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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Hah! You wouldn't be so cocky if you knew that I was posting from inside the same building as you. I'm, like, that stealthy.
  2. Holy crap, his book is for real! Book
  3. Awesome. I now challenge AgentONE to a throwing star fight. *throws a star into the wall behind A1's head*
  4. Yeah, way to maintain that moral high ground.
  5. Aw, damn. I thought this would be a topic about the Navy circle-strafing the enemy while jump shooting.
  6. Astounding!! Can somebody please, pleeeease translate that article on the last page? The one with the header VF-0 -> VF-1.
  7. Deckard should have really been an android. Oh....wait....nevermind.
  8. I do remember that Paul Verhoeven was supposed to direct this one, many years ago. Too bad it never got off the ground.
  9. Well, to me the XM-25 makes more sense anyway. The original OICW may have been ok in concept, but I (and apparently others in higher places) had doubts about the lethality of the 20mm airbursting munitions, and the snubbie rifle (a mini G36, really) would have been worse than useless at anything other than point blank range. So if the rifle portion isn't worth using, why have it to begin with? Ditch it and increase the size of the HE munitions, which is the entire point of the weapon system to begin with.
  10. I thought that the OICW was indeed dead, or at least on hold. I had seen an illustration of what was called the XM-25, which was the the 20mm portion of the OICW (enlarged to a more usefull 25mm) but without the "kinetic energy" portion, aka the forebearer of the XM-8. There's an article about it Here. ATK themselves have a page about the XM-25 Here.
  11. I wonder what they'll call this one... 28 Days Later 2: Die Later 28 Days Later 2: Dead by Dawn 28 Days Later 2: Judgement Day 28 Days, 28 Later and to run the joke further into the ground... 28 Days Later 2: Electric Boogaloo.
  12. No kidding. If you ditch his post-84 work, you lose Empire of the Sun, Last Crusade, Schindler's List, and Private Ryan. Or is it suddenly not cool to like those movies?
  13. Not to worry, the newest XM-8 prototypes have backup iron sights.
  14. Aside from this poster, nowhere. I'm not sure if this poster has even been confirmed as legit. The images of the DVD covers are the real deal, but the poster's still an unknown.
  15. Hell, amazon.ca has the box set listed at $57.99 CDN, so I don't know where these prices are comming from. I have a hard time swallowing that three DVDs plus one bonus disc will cost more than the 9-disc Alien legacy set.
  16. Yeah, even though a civilian spec XM-8 would likely cost upwards of $3000 CDN (I'm going to call it the SL-9) I'd still be first in line for one. Then we'd really have something to make those Black Rifle shooters at the range jealous, right JsARC? I agree with Zentrandude that this is probably the closest we'll see to a Pulse Rifle in our lifetime. Has anybody seen a picture of a G36 and an XM8 side by side yet? I wonder why they changed the stock from a side-folder to a telescoping one. And here's some more gun pr0n
  17. Could The Oak be reuniting with his patron saint, James Cameron? I just found an interesting tidbit on Dark Horizons, which seems to contradict the reports that Cameron was moving ahead with Battle Angel Alita Sure, "action heros from the 80's is vague," but come on....who else could they mean? Stallone? Van Damme? Segal? Yeah, I'm sure that Cameron is just dying to work with them. Considering Cameron's penchant for recasting the same actors in all of his projects, I think it has to be Schwarzenegger.
  18. The best thing about the Firefly movie is that with its relatively low budget ($50 million-ish), it's virtually guaranteed to turn a profit before it even reaches DVD. Hopefully that means we'll get to see parts 2 and 3 in the years to come.
  19. AICN has some new news about the North American release of Appleseed. Well...it's not really news, but it's the first time I've seen it mentioned in a while, so I'll post it anyway.
  20. All I get is a main page with links to the trailer, and that same promise of the "Full Website: 5.28.04
  21. Are those prices in dollars...or pesos? I've seen the Trilogy set priced at $80 Canadian, so I don't know where they're getting those prices from. I'd have expected it to be priced similar to the Indy DVDs.
  22. And how is one more "right" than the other? It IS science fiction, after all. When time travel becomes a reality, then we'll find out what the deal is with predestination, paradoxes, and such.
  23. I'd just like to see the full 3-hour version of Schwarzenegger's Hamlet, as seen in The Last Action Hero. "Claudius, you keeled ma fadder. Beeg mestake."
  24. [fanboy] OMFG! That would be so awesome! And we'll get Uwe Boll to direct it (c'mon, he's not so bad) and it'll be soooooo great! [/fanboy]
  25. I've been thinking about it for some time. We had been discussing Joint Ops and its quasi-rival Soldner: Secret Wars HERE, and it seems that both games have their advantages and shortcommings. Joint Ops supports more players (up to 150) and has a fast playing, class-based weapon selection. However, from what I've seen of Joint Ops it does little to push the envelope in any department other than the number of players. IGN just put up their review of JO here.
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