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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. If hell really has an "Ironic Punishment Department," as seen on that old Treehouse of Horror episode, then I hope they have an infinite loop of the old SW Holiday Special for you. "So....you like Wookiees, do you?"
  2. I'll sell you my copies of Man Machine Interface. Cheap.
  3. Of course! It's all MacrossWorld's fault that the MPC Alpha is a stinker.
  4. Can't be any worse than Loomis/DHL. They lost my 1911A1 for nearly a week. I won't ask you to beat the crap out of the spine to make scans, but please post some comments when you get yours. I'm especially hopeful it has oodles of line art and original art. Interviews and articles are fine, but since I can't read a word of it they're somewhat lost on me.
  5. Then that makes two of us. In this particular case I think it's justified. AVP deserves our derision, as does Paul Anderson and the stupid Fox executives who greenlit this abortion. Sadly, AVP is a lose/lose scenario. If AVP goes on to gross $100 million, then Fox could easily decide that they didn't need somebody like Ridley Scott or James Cameron to make Alien 5. They could just give the job to this Paul WS Anderson fellow. See..he's got two middle initials. He must be good. If AVP fails to recover its cost and advertising, then Fox could decide that audiences just aren't interested in these franchises anymore. The fact that we just didn't want to see AVP 'cause it was a piece of crap would never occur to them.
  6. I loves me them anime artbooks, and since Stand Alone Complex is currently my favorite series this book seems to be just my thing. Has anybody bought this yet? If so, can we get a mini-review?
  7. Pictured here, Natalie Portman ponders her post-Star Wars career. As you can see, she looks positively delighted by the outlook.
  8. Eh, don't worry about it.
  9. For those looking for a Pulse Rifle, I just found another vendor making a garage kit. Check out THIS thread for details and pics. It looks pretty good, IMO. And it's the right color, too!
  10. Paul Anderson speaks! Again. I found this reposted on the chud.com boards.
  11. I've never bought that argument. How do stage actors manage, then? Sometime it's literally just the actor by himself on an empty stage. Yet they somehow manage to act. Besides, nobody complained about the abundance of greenscreen in the last 1/3 or Return of the King. Oh wait, it's not cool to nitpick LOTR.
  12. Weee...more useless little trinkets to litter my shelves. These look an awful lot like those little silver mobile suits that came with that candy, back about a year or so ago.
  13. Oh come now, can't I indulge in a little bit of fanboy hyperbole too? The point was that, for such a hack filmaker as Anderson is, he has quite a pair to go on record shitting on Predator 2. I'll take Pred 2 over any of Paulie's works, anyday of the week. Sheesh, some folks get so sensitive 'round here.
  14. Would if I could. Try looking for "Now You're a Man" on your filesharing program of choice. Edit: I spoke too soon. Check out this link: http://www.kilbot.net/writing/man.php and in mp3 format here: http://www.spschat.com/RareMedia/NowYou'reAMan.htm
  15. If you liked that, you're gonna love THIS. Dark Horizons has an interview with the man himself, Paul "Warm Semen" Anderson. The guy actually has the gall to slag Predator 2, in spite of his own film being possibly the worst thing since AIDS.
  16. ...Just cuz Blaine loves them Wookiees.
  17. Y'see...at this point, I can't even read your post any more. It's like some unintelligible gibberish, like some language spoken by those stone-age tribes they used to find secluded in the amazon. No sane person would knowinly string those words together in english or any other language.
  18. D'oh...of course. Now that you mention it, my right rear tire was a little low on air this morning. That damned Lucas probably let the air out last night. Durn bastage is tryin' ta rape my....er, drive to work.
  19. Funny, this is the one Sci Fi film where that would actually make sense. Or, it would at least be ironic.
  20. Yeah that Spielberg....what a "hack."
  21. Yep, I called the box office pretty good in the first AVP thread, tho I rounded it off to an even $40. But the real measure of its success will be how it hold up next weekend. I read that AVP dropped off 25% by saturday night, so I bet most of that was Friday's take. Now that the word is out....? I think even Van Helsing was ultimately considered a dud, in spite of big opening weekend earnings.
  22. ..the hell? That's it. I'm done with WWE. See ya guys around.
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