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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Threads like this always make me laugh. Arguments about the OT: SE aside, people still can't look past their own myopic points of view when Lucas does something ostensibly good for film. the man genuinely can't win. He could save a schoolbus full of hungry orphans, and fanboys would still bitch "Thanks for nothing, Luca$. Those orphans were good enough for you to save, but you still won't give me the original Star Wars on DVD? Why should I care about those orpahns? I grew up with Star Wars, dammit! I hate you! You raped my childhood!" Seriously, some of you really need to get outside more often.
  2. bsu legato

    VF-0A kit

    A book of Tenjin's Macross art? Me too, please. Until then, I'll just keep saving those box tops.
  3. Somebody tell Turner that he can have Triple H for free. Really, we won't mind in the least. I swear, if his stupid match with Eugene is the main event at Summer Slam (instead of either of the title matches) then I'll just give up on WWE completely. Does Mr Levesque really thing that we're that interested in him fueding with anybody? Get cancer and die already, HHH!
  4. Yeah, there shouldn't be any doubt that Max was going to take a bullet once Vincent finished his business.
  5. Really? Crap, a nice kick to the mommy-daddy bits for the holidays. You (still) suck, FUNimation.
  6. Ahh, Gundam F91. We can only wonder what could have been, although parts of V Gundam definitely have a similar feel, IMO. I wonder if some of Tomino's unused ideas for F91 got recycled into V.
  7. The Three Stooges raped my childhood!
  8. Not a trailer, but some sort of featurette. The Vader images in this thread and others are screencaps of the behind-the-scenes footage.
  9. Extremely pointless, but I still like Carmella.
  10. I ain't got time to bleed.
  11. Where's the love for Bail Organa? Here's him in a snazzy speeder (which looks kinda similar to the one Anakin purloined in Ep 2). Nice to see that he lost those sissy frilled collars. What the hell is wrong with Alderaan, anyway?
  12. Aliens would most likely still be rated R, were it released today. The marines dialog is absolutley profane, and we do see a chestburster. Does anybody remember what the re-release of Alien was rated?
  13. http://www.avp-movie.com/ Sad, but true.
  14. Aw hell, I looked it up. It turns out the Dr. Boll got his doctorate in literature, which is ironic since I've said that he's the director most likely to be illiterate. and just for kicks, here's his infamous rant against all of us HOTD haters. Umm...what?
  15. So....does florida have the death penaly? These guys need to fry.
  16. The Road Warrior still kicks each and every one of our asses.
  17. Oh come now. Macross World is hardly the lone voice of dissent in regards to AvP, and while we've made some cracks at is expense, I'd hesitate to call all of our comments "mindless." Is it so wrong to have an opinion that's negative about something? If there's anything "mindless" it's the cheerleaders who seem to come out of the woodwork in topics like this, who simply parrot things like "This looks good" or "I like Alien. I like Predator. Therefore AVP will be a good movie." Mindless enthusiasm without any critical thinking is what's really sad.
  18. I heard that already. Dude, that's gonna be awesome!!!!
  19. That's Doctor Uwe Boll to the likes of you - he gets mad if you don't use the honorific.... Right you are, Ken. How could I forget that honorific? Just what is he a doctor of, anyhow? I remember reading it once, but had no interest in retaining that little factoid in my memory.
  20. Without a doubt, this year's best movie to date. The Cruise haters (and to a nearly equal extent, the Foxx haters) will definitely have to reevaluate thier opinions when they see this thing. And for god's sake, don't touch the man's briefcase.
  21. Witten and directed by the legendary auteur, Uwe Bol. Bol is best know for his cinematic opus House of the Dead and the upcomming Alone in the Dark. Expect much suckitude.
  22. Since when an either the Alien or the Predator survive being flung through a wall? If they were both that resiliant, how could they have been killed in any of their respective movies? Bullets and falling logs certainly wouldn't bother them. This movie just looks dumber by the second.
  23. Does anybody know if Stephen Sommers is available? I'm sure he'd love to get a crack at a new franchise.
  24. Seriously though, I expect this movie to make at least $40 million in its first weekend. Whether or not it has legs is another matter. Van Helsing made big bux its first weekend, then fell like a stone. I'm sure it still made money, but it wasn't "Shrek 2" money.
  25. Willpower....decreasing. Urge...to buy....overpowering. I need to find a hot, rich trophy wife to buy me these things.
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