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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. SD Gundam Force is absolutely, bar none, no doubt about it, the WORST way possible to get into Gundam. Even worse than Wing or G Gundam, and that's saying a hell of a whole lot. I recommend starting with the Gundam Movies. I just hope you can overlook the dated animation and see and appreciate the story ;-) Or find, download, and watch Gundam SEED. It has a rather bouncy Captain and a giant merchandising machine to back it up.
  2. Gundam SEED.
  3. If you have a voice within Yamato, would you want a defective toy right now, or a toy done right a few months later? If I had a voice, Hasegawa wouldn't have released the VF-0S for another 2 months. It is precious to me, but I would prefer perfection.
  4. I really hope it's something dirty.
  5. Hmm... I must hunt down the series then. The damn movies make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Maybe because they cut out most things to fit in the time allowed. Case in point, the first five or so episodes of the series were shown in the first five minutes of the movie. My head spun.
  6. Did I piss you off? Too bad.
  7. No, Gundam is the "Star Trek" of Japan. There's a huge difference because Star Wars sucks and calling Gundam Star Wars of Japan is worse than insulting. It may seem saturated, but many people snag up Gundam merchandising like there's no tomorrow. Guess what that says for that so called saturation, eh? To me anyways. Moving on :-P
  8. Will someone explain to me the purpose of the extended stock? It serves no purpose, takes up more room, and requires mechanisms to extend it. If you say for aesthetic reasons, I will need to kick you :-P
  9. I'm sure Lockheed Martin and the Army had no problems loaning testing prototypes to film crews.
  10. The Char's Gundam actually comes with a few extra parts, not including the ones that were already extra from the Gundam ver 1.0. These parts are new bolts for the ankle, as well as a recolored ankle guards. They all go on a different tree, since they're supposed to be brown (or black, or something), and the original pieces would have been molded in pink.
  11. Indeed. Of course, if you have an advanced computer, you can adjust the power output of the opposite engine to compensate. Or just get into Gerwalk mode and forego the hook(s) altogether.
  12. That's interesting... I thought they sometimes land on carriers by hovering in Gerwalk mode. Which begs the question... how to they get the Gerwalks back into plane mode when it's standing? Special rigs?
  13. I knew who most of those characters were, but that still didn't save the movie. You can chalk its failure up to incompetent marketing, but I blame it on being a lousy movie in the first place. Frankly, the ads that actually got me excited about the movie did their job, and did it well, given what they had to work with.
  14. I know. I'm just supplementing your point. He did much more than Katoki quantity-wise, but quality-wise is very arguable.
  15. I think I'm much more turned on by the gun she's holding than by her. That wasn't Shirow's intention ;-) Kusanagi is an ass kicker. Cuteness (and the "actress'"is questionable at that, but I'll respect your opinions) won't do at all, since she should be dripping cold, powerful sexiness.
  16. These characters were animated for a reason. No one can pull off a Shirow in real life.
  17. Some kids understand the concept of you get what you paid for, but how many kids can actually execute that concept satisfactorily? Not all of us are rich, spoiled brats.
  18. It could be worse. It could still be in box, unbuilt, like mine It looks fine. Just up one more next time ;-)
  19. I don't have my Macross Zero files ready to screen cap, but I know that you can see it in episode one, during the part where Roy has a heart to heart talk with the new recruits and he mentions that flying the Zero would be like the first time the man screws a woman ( :-P ), be tender and aggressive at the same time. Seconds later, he and the chief mechanic talk while inspecting the burners of the Zero, and the grooves are clearly visible. Here too: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...2-nt-page-2.jpg As for the rivets on the burners... I'm surprised people had to either settle for soft details, or resort to machining a rivet scriber :-P The drill bit works wonders, especially with a predefined centerdrilled hole ;-) The only thing to watch out for is to not go overboard and punch right through to the other side.
  20. Not as much as you'd think. That MG Nu is nowhere near what Katoki would have done if he was given the free reign. Save the feet, this is what the Nu ver Ka. would look like: http://www.e2046.com/trade/productview/3683 Despite what people may think, Katoki doesn't have that much freedom when it comes to redesigning. Bandai screws up everything, including his designs (GM Quel, Custom, and C type, as well as the Gundam ver Ka. MG kits come to mind.) However, when given full power, his kit become absolutely flawless. Case in point, the new, up coming MG Wing Gundam ver Ka., which will be released in Japan in two days.
  21. The weapon load is pretty wussy... Needs more power. Much much more. This is a shooter, afterall ;-) At the least, extended gunpod range would be nice. Micro missiles as the "bomb" option would be nicer.
  22. Katoki didn't redesign that Nu. You're blaming the wrong person. Get some facts together before you create flamebait out of yourself, please. Behold: ADDENDUM: Can a mod please merge my two replies together? I don't need to have two consecutive posts. It bugs me, to say nothing of the "spam" I help create in the forums with consecutive posts.
  23. Kunio Okawara designed many more G Gundam mechs than that. Katoki designed the Nobel Gundam (a girlified version of his Gundam ver Ka.), the Master Gundam, the Devil Gundam, and a bunch of those Death Army guys, if I recall. Wrong on both counts. Katoki's first official work dates back to Zeta Gundam. They just didn't bother to credit him. If you want to count official credit, Katoki's first recognition came with Gundam Sentinel, which was before 0083. 0083 was released in 1990, not 1993. 1993 saw the release of V Gundam, in which Katoki was a mechanical designer too. You're definitely correct on this one ;-)
  24. Hmm.... If I recall, Macross Zero episode one had a fraction of a second's worth of screen time for the intake fans. It looked pretty close to what we had on the kit. The afterburner rings too. WM_cheng: Thank you so very much for rounding the upper fuselage. You have no idea how much that stupid thing has been bugging me. Now do me another favor and round or bevel the bottom one too ;-) Please? Any plans to build the stripes inside the burners like the VF-1 has?
  25. Whatever you're using to wash, make sure it's a DIFFERENT type of paint from the base coat. If you painted with acrylics, wash with enamels. If you painted with enamels, coat it with acrylic base coat (Future, for example) before washing with enamels. Alcohol dissolves acrylics, so washing acrylics with acrylics is just asking for headaches.
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