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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Hmm... Interesting thought. So, do you call people from Indonesia "Indians"?
  2. Kai version? It will look like nothing, because it does not exist. The Ka. version, however, is a different story. The existing MG Zeta kit is fairly similar to the Katoki version, though it's not quite correct. The head isn't as elongated, for one thing, and the wing binders are rather off. Still, the MG Zeta is a nice looking mech. For more information on the Katoki Zeta Gundam, consult your HG Zeta Gundam manual. Note: HG, not HGUC.
  3. Hmm... Did I ask such a stumper that no one's found the answer in the last six days? Very well. Yomi was reading Fahion Magazine. I'm out of good questions. Who wants the next one?
  4. Whatever it was, it works for me :-P
  5. Was that Lindsay Lohan? If it was, man, has she grown.
  6. I think the sculpt is nice. It has longer thighs so at least the robot looks more humanoid, and allows the yellow and blue lions to be thinner. But that price tag needs to drop some seventy-five percent.
  7. The records are wrong. Many things were left out of the first movie, which was understandable, but saying that only seven pages were left out is really pushing it by quite a bit. The one major thing that bugged me about this movie is the coming of the Firebolt. The other is that the movie did not end the school year.
  8. Dude, if you're not even a fan, what the hell are you doing dumping on our movies? No offense, but unless you actually have some experience with it, I don't think you should be making opinions about it.
  9. I loved the movie. I think they have been getting better and better. You don't really expect comedy, but these kids can really pull it off. I love Emma Watson. She's so cute. (I say that in a big brotherly kind of way, by the way.) Hell, I came to this movie all dressed up as Thomas M. Riddle, with the shirt and the Slytherin tie, and a wand built in the machine shop, and lit. And a cloak. A black cloak. My Voldemort was in the transitional stage, where he was changing from Tom Riddle to Voldemort.
  10. Hmm... Preorder placed. Thanks for the tip. First Marvel book I've bought... Too bad Michael Turner doesn't do X-men.
  11. I don't know the EF2000 from atom, but couldn't it also take off and land on a neighborhood road?
  12. Interesting, but those would be a complete nightmare to color, especially in MS Paint.
  13. Yes, it's normal, but it really bugs me, because it's wrong. If Viet Nam was called something else in the West, I wouldn't be so bothered by it. Example: Germany and Deutsch. But when you use our words to identify us, the least you could do is to not mangle the language. Simply because all Viet-Namese is monosyllabic.
  14. I tend to take offense to those who say we won the war, when clearly, we did not, politically or militarily speaking. If we did, Viet Nam would not be a communist country. Viet Nam is a partner in that respect simply because the people running the country are pushover pussies. Did you know they gave up a small chunk of our land to China awhile ago to buy their friendship?
  15. Thanks Here it is again, in case anyone is too lazy to look up: What magazine was Yomi reading in the Azumanga Web Daioh short? Tick, tock. ;-)
  16. Does it make you feel good that the Mave can beat the VF-0?
  17. frakk Bandai. When is Polar Lights making my Voyager? I already preordered the Refit Enterprise. November cannot come soon enough. They were planning to make all Enterprises in 1/1000 scale. I definitely cannot wait for those either.
  18. That might present problems. I speak English fluently, as do I Viet-Namese. What am I? Remember, I speak both in everyday conversations. It's not like either is a foreign language I have learned.
  19. They can be built without FAST packs. All parts are there. Of course, this is a model and not a toy, and nothing would be removable.
  20. Ahh, understood. Still, do FAE's give off a mushroom cloud?
  21. Do fuel-air bombs give off a mushroom cloud? PS: Daisy Cutters aren't FAE, apparently: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/dumb/blu-82.htm
  22. First of all, it's Vietnamese, not Vietnamise, and even then, it should be Viet-Namese, not Vietnamese, since the country is called Viet Nam, not Vietnam. Two words, not one. How'd you get Chinese right and mess up on Vietnamese and Japanese? The difference between being called Asian or Indian boils down to, believe it or not, skin color. Generally, Asians are thought of as having yellow skin (though I have no idea where that came from. We're whiter than the white people here, who are pink), smaller eyes (a few slant, but not many of them, mind you), shorter stature (again, not all of us. Many Asians are giants by our standards), and a rather unique culture. The Asians that aren't normally thought of as Asians simply do not share much of these traits. No way can you mistake an Indian guy for a Vietnamese guy. Why is it unfair that "Asian" doesn't apply to all of Asia? It's simply a label. Since they are in Asia, they are automatically Asians, whether they are called so or not. And since when is the term "Oriental" derogatory? I was never aware of that "fact." So I leave with this: If you spin an Oriental person around, does he become disoriented?
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