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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Be jealous, for he acquired an original Phantom recently.
  2. These shots should appease our friend for the time being, don't you think? I hope you would cover some necessities, such as ejector pin marks and whatnots on the gear doors and gear bays. Granted, you won't have to worry about that, but you're taking the easy way out, so :-P Should I understand that this kit is far superior in quality than the VF-0S joke?
  3. Well, Edgar mentioned in Episode 3 that the VF-0 can in fact work in space, that's why the intake shutters were closed and they went diving.
  4. Eek. I'd like to discourage the use of files inside the intake wells here. One slip of the hand and you'll be missing a huge chunk of plastic. Squadron makes excellent sanding sticks, and the best part is, you can trim it with scissors to get a desired width. I trimmed mine down and used it to sand the inside of the intakes on my VF-0S.
  5. Those parts shouldn't worry you so much, William. If I've done it, you will be able to do it. All you'll need is a good chisel. Sandpaper you already have. I think there are many parts to the kit I can find to be worse
  6. William, if you think that was something, you will absolutely freak out when you glue the other two pieces on top. I hope you know what I'm talking about. Very cool strips in the tail cone there. I'm very glad you did them :-D About the intake panel line, it is parallel to the front edge if the front edge actually covers up completely. In your picture, you can see that there's a bit of missing plastic between the front edge and the left wall, as viewed from the picture. If you fill that area with some putty, the panel line will be parallel again.
  7. Well, you're STILL wrong. That's not Gundam 0080 you're describing. Everyone knows SEED was a retelling of 0079, so there should be no surprise that there are quite a considerable number of similarities between the two. You have quite a knack for the obvious though. Bravo. If only now you'd get the names of the series right.
  8. I love Macross Zero because of the wesome action sequences and mechanical designs. It lacks character development? Definitely. While I want character development in a series as much as the next guy, I don't want it from a Macross series. I didn't get into Macross because of the characters. Call me shallow, but I simply don't want to get attached to these characters. So with no characters, what I'm left with are pretty planes fighting in the sky. Without such, the Macross-named series becomes utter crap to me. Besides, giant aliens in a mecha series is bad enough, but giant humanoid aliens that are crippled by a singing chick sounds worse than stupid for me. Such things certainly bring down the real level of the "real mecha" series quite a few notches. So I ignore the floating rocks in Macross Zero and enjoy the fighting sequences. Nothing I have seen have been so exciting, save the five or so minutes of Gundam Evolve 4, where the Dendrobium unleashed hell on a fleet of Gelgoog Marines.
  9. It's supposed to be thin. Thick saws defeat the purpose. These saws scribe panel lines that are the perfect Hasegawa width. They're not for cutting through plastic, but they CAN be used to do so, if you're careful.
  10. Ahem. It's Wing KA., not Wing KAI. It won't. The Wing Gundam Early Type (a.k.a. Wing ver Ka.)'s hands are too small to have individually posable fingers. Besides, those huge hands are way overrated anyways. Too big to look nice, too small to work well. Standard MG fare. Nothing we haven't seen before. Nope, no painting involved. Each of those colors on the sides of the heads are individually molded in color. You know what that means, though. The head itself will consist of at least 11 pieces, 6 of which will be really, really small. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE TALLGEESE III IN MG GLORY
  11. Really? So I suppose Katoki designed the back heavy mecha in Gundam SEED? Hmm... That's a new one on me.
  12. WRONG on BOTH counts.
  13. I think the pictures could use a bit less blur. Macro mode, on. Tripod, use. :-P
  14. And a good sense for the mechanical designer to not frakk with a good thing when he sees it. In anycase, I see cleavage in the screenshots, and it has my attention.
  15. You mean similar to the one seen on the VF-1 kits?
  16. Silvie is quite sexy. Nice hips action. And I really would LOVE to see a larger version of this: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1065216729.jpg Excellent rendition of cleavage. Bravo.
  17. From Terpfen's post, "Capture 1" is a shot of the afterburner rings, "Capture 2" is a shot of the compressor fan. Both are accurate on the Hasegawa model: http://www.uweb.ucsb.edu/~stamen0083/progs...F-Burners02.jpg Damn, it's a pity that I didn't take close up shots of my VF-0S' ejection seat... But be proud of me, WM, for I polished the VF-0S canopy with no incident, not like the unsightly crack on my VF-1S canopy
  18. The pose in that picture was not for the back heavy wings. The guy put it in that pose because he liked it that way. I can't wait to get mine. It's the closest to a perfect MG kit as I've seen from pictures. I'll confirm it once mine gets to me. PS: If there's a model of Ball ever made, I hope it's CORE industries' KB-79 Killer Ball:
  19. :yawn: Your suggestions are so vanilla. I want a PG GM Sniper 2, Ka version. Actually, I would settle for Izubuchi version as well. That is a design that has held up fairly well. I wouldn't mind plunging the money for that kit, assuming it doesn't come with a stupid hangar bay that raises the kit price by 3000 yen (I'm looking at YOU, PG GP01/Fb!!) If I want AU, I won't settle for less than PG Wing ver Ka., HeavyArms ver Ka., Deathscythe ver Ka., Shenlong ver Ka., and Sandrock ver Ka.
  20. You're a lucky man, Chris. I envy you.
  21. One of his friends has agreed to build it for him. Thanks for all your interests.
  22. Hi guys. I have a friend who wants to have an SV-51 built for him. The problem is he doesn't have much confidence in his modelling skills, and he wants a Nora 51 pretty badly. There are plenty of talented modellers here, and I wonder if any of you would consider building one as a commission for him? He's just looking for a straight forward out-of-box build, nothing fancy like spinning lift fans or lighted LCD displays in the cockpit or perfect transformation. Also, if you guys are considering this but just don't have the time at the moment, he's not looking for an immediate commission. He's more than willing to wait a week or two before you have to start it. So, what do you guys think? He will supply the kit, of course.
  23. Unless they can predict the future, giant beings from outer space haven't appeared to humans yet. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only aliens the humans know about at this point in Macross Zero is that... thing... that crashed on Earth. The birdman.
  24. I wonder if Millia has more sense than Max and decide to fly the YF-19 instead.
  25. How, exactly? The only Gundam that's new to the show is the ZZ, which, along with the Zeta and the Mk-II, make up the Gundam team. The Mk-II and the Zeta are carried over from Z Gundam, where the former is a mass produced Gundam, and the latter is a specialized machine. The G Gundam gave everyone and their brother a Gundam. In ZZ, only three people pilot Gundams. Well, more than three, since, if I recall, the ZZ has more than one pilot. But point remains.
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