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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Where exactly did I state for a fact that the Japanese hate themselves? Like I've said before, and reiterated again, "I get a feeling." It doesn't mean it's right. Feel free to do so when I run around spouting racial slurs. Until that point, though, read my posts carefully to realize that I give an uneducated observation, not an opinion. I expect nothing from no one. If they look like that, fine. If they don't look like that, fine. I don't make my anime watching decision based on how their supposedly Asian characters look.
  2. You mean this picture: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1088780398.jpg That's a MG Strike/HG Freedom kitbash. I guarantee you that. Don't let JHobby's label throw you. Either way, I doubt that we'll get that stupid launch stand. All the better, right? :-D
  3. Are you replying to *me* directly, or to the thread in general? It has better not be, because I'm just pointing out something I observe, it has nothing to do with race or how the Japanese may feel about themselves. As far as I know, most, if not all, Japanese are very proud of themselves, their heritage, their genetics, et cetera. I did not say for a fact that they hate themselves. I just said that it's a feeling I get from anime. Take it or leave it. FYI, I'm Asian.
  4. I get this distinct feeling that the Japanese, while proud of who they are, hate themselves for the way they look and thus want to manifest their ideal looks through their character designs. Or simply, they want their people to look good so people will be attracted to buying the products. PS: Is it just me, or do the attractive Japanese women don't usually show up to promote things? I remember these chicks dressed up as Zeons to promote Gundam: The Ride and I couldn't help thinking "What kind of goblins created these people?"
  5. What current pics? The picture with the Freedom Gundam on the MG Strike stand isn't the MG kit. It's a 1/100 HG and MG Strike kitbash. I dislike the MG Strike stand, since it's huge and clunky and ugly. The MG Freedom stand looks much more attractive, and I think it'll be more effective. The 1/100 HG Astray doesn't come with a stand, and I don't think any version of it will. We've yet to see if there will be a MG Astray, and whether or not it will come with a stand, but if these two MG SEED kits are any indication, I think it will.
  6. The world needs more hot nipply cosplay chicks. Although, if she dresses up as the hottest dark elf chick of all time, she can get away with not taking pictures in cold weather. http://www.giorgiacosplay.com/mycosplay/pi..._2003-08_02.jpg Pirotess, I love you, baby.
  7. I think such a thing would be so common by the time the VF-1 comes around that it becomes trivial, and thus wasn't enough of a big deal to be shown on screen, whereas it's a new technology on the VF-0S.
  8. I hate economics, because I'm really no good at it. I'd rather build a digital system than worry about a country's GDP. With that said, will someone explain why the US dollar is stronger when you need more of it to be equivalent to the other guy's money?
  9. How does that work..? If the US dollar is weaker, wouldn't the US price be higher?
  10. A few months ago, www.wizzywig.com was having a sale on clear and plated Valkyries. They were 4.99 each. Clear or plated. No, that's not a typo. A friend of mine picked up two of the clear Valks, since they were the only ones left in stock, and I got a plated Strike Valk. The shipping for all three kits were about ten dollars, but I think twenty-five bucks shipped for three limited edition kits is quite good. Too bad I wasn't a member of MW then, and too bad the sale is over now.
  11. I don't understand. Do these games suffer because the cheat mode to make the game easier is gone, or because they no longer stay true to the original release?
  12. Both missile pods, but no 1A head. I have four of the Strike kits sitting around, BEGGING me to get on it. Too bad I have to have school in the middle of summer
  13. His voice changed in X6. He was girlie in X4. He had no voice in X5 (save the in game SFX?), and he had a slightly manlier voice in X6.
  14. Smack that bitch around. Show your thumb who's boss. According to the American version, yes :-P I found it hilarious as hell too, but since I usually skip FMV's after I've seen it for the first time, unless it has some really nice action sequences, I don't find it too distracting. I just pretend that it was just a bad dream. In anycase, I'm not sure I ever found an answer to this, but does anyone have an exact count of how many bolts you're supposed to collect in the game? I got forty, but apparently, there are more.
  15. MM8's boarding sequences aren't too bad. Just stay on the left side of the screen and don't panic. This new game doesn't allow you to change button configurations? Sounds rather restrictive. I KNOW there was no way I could play the Playstation MMX games if I wasn't allowed to change the dash button. I could pull it off on the SNES. The size and shape of the PS pads would have made it quite impossible. HAH! You're in for a surprise. Megaman is SUPPOSED to have a girlie voice. Megaman X is dead. The series is known as "Zero and his blue sidekick" now.
  16. You must post progress shots. I've been considering that model. Sadly, no other model of the Raptor exists. Italeri has a 1/48 but I hear it sucks. The Tamiya 1/72 is just a reboxed Italeri 1/72.
  17. Maybe this will help you on your way to resin casting: http://www.childofmecha.com/Modeling/Resin/Resin.htm As always, try visiting the main page too: http://www.childofmecha.com/
  18. Hmm... What legend is that? Have any more information on this dude?
  19. What is YOUR point? And where is the engine getting all its power from? A nuclear ship has the power of the atoms to generate all the power it could possibly want. All it has to do now is to find a way to efficiently distribute that power. This article is more about that than rail guns or microwave.
  20. Not new weapon technology, just new power source. Still, very interesting. About time ships get enough juice to power a microwave.
  21. The cover is very boring. There's a Gundam SEED mech in there, and a bad Kagari figure, and that's it. If a friend hadn't told me about the loads of Macross stuff in it, I wouldn't have picked it up. Scans of the Battroid conversions have been shown here a few weeks back. I think it was either Shawn or Graham who posted them. I don't recall why the VF-0D wasn't scanned in though.
  22. Aha! I was right. It IS the same one: http://www.naritafamily.com/howto/photo_frame.htm Did anyone notice that the F-14D build ups are available? http://www.naritafamily.com/howto/F14D/photo_frame.htm http://www.naritafamily.com/howto/F14Ddior...photo_frame.htm
  23. Hmm... Do you mean that "lightsheet" stuff I hear about that some people use to light ship models? Electro-luminescent... Hmm... Would be interesting... Very interesting indeed. Jinnai, send me a free sample.
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