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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Hey, I found some Video of HG's presentation at AX. Who is that guy? Tommy Yune?
  2. About: Robotech Vs. Predator? Arnold would never be associated with something so lame. Even Danny Glover wouldn't touch that.
  3. Can somebody sum it up, for those of us at work and who don't have speakers? Is it even worth my time (from the sounds of it, it isn't)?
  4. Just spend the day watching "Raw Deal," then "Conan the Barbarian" back to back 4 times. Chances are you will forget any and all movies that aren't bad ass. Hell, I'd watch an all night marathon of Jingle All The Way and Junior before I'd watch either of the Matrix sequels again.
  5. Is there a pill I can take to forget having seen Reloaded and Revolutions?
  6. Robotech: Call of Duty Robotech: Pandora Tomorrow Robotech: Knights of the Old Republic Robotech: Sons of Liberty Robotech: Typhoon Rising and the all-time greatest party game... Robotech: Robokart Racing
  7. You gave him Robotech DVD's? You do realize that someday that kid will grow up and learn the painful truth about Robotech. Then he's going to track you down and punch you in the nuts.
  8. So...to sum up, HG owns the merch. rights to DYRL and in fact have owned them all along. Yeah, I didn't see that one coming.
  9. I liked 90% of the additions to Redux, but I can easily see why the French Plantation scene got cut. Some of it is good, but it runs far too long and could have easily run 1/2 as long as it does. That's right! I'd thought I'd imagined that, but now that you mention it I do remember seeing that. But strangely, I saw it either on TV or an old VHS copy and not some bootleg. As for the destruction of the Kurtz Compound, it supposedly first showed up in some early 35mm prints of A. Now, but was quickly dropped. John Milius had some comments about it HERE. It's a long, long interview (16 pages worth!!) but it's definitely worth reading.
  10. Wow! Ryan Reynolds, Mr Van Wilder himself, actually looks pretty tough. *sorry, I just had to break up the Beil worshipping *
  11. I've held out for a Special Edition of this film for far too long now. I should just break down and buy the bare bones DVD. Edit: and King Arthur is supposedly pretty bad, according to the early buzz. Somebody should just option Jack Whyte's Dream of Eagles books already.
  12. Well....I wouldn't say I'm carrying it, but lately I've been shooting some home-rolled .45 ACP 200 gr Semi Wadcutters for my Norinco plinko 1911A1. I picked up a box of 1000 locally cast bullets, and I've committed myself to using them all up by the end of the summer. Practice, practice, practice... Of course, that will all change in the next week or so when my 1851 Navy shows up at the dealer!
  13. Buying boxes of ammo... in a WALMART? Uhhh... room... spinning... *Canucklehead passes out* Psst.....Canadian Wal Marts sell ammunition too.
  14. I haven't, but I had once seen a lengthy review of it online....somewhere. I'll keep searching for it. And as far as I know, no current versions of A Now contain the bombing of the Kurtz Compound, aka the "Milius" ending. The only place I've seen it was on a late night TV braodcast, many years ago.
  15. Ask, and ye shall receive. To me, the best part of the workprint is that you supposedly get nearly 30 minutes of raw, unedited footage of the helicopter attack.
  16. Has there been any word on just how many screens will get Innocence? The last time I saw anime in the theater was Jin Roh, and that was only because the local artsy-fartsy theater got in a print for a weekend.
  17. Damn, I need one of those. Too bad the $2895.00 price tag will keep me from doing something insane, like buying one.
  18. Bah, screw the Redux version of Apocolypse. A true film aficionado should track down the 5 hour workprint. It's out there.
  19. Warmaker's right about the FG-42. I'd just add that, if anything, it's more of a spiritual ancestor to the full bore "battle rifles" of the 60's and 70's. You know....the G3, FAL, and the like.
  20. bsu legato

    TOMY Gashapons

    Hey man, no dissing K.I.T.T.
  21. Hasegawa does this sort of this with its non-Sci Fi aircraft all the time. I don't think its a licence issue at all.
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