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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. From what I've read here, I'm glad I went to see Bourne Supremecy instead.
  2. Sweet Zombie Jesus, there's an official site! How'd I miss that? http://www.teamamericamovie.com/
  3. At first, I wasn't going to share my own PMs with the thread, because that's obviously what this troll wants, but some of this stuff is just too funny to keep to myself... Huh? Too bad I'm not American. Rude? He never did respond when I asked him why it's acceptable to come here for the express purpose of insulting us. What's the penalty for that in an Asian family? Again, what the hell? I may be part Scottish, but I'm not from Scotland. But, you see, now we're getting somewhere. Note his mentioning how his "Asians" will wipe us out? Perhaps we're to believe he's from North Korea. The Commies are comming! Eiher way, he's tough 'cause he says so. Internet threats are soooooo cool. Aw, now I'm disappointing him? Plus he didn't like it when I appealed to his "Asian" sensibilities and suggested that he commit seppuku. and finally.... I hereby request that Max and the rest of the moderators NOT erase his account. He's clearly the type of person who will continute reading and posting this poo as long as possible...sort of an obsessive/compulsive thing. This is just comedy gold, and whoever is behind this fake identity I salute you.
  4. http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/te...rica/large.html taste it. This looks absolutely brilliant. Apparently, the theme some is "Team America; F*ck yeah!" It has puppets doing bullet time martial arts. It has a fat, mustard stained Michael Moore puppet. What more do you need?
  5. Guys, this is so completely, obviously a joke post. My vote goes for somebody using another account. It's not Max's style...nor is it Agent ONE's sense of humor. Who is this guy? Check the IP addresses!
  6. Well, now that Valk Delight has put us all in our places, can we get back to matters that are important? When are we gonna ban >EXO< ?
  7. What I meant is that, depending on how certain key scenes in Ep III ( I still can't get used to it actually having a name) he's felt the need to refine the way the ghost scene plays out. I don't know if any of what I've heard in this regard were ever confirmed as legitiamte spoilers, but this revision may indeed be necessary. For the record, I don't buy all of the "original vision" stuff either, but Lucas isn't the only artist refining his early works in light of more recent additions to the narrative. Heck, even Tolkien made changes to the Hobbit while working on LOTR. Oh, I thought you were complaining about how the celebrations fit into the timeline. I've seen complaints about the so-called immediacy of the celebrations before. As to how well they fit? Eh...I could go either way, but it's still a bit classier than "Yub yub." I always have expectations of the smart posters here. Fair enough, but you gotta admit that's still a fair way away from pure "megalomania."
  8. Pure, 100% specualtion. For the record, there has been no official word on these changes one way or another. Further, possible Ep 3 spoilers cast a different light on Anakin's youthful-looking spirit. Either way, we'll have to wait. "Forced" or not, I think you're looking at the end celebrations a wee bit to literally. This borders on plain old muckracking, plain and simple. Here, you really disappoint me Al. All kinds of internet posters love to go on and on about Lucas' supposed "megalomania" and his worshipping of the almighty dollar. But the problem is that it's all specualtion, usually put forth to support an anti-Prequel or anti-SE diatribe. Either that, or it's a sad attempt to bolster the notion of some lame franchise war. (for the record, Lucas and Jackson got along quite well) Likewise, as much as some message board posters may complain long and hard about their childhoods being "raped" (the lamest piece of hysterical fanboy melodrama I've yet to read) many of them will still walk into Best Buy on Sept 21 and buy the DVDs regardless. The word "hypocricy" is lost on many people, nowadays.
  9. Ah, so it was you who bought those master! Great to see this kit still in production. Check your PMs.
  10. Was there a release date given for the Landmates? I checked ToycomYamato US' site, and all it listed under "Appleseed the movie" was he revised Deunan and Briareos figures.
  11. Wait for 2007, or possibly later. I'd expect a new, uber DVD set for whenever the "next" format comes out.
  12. Check out the OT forums on http://www.galacticsenate.com/
  13. Most of these newest changes don't bother me in the least. fixed Jabba CGI in ANH = good fixed lightsabers in ANH = good Arubesh added to tractor beam control = good removed "emperor scream" in ESB = good Naboo added to ROTJ celebrations = meh, but in terms of the whole 6 films its good The biggest change is definitely the Anakin spirit at the end of Jedi (which those who've seen it say isn't as bad as DVD file makes it seem). I think it will make more sense after we've seen Revenge of the Sith. My theory is that Anakin outright dies, and is resurrected by Palps. Hence, when he comes back as a "ghost" he looks as he did when he was good Anakin. Besides, if you want to get nitpickety Anakin never looked like the "healthy" Sebastian Shaw incarnation, so what's the right one? And Anakin's death is still played by Shaw. All ILM did was remove his eyebrows. I suppose those don't grow back.
  14. Yep, 6.5" is over the legal limit. The f*ckers cut it off at 4", making anything shorter a "saturday night special." Yeah, like there's a lot of gangstahs toting around P08 Lugers and all. Plus it's .45 Colt, a man's cartridge if there ever was one. Of course, if you want to be 100% screen accurate you need to ditch the hardwood grips and find the OEM rubbers. Kurt is (was) fairly built, at least back in '95. But you're not a real He-Man unless you can heft a pair of 4 1/2 lb Walker Colts like Josey Wales.
  15. Great. Now you just need a second one for the other hand. *fumes in extreme jealousy*
  16. Is that what I think it is?
  17. Wow, thanks for hooking us up with those photos, EXO. Those Appleseed landmates are the best thing since oxygen! Too bad it took nearly 15 years to get a toy of one. And those Bond figures are killer, although I thought 006 looked a bit like AgentONE.
  18. Word. Oh well, I'll go back to patiently waiting for his as-yet untitled movie, due in 2005.
  19. The entire supporting cas of ZZ Gundam wins, hands down. Individually, they might not stack up to Ed or Mint, but their combined power spread over 50+ episodes is far more annoying than anything yet created in anime.
  20. AGENT ONE, I'M CALLING YOU OUT!!!!!!!!! Aw hell, that's not funny anymore. Then again, was it ever? Anyway, the other day I discussed something with Mod Max, and there may be an alternate solution to A1's beef. It all depends on what Max finds in the board software.
  21. Get yourself a good, used Ruger Blackhawk in .44 mag. Failing that, the Taurus Ragin Bull would fit the bill, and win you those valuable "style" points.
  22. I'd say that Hayato's death in ZZ Gundam was pretty damn pointless. He returns for all of one episode, then crashes his Dodai Kai. Meanwhile, not a single one of the annoying "main" characters gets so much as a scratch for the entire run of the series. Thanks a lot, Tomino. You've raped my childhood.
  23. So how does the dub script compare to the dub script? The movie seemed to diverge quite a bit, now and then. Of course, that was an older Mangle hack job, so it's probably not the best example.
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