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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. Noooooo...not sweet little Carmella. She's the only thing that makes RAW watchable these days, even if it's for only 5 minutes during thier insipid Diva Search. So is anybody even bothering with the PPV this weekend?
  2. Thanks for the review, Roy's Blues. This book sounds awesome. I can't wait to get one.
  3. Well after a long, long wait my Uberti 1851 Navy finally showed up, and I got the permits to take it home. I don't have a digital camera, but I'll see if I can snag one this weekend.
  4. Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The weak. The strong. The innocent. Fear is my ally. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this station. I'm not afraid. You know...it's almost as if Lucas were trying to make a point there. But other than that, I'm imagining that clones are the ultimate army for a dictator like Palpatine. they're cheap (you don't have to pay clones) they're disposable and loyal to the Emperor on a genetic level. No army of recruits could match that.
  5. So then I guess nobody will get to play with them. They'll just sit in a warehouse for another 50 years, covered in cosmolene.
  6. Ooh! Get a Thompson! If your (silly) AWB sunsets this month, maybe you can import one of these beauties. They found a crate of 1928 Thompsons somewhere, and they'll eventually be for sale. Of course, there's all of 100 people in Kanuckistan who are grandfathered to buy one, but if your laws change then maybe one can be yours.
  7. Which is the one with those rats or mice that take a ride on something very similar to the Galaxy Express?
  8. Late September, IIRC. I think it's the 28th.
  9. Mr March beat me to Stand Alone Complex, so I'll mention Full Metal Alchemist. Awesome show. It's just too bad that FUNimation snagged the rights for it.
  10. It's worthless. You should send it to me for proper disposal.
  11. $60 for a Hasegawa? Jeeze, even the local scammers don't charge that much, and that's in Canadian funds.
  12. Not to mention all those "Monster of the Week" villians were cut out. Good-bye Zakurello. Hee hee. So true!
  13. What kind of price tag do these these Max factory mecha usually command?
  14. Last Action Hero is definitely underrated. I think part of the problem is that audiences today are so stupid, they don't know that half of the stunts in the film are spoofs of action movies. They're just so numb to this stuff that when Action Hero made fun of it, nobody realized it was a joke. Plus, it didn't help that the press was hoping for the film to fail long before it was released.
  15. Well I'll keep you posted. They were talking to the team trainer, and he seemed pretty positive.
  16. Apparently Brock Lesnar is negotiating with my local CFL team, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. If he doesn't get picked up in the NFL, there's a good chance he could wind up here.
  17. Yeah, Lightning had to bail, sometime before noon my time. He didn't say where he was going, but since he hasn't been back I'm guessing he had to bolt.
  18. I expect that Lightning06 is on his way to higher ground. That's the impression I got when I talked to him this morning.
  19. Ooh...she's incredible math.
  20. Oh you have to be joking. Man, that is stupid beyond words. You suck, UPS.
  21. Cool. I foolishly skipped the Low Viz, but if this ever goes mass production I'll definitely be all over it. Then I'll sell it at a 200% markup to some other poor slob who waited to long and missed out.
  22. Pfft...his critics should spend a few years pushing the Wheel of Pain.
  23. To be fair, a lot of that seems to be the stupid American marketing for the film itself. We've all met those people. They've seen Akira, GITS, and a few episodes of Bebop on Adult Swim, and they think they're freakin' experts. Akira and GITS will be the "measuring stick" that all anime films use in this market for some time, simply because that's all they know.
  24. Yeah, that sub of the original was pretty monotone. I was disappointed that the same cast was being used for Stand Alone Complex, but they do seem to be a bit livelier this time around. Is Innocence being dubbed? I thought I'd read that it was subbed only.
  25. nothing to see here
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