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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. So, can anyone recommend a forum or board about comics where I can go to sell my stuff listed in the for sale section?
  2. Please, please, please make the Komillia! I love women in their underwear.
  3. Nothing exactly like that. How did you build those tracks in the first place? Looks like a hell of a lot of work.
  4. The Aston Martins are very distinctive. You can't look at that red car and say it's an Aston Martin because it looks nothing like it. The search continues?
  5. I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting a kit of that thing, so achievements be damned. It's what sells, and I would bet a kit of the SLR would sell.
  6. Not with those people.
  7. I have no idea what it is. If I did, I wouldn't ask. :-P I think the picture was taken near Santa Barbara, CA. I'll ask the owner of the picture again to make sure. People have said Cunningham this and that, but Google turned up nothing even close to similar. Some have suggested a modified C5. PS: Poor Enzo. That's what, the fourth wrecked Enzo now? PPS: Why the hell is no model kit company in the world producing a kit of the McLaren SLR?
  8. Anyone know what car this is?
  9. Urk. Don't ruin the nice Lambo by mentioning the boring Porsche.
  10. Have we discussed the Lamborghini Murcielago LP640?
  11. Damn you and your Autobahn. I got speeding tickets for driving 81.
  12. Peter Stormare is so FREAKIN' COOL!
  13. That black suit looks incredibly lame. I was hoping that they would design a new suit instead of just dying the red suit black.
  14. Your picture and your avatar are different. You uploaded a picture. You need to upload an avatar. Check my profile to see the difference.
  15. In need of a clean?? That's the cleanest workspace I've ever seen!
  16. Anyone watch Smallville? We've had Impulse, Aquaman (farting stupid!), and Cyborg on the show so far, and Brainiac showed his human form recently.
  17. Do you suppose Professor X's penis still works?
  18. A7, old news? :-P Ariel Atom is one cool freakin' car. Civic Type R engine for a 1000 pound frame... Amazing. I loved how the car warped Clarkson's face as he drove it around.
  19. 333HP better pull like a mother. Did it look like an older model though?
  20. A professor or someone on campus has a beautiful red BMW M5. It is just absolutely STUNNING. First time I saw it, I was late to class because I wasted half an hour looking at it.
  21. An M3 is the top of the line of BMW's 3 series. Basically, it's a better tuned 3-series with more power. It's like a regular Mercedes versus an AMG tuned Mercedes.
  22. Vallejo is all the rage in the miniature community, but I should point out that miniature painting techniques don't translate well to scale models, and the paint catered to miniature painting techniques may not translate well to scale models either. Does anyone have scans of the scale models painted with Vallejo? I'm probably wrong, but I would like to see how wrong.
  23. The primer is flat, but I think a gloss white spray is available too. I never tried using it as paint before. I might give it a shot. The basic colors would definitely be cheaper than Tamiya sprays.
  24. Painter's Choice white primer is very opaque as well, and it sounds like it's much less temperamental (and much less expensive?) than the Citadel stuff, plus it's so thin that even pooling won't eliminate much details. I've tried to use the primer as a surface scratch filler, but it has NEVER worked that way for me. The tiniest scratch shows up.
  25. Isn't the GTO being canned to make way for a new GTO? I hear something about a 2008 model being brand new.
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