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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. OK, I just watched that Emperor scene with sound (my work pc don't have no speakers) and I think that change is awesome! There was nothing wrong with Clive Reville/Chimp Lady, but Ian McDiarmid just owns that role. Yesssss....he would be a great...asset. Can it be done?
  2. Sadly, yes. However, the scene has been tweaked a bit to make it look....well, not so piss-poor. There's also the revised Jabba, which uses the same computer model as the Jabba in Phantom Menace. Other than that, the only big, BIG change is the addition of Hayden to the end of Jedi, as we've discussed before. Beyond that, the changes are supposed to be merely cosmetic, such as improved lightsabers.
  3. This has all been discussed before....
  4. Dude, it's accurate becuase scientists are so much smarter than the rest of us. If you don't believe me, just ask one.
  5. Live action Robotech....? Oy, this can only end badly.
  6. You do realize that Queen was not the original soundtrack for Metropolis, right?
  7. Yeah, think of DYRL as the version 1.5 of the Macross Designs.
  8. September's going to be an expensive month. Star Wars DVD Star Wars: battlefront THX 1138 DVD and possibly Half Life 2 ...and something else that I'm forgetting right now.
  9. eh? what cut might that be? Which....the Director's Cut, or the workprint?
  10. For me, it's a 3-way tie between the classic Star Wars line, GI joe (up to '86) and G1 Transformers.
  11. I'm still waiting for the mythical "Director's Cut." Maybe somebody will at least leak the workprint onto the net.
  12. Since the old thread is long buried, and it seemed to ramble on and off topic, I'm starting this new thread for pictures and previews of the new Star Wars DVD set. Only post in here to comment on these DVDs. If you don't like the Prequels, feel that George Lucas has "raped your childhood," or if you're just a whiny attention whore, post your thoughts in the other threads. Keep it on topic. Offenders will be summarily locked in a room with Carrot Top while he re-enacts his repitoire of "Dial Down the Middle" commercials. Now then, who wants to see one of the biggest changes to the OT? I'm referring to the addition of Ian McDiarmid to The Empire Strikes Back, of course! Say goodbye to the old Chimp-lady. See the clip HERE. Here's AMAZON.com's 4 minute preview of the DVDs. Nothing special, but its nice to see anyway. Check out all the old behind-the-sceens footage! And they even got Harrison "Don't Call Me Han Solo" Ford to speak on one of the docs! Who'da thought that the curmudgeonly Ford would do one of those? More DVD rips! Here's the revised JABBA scene. And now, some screengrabs from ESB. I don't recall who did the transfer/restoration but this looks absolutely phenominal. I've seen side-by-side comparisons to the '97 SE, and this blows the SE away by a mile. These films haven't looked this good since the early 80's. btw, these images were shamelessly stolen from some guy on Chud.com's forums.
  13. Did you look on page 2? That's where I found them.
  14. Oh boy, it's the weekly Macross 2 thread!
  15. Imai made little 1/72 scale kits of each of the three modes. They were rereleased a few years ago, just before Imai went bankrupt, and you can probably still find them on eBay or our own For Sale section.
  16. That looks about right. Besides, the link to the simulations that eugimon posted clearly shows how the wings literally disintigrate upon impact with the structural columns. Unless, that is, we're expected to believe that the 757 was built with Overtechnology.
  17. What's the deal with the VF-22 and VF19s? IS Hasegawa rereleasing the kits?
  18. What about those figures that AOSHIMA released last spring? That 1/12 Alien looks awesome.
  19. Aw...come on. You had to have liked that one picture with the "ufo" shooting the laser, crudely drawn in MS Paint.
  20. Yep, I was just going to post that. Their argument kind of falls apart when you read that, doesn't it. Curiously, that sounds a bit like the rantings of Edo just before he got banned for the last time. Coincidence?
  21. Curious....extremely political, but curious. Time for us to crush that tinfoil a little tighter.
  22. Better still, I found a post where he was looking for somebody to translate Hathaway's Flash!!!
  23. Both? Your friend probably heard something about the rumor that's been circualting recently about the current NDA that Lucasfilm employees are under. It supposedly says something about Eps 7,8, and 9. Check out TFN's story HERE, about 1/3 of the way down the page.
  24. You would be better off going to see Collateral three times in a row.
  25. That 12" kit has been around for a few years now. It's good to see that he's not only still producing it, but that it's undergone improvements since I first saw it. Personally, I'm saving my pennies for the Motion Tracker replica.
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