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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. It's not Gundam Mobile Suit. It's Mobile SUIT Gundam. MSG. The original series, set in UC 0079, is the TV series. The Gundam Movies I, II, III are compilations of the series, with lots of new animation. For example, the Guntank from the TV series was not seen in space, and the G-Armor was replaced with Core Boosters. I think the Gundam Movies would be a quick and convenient way to start watching Gundam, though you get more development with the series. I recommend the movies. And that's just for the 1979 animation. There are plenty of other series and movies as well. If you're just looking for something short and sweet, pick up the Gundam 08th MS Team, Gundam 0080: War in a Pocket, and Gundam 0083: Stardust Memories OAV's. Keep in mind, though, that unless you have seen the previous animations, the new ones won't make sense as they will jump right into the story without doing much explanation at all. Want a stand-alone series? Check out Gundam SEED. It has nothing to do with the established canonical Gundam UC, so you won't be left in the dark.
  2. This is a sweet find. Thanks, David. I was contemplating how I was going to do the formation light strips on my VF-0S. Now I know :-D I mean, how cool would those strips look on this tail, eh?
  3. Are they just formation light decals, or do they come in a set of other decals too? I haven't spent much time there, but I haven't figure out where to go to find them on the site yet.
  4. Yeah. There are two killer cyborgs, but one of them is female. TX kicks Arnold's ass and keeps on kicking. Until the guy pulls out his hydrogen fuel cell and... :sniff:
  5. They need to bring Nightwing and Jade together and have Turner or Larocca draw it. Or better yet, an Outsiders TV show.
  6. You don't have to drill anything to use the Yellow Submarine stands. It holds the models up by those two prongs. The Freedom MG will have a hole for the stand in the bottom of the mech built right in. If you don't mount it on the stand, the hole will be covered up by an extra piece.
  7. This looks awfully familiar. Is this model built by the same guy who made that nice low visibility F-14 from awhile back that you posted, David? The breakdown of the build up by day is highly suspicious.
  8. Jolly Rogers, that Lei Fang... WHAT A BABE! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1086855113.jpg
  9. I can tell you the exact numbers you can expect. Up to the exact maximum too. Once you've figured out the rule, you cannot be wrong, unless you added incorrectly. As far as being rarely over ten, I think that had more to do with the random number generator than being easy for the kids.
  10. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8270 It's a long read, but I think things clear up towards the end.
  11. Sounds to me like you've never even seen a drop of Gundam. If you haven't seen it, don't insult it.
  12. Don't listen to what people tell you. ;-) I'm a computer engineer student, meaning I program too, and I had no problems with this. Sometimes the correct answer is the most obvious one. Instead of working from abstract to obvious, work from the obvious to the abstract. EDIT: I'm editting my post above so I don't give people the hint :-P
  13. Hmm... I think this is the first picture where we can literally say that costume has been painted on.
  14. Holy crap, you're living my dream! How much does a machine like that cost? Damn, if only my school is rich enough to be able to afford one of those for its students. I could spend my life in there and not get bored.
  15. Reissued Voltron is 30 bucks? Really? Is this in every way the same as the old die cast toy from the '80's? If it is, why am I not aware of this!? I need to have one! I already have the cheap ass, crappy Voltron: The Third Dimension toy, and I would prefer a hard core, die cast toy. So, who's got one? :-P
  16. Only the little snippet from Macross Compendium on the VF-0: "Maximum of twelve standard Raytheon Bifors AIM-200A AMRAAM 2 I/ALH-guided medium-range air-to-air missiles mounted on four hard points, each with a three-missile rack."
  17. They're not AIM-120 AMRAAM's as we know them. They're AIM-200 AMRAAM II, or as I called them before I found out about them, Super AMRAAM. SAMRAAM, if you will. They don't look like AMRAAM's. Similar, but not quite the same. I don't know. I think they might be ailerons. The inboard pieces might be the flaps, and the outboard pieces might be ailerons. Doesn't the F-16 have "flaperons", or some such?
  18. Actually, she, um, doesn't go into action AS the person she's dressing up as. Site has only previews.
  19. Here's Ran Asakawa (you know who she is) as Mai Shiranui.
  20. I was just confirming your suspicion :-P I like the beefy Zeta wing binders better than the ZetaPlus. I really dislike how floppy the MG Zeta kit was in WaveRider mode too, but since I dislike any transformation of any kind in the first place, I simply want a solid Zeta Gundam, and the MG kit delivers. The MG ZetaPluses do not. Weak wing design and stupid hip locking mechanism don't do it for me.
  21. Kid? Excuse me for bringing a little enlightenment to ignorance.
  22. Yes, he did. The Zeta Gundam ver. Ka. was drawn specifically for the HG manual, and it has little, if any, to do with the ZetaPlus series. Frankly, I prefer the MG Zeta over any of the ZetaPlus series. Damned bunch of wannabes. There is NO Kai version! You'll be fine if you remove the 'i' at the end. As is, you're not. There are things like the Zaku Kai (Zaku FZ from Gundam 0080), GM Kai (RGM-79C GM C type from Gundam 0083, where the Kai denotes a customized or upgraded unit of some kind (I have no idea what Kai really means, but I believe that's the idea). The fact that the GM C type's being designed by Katoki probably threw people off.
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