shaman bloodline to channel transdimensional energy and use it to manipulate matter...well that's a real stretch, but you see what I mean. But at this point, I'd just be happy to get a final answer on what the AIPHOS/Birdman really is.
  21. No sir, I don't like it.
  22. More dots = more cool.
  23. Just a slight clarification. Midichlorians are *NOT* the force, nor are they the source of it. The Force is still "an energy field, created by all living things" that "surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy together." Midichlorians (which are merely the Galaxy Far Far Away's version of Mitochondria) are merely our connection to the force. From the Phantom Menace script: Not to derail your thread or anything, I just want to make sure everybody is debating by the same rules.
  24. My imaginary friend says you're right.
  25. I had once talked to Anasazi about making a run of Macross Zero markings for us, which would save us all the trouble of buying this crappy old kit just for the decals. If I can ever get enough interest behind it, we could ALL have our M: Zero F14s and Migs.
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