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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Sadly, yes. Vince McMahon has decided to start pimping his son-in-law as the next big action star. Be warned. But otherwise the clip looked promising, at lest as promising as 30 seconds of footage can look. And Van Wilder grew a goatee!
  2. Did they ever release that "Prime Directives" miniseries on DVD? I only saw half of it, but I liked what I saw.
  3. You, my friend, are the target audience for this movie. However, one or two of us actually prefer a film to have a bit of substance now and then.
  4. No kidding. Shouldn't they be hyping their vaporware Robotech 2K4 by now? They've been awfully quiet on that front, haven't they?
  5. Considering that the Robocop movies were 1 for 3 on the 'entertain-o-meter,' I'll give this box set a pass. Anybody want to sell me their Criteron?
  6. I just found this on Dark Horizons. I'd take it with an extremely large grain of salt, but you never know. To paraphrase AgentONE, Cameron + Arnold = Good movie?
  7. NEW JAPANESE TRAILER. It's interesting how it focuses more on *gasp* selling the story, not just the action sequences and Will Smith's attitude.
  8. Man, they sure are going to milk this itty bitty bit of publicity, aren't they.
  9. Besides...we all know that the new uniform is copied from the Canadian CADPAT uniform.
  10. Lego fanfilms rock! Why hasn't anybody made a Lego Macross short yet? and in other SW news....
  11. Is this in response to anything in particular, or are you just referring to the general amount of drama?
  12. No, that was the worst part! Benoit beat Kane to retain his belt, but it wasn't even the freakin' main event!! Just how fraked up has the WWE become when the championship match isn't even the main even? Instead, we get treated to an insultingly bad match between HBK and HHH. It would have been a boring main even fro RAW, much less an Hell in a Cell match. And don't even mention that Pocono race to me.
  13. Wow. That was one of the worst PPV event I've seen in years. It's really sad when Eugene vs Coach is the highlight of the show. And that "main event?" Good god, that was the longest 45 minutes match I've sat through. It was just interminable. Just when you'd hope somebody would get pinned, the match would keep going. And is anybody surprised that Triple H finally won?
  14. Weekend box office: 1 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban $35,000,000 2 The Chronicles of Riddick $24,600,000 3 Shrek 2 $24,000,000 4 The Stepford Wives $22,200,000 5 Garfield $21,600,000 I suppose it could have done a lot better if there hadn't been two other big movies opening the same weekend. There was a lot of money being spent at the movies last weekend, but it was split so many ways that I don't know if COR will be considered a success. Right now, i wouldn't hold my breath for a sequel.
  15. Why would he apoligize? It was just a joke.
  16. Not to take this thread off topic (the topic being hot cosplayers) but that Alphonse costume looks damn good.
  17. Hardee har har. Look, aside from Keith's usual aversion to grown up discourse we were all having a nice little discussion here. And yet you decided to jump in and tell us how foolish we are to bother debating any of this. And while I'm at it, where would you suggest we take out Macross discussion. Robotech.com? The fact is that there's nothing wrong with this thread. We're all being civil, there's no bashing and it's on topic for this forum. If you still have a beef with this thread, there's a specific forum for your complaints. Otherwise, contribute to the thread or get out.
  18. Thanks a lot, Aegis. Hey...here's a suggestion: why don't you leave the moderating to the mods, or I'll ask you to go somewhere.
  19. I wasn't aware that FN were being such dicks about the entire thing, since I barely follow law enforcement stuff. If it's really that much of a pain to handle then I truly can't understand its current appeal. Since it was initially designed as a personal defense weapon for rear echelon types, maybe they never intended it to be speed reloaded, hence the 50 round capacity. Beyond that, the only attraction I can see is it's supposed penetration characteristics, althoug I'd be leery about the local ERT guys firing them in my neighborhood.
  20. Steve Yun: so funny that I forgot to laugh.
  21. While I can only speak for myself, here's a defense of my own interest in the P90: Resemblence to the works of Shirow-san aside, the P90 is interesting because it's the closest we're come to a "new" design in firearms in decades. It's that almost completely ground-up approach to the design that appeals to the techno-geek in me. The fact that it has found more acceptance in police service than its intended market shows that FN may have miscalculated its usefullness somewhat, but I don't really count that as a strike against the weapon itself. Is it limited in its applications? Undoubtedly. But since I don't have to worry about justifying the purchase of one, it's a moot point to me. I'm just waiting for the day when the design evolves into a more useful carbine type weapon. The fact that so many video game makers choose to make it an uber weapon is just icing on the cake. You have to admit that it was fun to nearly cut a merc in half with one in Far Cry.
  22. What you are probably hearing is some of Manga's so-called "improvements" to the Macross Plus soundtrack.
  23. Naw, it was just a plain old P-08. The problem was that it was too short, by Kanuckistan's laws. Even he wishes he had hung onto it, especially after they changed the grandfathering portion of bill C-68 to allow pre-1946 firearms to be passed down. Peter, those are some great photos but I have to ask why that P90 has a STANAG magazine sticking out of the side. Is this an "airsoft" thing?
  24. Interesting. I wish my father still had his 1916.
  25. JsARC, does the Luger have a manufacturing year on it? I know that the early ones usually had the year marked right by the manufacturer's marking, right over the chamber.
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