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bsu legato

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Everything posted by bsu legato

  1. It may do both. Obviously the console version Cheuy played was in 3rd person, but the vidoes I've seen of the PC version were all done in 1st person. Perhaps it's like Hidden & Dangerous 2, where you can chose which viewpoint you want to play with on the fly.
  2. No, I think it's just you. I'd always assumed that the "Super Dimension" was a reference to the ships folding ability.
  3. Nousjadeul Ger for me, with the good old Regult as a close second.
  4. Wasn't there one or two more books, sort of side stories? I remember there was one about Dana & Co leaving earth before the Invid.
  5. I believe it's a proprietary engine, but you never know. I'd have to go back and read some of the developer interviews, and I'm just too lazy to do that.
  6. Awesome review, Blaine! I can't wait for Friday.
  7. It is like BF1942. Check out some of the movies on IGN. If you're even remotely a SW gamer, you'll be sold.
  8. She's just shy, dammit! Of course, that's not as funny as some of the more "outgoing" Diva contestants. Remember the "Sell this ice cream" segement a few weeks ago?
  9. I remember the face of my father! I will be 1st in line for The Dark Tower next week. I'll see you all at the clearing at the end of the path.
  10. I still long for the days when Space and Teletoon would show the adult stuff on Friday nights.
  11. No, it's a FPS. The PC version is going to rock, and they're making an announcement about map and mod tools in the next few weeks!
  12. It's not a question of you being paranoid, but are you paranoid enough?
  13. Hey! My uncle was shot with a venthilated handguard!
  14. Their treatment of Benoit is just criminal. I take slight consolation in the fact that he didn't have to personally lose the title to HHH, although its debatable whether its better or worse to lose it to Orton. Either way, he deserves much more than to be relegated back to mid-card level.
  15. Blackaces my friend, the hot ones are always the ones most prone to being psycho. Anyway, Unforgiven sounds like an absolute waste of time. Anybody who paid for it has my sympathies. And with HHH regaining "his" title once more, my resolve to completely ignore RAW on monday nights has only strengthened. I may flip past it just to see what Y2J has to say about his new belt, but beyond that I have no interest whatsoever.
  16. Yeah, often in the preview of the next episode you'll get a character saying "Hi, this is so-and-so. I hope you're enjoying *insert anime here* Next week, such-and-such happens. Bye-bye."
  17. It's funny you should mention that, because I think fire is really romantic.
  18. ...and may God have mercy on whomever has pissed you off.
  19. Damn, I so need to get that episode of the Muppets on DVD! And thanks to Noriko for the elaboration on my Clones post.
  20. I was tempted to spend the night with my Navy last week, but that's just becuase I'm sick in the head.
  21. Meh. We're talking about ghosts here. As far as I'm concerned, there's no real rules for how you can or cannot portray ghosts, particularly force-ghosts of people who die but are resurrected as more-machine-than-man killbots.
  22. Awesome! Ivanov and the D are coming! Now we just need Battroid mode kits of the VF-0 and SV-51. Just thinking of a Hasegawa -51 Battroid makes me all tingly.
  23. I'm not certain if that's been confirmed yet, officially or otherwise. However it does seem to be a good guess, in light of the revised "ghost" scene in Jedi. I guess we'll have to wait until May next year to be sure.
  24. You cold always get one of those 37mm "flare" launchers. Purely decorative, of course, but it's certainly attract the gawkers when you're out shooting it.
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