Since the old thread is long buried, and it seemed to ramble on and off topic, I'm starting this new thread for pictures and previews of the new Star Wars DVD set. Only post in here to comment on these DVDs. If you don't like the Prequels, feel that George Lucas has "raped your childhood," or if you're just a whiny attention whore, post your thoughts in the other threads. Keep it on topic. Offenders will be summarily locked in a room with Carrot Top while he re-enacts his repitoire of "Dial Down the Middle" commercials.
Now then, who wants to see one of the biggest changes to the OT? I'm referring to the addition of Ian McDiarmid to The Empire Strikes Back, of course! Say goodbye to the old Chimp-lady. See the clip HERE.
Here's's 4 minute preview of the DVDs. Nothing special, but its nice to see anyway. Check out all the old behind-the-sceens footage! And they even got Harrison "Don't Call Me Han Solo" Ford to speak on one of the docs! Who'da thought that the curmudgeonly Ford would do one of those?
More DVD rips! Here's the revised JABBA scene.
And now, some screengrabs from ESB. I don't recall who did the transfer/restoration but this looks absolutely phenominal. I've seen side-by-side comparisons to the '97 SE, and this blows the SE away by a mile. These films haven't looked this good since the early 80's.
btw, these images were shamelessly stolen from some guy on's forums.