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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Yeah that kind of had me scratching my head. And I thought it was supposed to be -300 degrees on the night side. If they had just been racing across the "twilight zone" between night and day it would have been one thing, but they survive not one but two sunrises. Clearly they lived through the "night." Ah well... Apparently there's as much as 50 minutes that was left on the cutting room floor. Can we say "DVD?"
  2. It's possible that they could have developed something new, but there's nothing in the compendium to support this. In any case, I think Studio Nue would have done something to visually differentiate from a regular Gu-11.
  3. I'm basing my opinion on more than just the trailer. I'm basing it on the fact that Paul Anderson is, at best, a C-grade writer/director. I'm basing it on the fact that nothing I've seen so far has impressed me. For the record, I thought the trailer was pretty average, but that's probably because I watched it without sound at work. It's easy to cut together a short trailer with quick shots of an already cool looking creature, but that has nothing to do with how good the movie will be. It takes more than the image of an Alien drooling, or a Predator shaking its spear at something to get the fanboy in me excited. Hey, I love fun movies too. But I also remember people thinking that Van Helsing would be "fun."
  4. So you're saying that they really nailed Hitomi's character then? From your description, she'll sound just like I'd always imagined her in the manga.
  5. I was impressed. Twohy is no James Cameron, but he managed to create a pretty interesting universe and inhabit it with *gasp* characters. We need more writer/directors like him, not Stephen Sommers and Paul Anderson. Vin Diesel didn't make me feel violently ill, for a change. And they made an ending that actually had some balls! All in all, an entertaining way to spend 2 hours. I'd definitely pay to see a sequel.
  6. A luger? Dewat MP-40? *sobs quietly*
  7. Man....the optimism of youth. I never understood the argument that we should somehow lower our expectations for a movie because it's the summer, or to be more forgiving of a movie just because it's sci fi. Nobody has yet been able to articulate why the think these trailers look "cool," other than saying something "I like the Predators." If a 30 second trailer, featuring nothing but quick cuts of the titular creatures, looks cool it's because the Aliens and Predators themselves look cool. Gieger and Winston both did an outstanding job designing their respective creatures, and it shows. But some people choose to belive that this movie will be good. What can you do? I predict that this movie will be like Van Helsing: Big, loud, and dumber than a sack of hammers.
  8. Shoot. Here I was hoping this was some sort of easter egg from Kawamori-sama.
  9. AnimeFriend strikes again!
  10. *cough* Yes, I was joking. Sorry, my deadpan delivery doesn't quite translate well to message boards.
  11. Let's not forget Joel Silver. Man, I remember when his name being attached to a movie meant something.
  12. Wasn't "Zorb" the bad guy in The 5th Element? Or was it the bad guy from Superman II? "Kneel before Zor!"
  13. Apparently so. And the lead Predator supposedly has a shoulder cannon the size of a honda civic. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they did.
  14. Easter egg? I can't see that being any kind of coincidence.
  15. Basically, Paul Anderson happened. There was an interview with him a couple of months ago where he described how he wanted to ratchet up the aliens and predators.....to the X-treme! Showing his vast respect for the original films, he described how the Predators in the first two movies were low level hunters, or "pussies," compared to the Paul W.S. Anderson Predators.
  16. Pure, unadulterated speculation. Unless I've missed something, we've never found some sort of "uncut" preproduction script for what Macross was originally written to be. The closest we've come was the Battle City Megarodo summary, most of which eventually wound up in SDF Macross minus the overt parody. And your assumptions aren't? And no matter what Kawamori retcons into future Macross projects, that's in no way proof that he had always intended for it to be there. What do other anime series have to do with this? For example, I enjoyed Gungrave but I'd put my fist through the TV if somebody necro-rised Roy Focker.
  17. If he builds it, he'll be the coolest kid on the block.
  18. By "we" I assume they mean the audience, right? I'm sorry, but I still can't see why people are getting excited about this movie.
  19. Heh...that plan view of the YF-21 sure blows away the notion that its wings were fixed, and that they only changed shape as a "metaphor." I don't remember who stated that, but it was a dumb idea.
  20. Rise, my friend. I was just curious if anybody has come across a fansub of either the new Appleseed film, or Ghost in the Shell: Innocence yet. I'm dying to see both of these movies.
  21. Reson #1905 the rest of Canada hates TO. I've never seen any local anime cosplayers, but the ones who dress up for the local con bear a stronger resemblence to Man-Faye.
  22. I'm going to take a giant leap here and assume that this is a kids show. Correct?
  23. 12,800 YEN??! Ouch! I like the designs from Yukikaze (and ONLY the designs) but not that much.
  24. So....we're talking about building an actual 1:1 replica? As in a vessel that's 1600 meters in length? Ok....
  25. With that attitude, you'll never make "commander."
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