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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. According to the standee I saw at the theater this weekend, I, Robot is only suggested by Asimov's story. At least they're being honest.
  2. Very nice! And it even has the WW2-style milled trigger guard!
  3. Ehh...Master Replicas makes nice stuff, but $400 is a pretty stiff price for that. I'd rather get one of These garage kits instead. And Ux, Marco has long since been shut down.
  4. Toy? I though we were talking about Jessica's....oh, I see!
  5. She shore is sweaty, though.
  6. Nothing's wrong with it. I just honestly don't know what to tell you. If you wanted to preserve a copy of Robotech as it was originally broadcast in '85, then the remasters aren't the thing to buy. However, as it contains "never before seen footage" and ostensibly a better picture, then maybe the remasters are more your thing. It all depends on where you stand on the whole "Special Edition" thing.
  7. As long as you have breath in your lungs and money in your wallet, you should keep buying and rebuying the Robotech saga. Again and again and again and again and again..... I can't wait for 2005, when ADV and HG announce the Ultimate Extreme Edition Robotech Saga: Superbit Edition. Oh, and buy more superposeables. Now in cherry flavor!
  8. Looks absolutely terrible.
  9. Oh, only to have that kind of coin. I've seen guys on different firearms boards who discuss their collections of M1's and it just scares me. Just off the top of my head... Springfield Winchester International Harvester Harrington & Richardson Breda Beretta ...and I'm sure I'm forgetting somebody. But it's still easier than collecting M1 carbines. Name a manufacturer who didn't produce a Carbine at one point.
  10. Eh....I suppose I could have done worse.
  11. Well, the best solution is to simply get both rifles.
  12. Damn, and Hicks was the only one I wanted to see a picture of. What's the freakin' holdup?
  13. Indeed. She's like a fine wine that only improves with age.
  14. I've heard of 'em, but the @$&*%'s won't ship anything to Canada. I'm just going to get a surplus web sling from Numrich, or maybe a repro-1907 leather sling from Uncle Mikes.
  15. Where's that from? Is that some kind of aftermarket flaps?
  16. So....can we expect this to be the SEED remake of Zeta Gundam?
  17. No kidding. Having never seen Zeta, I was impatient as hell to get those DVDs. Then after all the delays I ended up borrowing a set of fansubs from a friend. Now...I'll still buy the R1 DVDs. Someday.
  18. I believe it's a Gundam thing. Yes, yes it is. The last one was the character Puru from Double Zeta. Extremely annoying character. I was just watching ZZ for the first time last night, and that joke made a lot more sense now that I've seen it. Sadly, that single comic panel is funnier than all of ZZ Gundam combined.
  19. Piiiiiing!!!! (that's my little impression of the clip ejecting) My M1 has to be my absolute prize posession. I rate it even higher than my Mustang and my Animeigo DVDs. Those new Springfield M1s are indeed nice, but for the price they're asking I'd have just gone to the CMP and bought an original. Now and then they get some really nice ex-Danish rifles that have typically been arsenal refinished. But there's certainly nothing wrong with a brand new M1. I've heard some people complain that Springfield is using cast receivers instead of forging them, as was done on the originals, but I can't see it really becomming a problem. Metalurgy has come a fair way since 1936. I can't say I have any real stories, at least any that are interesting. But I will say that my M1 is incredibly accurate, moreso than my Kar98 (mainly because of the sights). One thing you will notice is that any M1 at the range will attract spectators like flies. Everybody always wants to see one of them "in action." Put 8 shots onto the 200 yd gong, followed by that famous piiiing, and you'll probably get a round of applause. As for M1 thumb? I'd say that it's actually exaggerated. All you have to do is make sure you hold the bolt back with the heel of your hand, while pressing the clip firmly into the action until it clicks. Get your thumb outta there and let the bolt fly home. It's that simple. What you may actually find is that your bolt may not completely close on the first round. Those clips hold the ammo pretty tight, actually. All you do then is either pull the bolt back and try again, or give the op handle a bit of a slap forward like you're closing a bolt action. Since your rifle is brand new, you might not have that problem. Mine is 50 years old, but last I checked the recoil spring measured right on spec, lengthwise.
  20. Gah! This thread has taken a turn for the ugly!
  21. I just cruised over to the official Joint Ops board, and I found this post by one of the mods/devs
  22. Joint Ops requires a subscription to play? It'd have to be a pretty damn good game to get me to pay to play. Methinks it might be better just to wait until the winter for Battlefield 2.
  23. From what I've been hearing, the physics in Soldner are just apallingly bad. A reviewer claims that you can flip an M1 Abrams just by turning sharply, and that some light vehicles can sustain multiple hits from a tank but get serverely damaged by hitting a tree. Also, while the huge, huge hemisphere-sized level was a novel idea, what's the point if there's only going to be 32 players on a server? Jowood claims that they'll have it patched up to 64 players by year's end.
  24. How do you like Soldner, McBride? The reviews I've been seeing have just torn it to shreds. Personally, I pretty much gave up on it when the demo wouldn't even let you play the game. To me, a demo shouldn't need multiple patches just to let you play it. Certainly not if you expect anybody to actually buy your game. I'm going to go out on a limb (without actually owning either game) and agree with VF19. Joint Ops is by far the superior game.
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