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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Nice. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures. What color is it? Any optional stuff on it? Motorcycles are automotive, yeah? More here: http://www.uweb.ucsb.edu/~stamen0083/progs/051220/
  2. Yes. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0842770/
  3. Just a Calsonic GT-R. I have a lot of Ferrari in stock, though, and a Diablo and a pair of Countaches.
  4. I'm only luke warm about Narnia as a whole. It's not as exciting as Harry Potter, and nowhere near as magical as Lord of the Rings. It's... childish, for lack of a better term, I suppose. I like the movie a lot, though. I honestly expected to really hate the kids, but they were nowhere near annoying, especially compared to what's-her-name screaming bitch of a kid that I really want to shoot dead in War of the Worlds (I was rooting for the aliens to kill the damn girl.) Narnia's battle scene was really awesome. I didn't expect fauns to look that badass, but they are pretty badass in armor. The centaurs were very cool too. The one thing I never gathered from the books was what time frame the kids are supposed to come from. The ending of the series was also anticlimatic and really pissed me off.
  5. A little more progress: The picture is a little dark, but I was too lazy to get it into the light. I love the 360. The new F430 is pretty damn nice too. Wish I had a kit of that.
  6. Not a die cast!
  7. The shield is thin only on the 2.0. The 1.0 and the PG had the thicker, Katoki styled shield.
  8. Sweet. Can't wait for my mini. :-D
  9. Hey guys. How long does Saber Vault usually take to ship its stuff? Assume I order one today, think it will get here before Christmas? PS: Here is in California.
  10. I think Laputa had better battle scene, particularly when the pirate fought the miner.
  11. AOne naked. Too much awesome. Urkel will have nosebleeds and die without AOne having to even flex a muscle.
  12. Awesome deal. Got photos? :-D
  13. Catch the matinee during the day. ;-) I'm still not even sure what my plans are yet. Still in "break just started, need to veg" mode.
  14. I think this question has been posed, but where the hell is the tight leather!?
  15. So when's the damned soundtrack getting released?
  16. Old cars are pretty much a niche market, so you'll have to look to the resin kit makers. Most modern (all?) plastic model manufacturers focus mostly on the new stuff.
  17. To be fair, lots of those wrecked cars were due to other people's stupidity.
  18. Haven't you seen wreckedexotics.com? A valet took a Diablo for a joy ride and couldn't handle the power so he promptly plowed into something and destroyed the car.
  19. Hi, William, Really awesome build up! Very nice. I've found that having a tripod really helps with nice, sharp pictures. I think investing in one would be a good idea. A full size one can be had for little money on eBay, or any camera store around you should stock one. I refuse to take pictures of small things without a tripod, mainly because I just cannot hold the camera steady. Beautiful work, once again!
  20. Bravo. I'm insulted. Whatever will I do.
  21. There's a way to ask and then there's a way to ask while making yourself look stupid. Guess which way you chose. You're welcome to make fun of it all you want, but make fun after you have some knowledge about the subject matter at least. What you probably wanted to make fun of was the "fad," since you obviously don't know anything about Harry Potter for your uneducated ramblings to hold much weight.
  22. If you don't understand, then why open your mouth and make obvious your ignorance? It's not simple confusion of a fad if your first words in the thread associates Harry Potter with gay, which, knowing you, was meant in a derogatory manner. Maybe if you bothered to read the books, you would understand the "fad." No one here is touchy about Harry Potter being put down. I am just touchy about Harry Potter being put down by an ignorant fool.
  23. Who asked you to butt in? If you don't like it, stay off the thread and move on. As a mod, you should know better.
  24. I meant outside of school in that the Patronus Charm isn't part of the school curriculum, especially not for a third year. It's been a long time since I've read these books, but I think Occlumency, Patronus, and that thing with doing spells without moving your mouth aren't taught at Hogwarts.
  25. His mom IS Matilda's seiyuu. That climax was very disturbing. Actually, using the word climax makes it infinitely worse. There's a limit to suspension of disbelief. Densha Otoko got with Aoyama-san, and Guitar Otoko got with Yuuko. That other nerd with Densha's hot sister is just too much of a stretch. Even I can't root for that. Really liked that girl that the Lan Evo guy tried to hit on in the train, though.
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