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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Here's a short review and an interview with Oshii, courtesy AICN.
  2. Is that the best you could do? I'm not saying you're wrong because I'm obstinant, but because I have written, published proof by one of the leading Blade Runner historians. Deal with it. If you choose to not believe me, then read the fecking book for yourself. Either way, you're just making yourself look stupid by belaboring the point. Attacking me does absolutely nothing to rebut my point.
  3. It'll be interesting to see what the other Exorcist: the Beginning is like, if and when it ever hits DVD.
  4. Sousei no Aquarion = Blue Harvest? We should be so lucky.
  5. Why is Keith even bothering to reply to this thread anymore? My last post should have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has no leg to stand on, much less a clue what he's talking about. But instead, he choses to obfuscate the issue with personal attacks and stupid dictionary definitions.
  6. As shocking as it may seem, some of us actually weren't at ComicCon.
  7. What's funny is that, for all of Keith's rantings about "artistic integrity," the version he's promoting isn't even a "real" director's cut of Blade Runner. If he had bothered to actually read anything about BR, he'd have known that the 1992 "Directors Cut" was merely a rerelease that was teaked with some suggestions made by Ridley Scott. The real director's cut was to be based off of the infamous Workprint that resurfaced about the same time, but due to a number of factors that project never made it very far. This same workprint was to be the basis of the uber box set, but again that project is stillborn. If anybody (and we all know who I'm referring to) choses not to believe me, then I suggest picking up a copy of "Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner" which explains this whole story in much greater detail.
  8. Uhh...you'd better watch that scene again. I'm pretty sure that line is still there. The only omission is the line "Luke Skywalker" which gets replaced with that whole "Young rebel who destroyed the Death Star" business. To me, the expanded dialog seems like an opportunity to have the Emperor say the line "Search your feelings, you know it to be true," which of course is repeated by Vader himself later on.
  9. Perhaps, but in this case I'll glady "donate" my cash to the cause. This is stuff I've wanted to see for nearly 25 years. Scenes like the Wampa attack on Echo base, or the initial rebel assault on the shield bunker on Endor, or Vader choking Moff Jerjerrod.
  10. Yeah, and you probably think that Ghallager is the funniest person to ever live.
  11. no it doesnt have the deleted scenes re-added i myself would have wanted to see the supposed scene where luke is on dagobah training and slices up trees, etc. You're kidding, right? What's the matter, George too stingy about us seeing those lost treasures? Actually, most of that stuff was missing and presumed lost until just this summer. Word is that they found tons (and I mean TONS) of this stuff, but it won't be in this set. All of this footage is (supposedly) going to be cleaned up and will likely appear in a future DVD release. Could it be the mythical 2007 uberboxset?
  12. I dunno about that. Look what happened to this place. Somewhere in Japan, Monkey-Nugget just sneezed.
  13. Everything is better with monkeys in it.
  14. Why not? They've already made a sequel.
  15. The fact that I cited both Paul WS Anderson and Uwe Boll should have tipped most people off to the fact that I'm not the least bit serious.
  16. http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/...cape/large.html Two words: HOLY F*CK!!! From the looks of this trailer, nearly every single character gets beaten, shot, cut, maimed, tortured or outright killed! I can't wait!
  17. Have you checked for magents?
  18. I don't know why some many people are so quick to jump all over this movie. Stephen Sommers is awesome! In fact, the only way this movie could be better would be if he collaborated with Paul Anderson and Uwe Boll! You guys are just a bunch of Negative Nellies.
  19. From the script: This clearly implies that the Jedi were eliminated somewhere within Luke's lifetime. Motti's ill-advised critique of Vader's beliefs Since they existed for "Over a thousand generations" I think the Jedi's beliefs qualify as ancient. And Tarkin's comments on the Jedi:
  20. I think you're remembering the films a bit differently than what's actually portrayed in New Hope. Ben speaks of this "Vader" fellow helping kill off the Jedi, including Luke's father. Luke's age wasn't spelled out in the film, but it's accepted that he's somewhere from 18-20 years of age. Therefore, if Luke's father was to "die" with the Jedi, it couldn't ahve happened any longer ago than Luke's age, ie 18-20 years past.
  21. Has anybody found any discussion on the Alpha MPC on any other boards? There's too many exploding MPCs for it to be isolated to Macross World, but I'm curious to see what other "non partisan" consumers think.
  22. Hmmm....maybe I'll wait and get it from HLJ when Ihave enough money to make a decent sized order.
  23. Where did you order yours from, Jem?
  24. HERE you go. There's only the one image up right now, but they say it will be a weekly feature.
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