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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Me too. If they'd thrown in some of these newer names, I'd have been totally screwed.
  2. I'm sorry, but even by robotech standards that's pretty weak.
  3. You scored 17 out of 17. You are Optimus Prozac Hail to the king, baby.
  4. Screeners server a couple of purposes. Routinely, wholesalers or retailers will get a screener which supposedly allows them to decide how well a given title might sell or rent. Personally, I never believed that anybody would be capable of viewing more than a small percentage of the videos that get released, but I guess they have their place as promo tools. But if you've actually bought one, then somebody should get in trouble. Those things are freebies only, not for sale to the public. $6 for a new DVD isn't bad, but its still a scam since they're free to the retailer.
  5. Has anybody found this thing decently priced in Canada? The only listing I've found for Zeta so far was for *choke* $230.00 CDN. At this rate, I'll import it and still save money, even after shipping, taxes and brokerage fees.
  6. That's right. He even used his dying breath to curse an effete Alec Guiness and his damn bridge. That's gotta count for something.
  7. Hell yeah! He ran the Wild Bunch. It takes one huge nutsack to lead your posse into the lions den on a suicide mission. Then he shot, like, 300 mexicans with an M1918 machinegun. Plus he took on Damien.
  8. Looking at those Ride Armors, I can just imagine the shortcuts Toynami will take if they ever make a SuperUnposeable Cyclone. Those "chain cover" pieces would be moulded to the thighs instead of seperate pieces, ditto the shoulder armor. Say, looking at the pictures again, I wonder if these things can actually transform. You can see the CVR-3 armor peeking out from underneath Sticks Ride Armor.
  9. I dunno....he did die like a punk in Deep Blue Sea.
  10. You'd prefer to wait around for Toynami to make one?
  11. Is that metallic blue on the GP-04? That's a nice touch that I'll have to remember.
  12. Yeah, what's up with that? You're our Arnold Corospondent in SoCal. Make sure the Oak knows we need to see him do Crown Of Iron, and not Triple H.
  13. Awesome updates, A1. I'm glad to see Eastwood was elevated to Oak-like status. You're bang-on about Gibson too. If this was 1984 and not 2004, he would have been wayyyy higher. Mad Max ate freakin' dog food. That's hardcore, man.
  14. Whoa! Is that really Laura Prepon? I've never seen her as a blonde.
  15. Wha-wha-what?! What the heck are those Ride Armors? Capsule toys?
  16. The comments about the OT clones was made sometime last summer during primary shooting for Ep III. It was apparently in one of the set diaries available thru Hyperspace. THis wasn't any sort of "official" press release, but I'd imagine that it will be the path that EU will eventually follow. In regard to clones of clones, there was some deleted dialog in Attack of the Clones that specified that they couldn't do such a thing, or else the quality of the clones would plummet. Hence, that's why they had to keep Jango there to supply fresh DNA. But of course, this doesn't actually appear in the film, so you really ahve to make up your own mind if this is an applicable explanation.
  17. Nah. toynami is basically doing the same thing for me. Same here... however Toynami has been very rude and not too talkative in their communications with me and I still have no idea when my replacement will come. Heh, I bet they read all your posts in this thread Yeah. Remember, you're a branded man. Branded for life.
  18. Well, since the DC and the original cut both use the same footage it's only natural that those clues pop up. But it's only the Unicorn dream that really ties the hints together. Otherwise, Gaff's lil origami is just a neat calling card that says "Gaff was here." The glowing eyes and the dialog might suggest that Deckard is possibly an android to an alert viewer, but it's not really concrete. And Ridley Scott coming out and saying that Deckard is an android (at least in the DC) doesn't really spoil it for me, since the film itself still leaves the issue a little clouded. Heck, John carpenter has said that he thought MacReady was The Thing at the end of The Thing, but again the movie itself isn't explicit.
  19. No, by the OT all the 'Troopers are cloned from some other source. I doubt this will be adressed in ROTS, but I'm sure that the EU will go into the details.
  20. Deckard was NOT an android in the book. The androids in Electric Sheep were nothing like they are portrayed in the film. They are marginally human, and have zero empathy. At the end of Electric Sheep, Deckard kills the last of the androids and simply goes home to his bitchy wife.
  21. Ok, I'm sure some folks are going to have a problem with THIS, but here's another clip. While the changes sound weird at first, I think its ultimately for the best. Edit: it'd help if I included the link, wouldn't it?
  22. Against my better judgement I have to bump this thread. Peter Briggs has some interesting comments on AvP, courtesy Bloody Disgusting.
  23. Yeah, didja see the way he took out Frosty? The used his freakin' halo. That, my friends, is badass.
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