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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. At least do themselves a favor and cast the Green Lantern as someone who fits the role. Considering that, heaven forbid, Jack Black DOES pull in fans for the GL franchise. None of the newbies will recognize the slim Green Lantern.
  2. You, sir, are freakin' insane! I hope you build all of them. If not, you know who you can sell them to for cheap ;-)
  3. Since I only like the S type, I have ever only had S type models. That's one VF-1S, one plated Strike VF-1S, and three regular VF-1S, two of which are from you, Chris, actually, as well as a Strike Battroid. I also have the VF-0S and SV-51. I've been planning to get the VF-0B and am awaiting the eventual release of the VF-0D. As far as Macross Plus Valks go, I have the YF-19, which is the most beautiful fighter ever, after the VF-0S of course. I also have two sets of the Valkyrie weapons set, and a set of Macross display stands. To be honest, those display stands rank up there amongst the list of my worst purchase decisions ever. They are fugly, and look absolutely ridiculous with the Valks mounted on them. I'm giving one to my friend, and I'm keeping one only for novelty purposes. Now all I need is a VF-11 from Hasegawa and I'll be very happy. I don't really care for the limited edition bullplop. The only reason I got the plated Strike Valk is I found it on sale for $4.99, and I'm keeping it mint in mint box. I actually considered scrapping it for parts once.
  4. Full lips and wide hips are very sexy. Well done.
  5. As long as they get a beautiful woman to play my favorite green skinned super heroine, Jade, then I'm in.
  6. Heh, forgot to catch the solid laser cannons :-P How did you say you sprayed the white? Airbrush? If you can find them, you should invest in some Hasegawa scriber saws. You can use them to deepen the panel lines so they won't disappear after a few coats of paint.
  7. The MG Perfect Gundam I mentioned has very little surface details. There was no point in comparing that 1/20 Valkyrie to another Valkyrie model because every other one has more surface details than the MG Perfect Gundam. Makes sense?
  8. It's big, sure, but it doesn't have half the surface details of the MG Perfect Gundam. And FYI, that Gundam is very much lacking in surface details. I'll keep my 1/72nd Hasegawas, thank you.
  9. Well, you'll have to settle for Hasegawa's 1/72's. If you're lucky, though, you maybe able to find conversion sets that allow you to build the planes with flaps down, just like in that kit.
  10. There should be no question. No competition. Tamiya is THE BEST masking tape you can ever get. Period. Do yourself a favor and fork out the five bucks for it. What you get in return is far, far more than five bucks.
  11. fart the Astray and its power loader. It's bare bones or nothing! On another note: http://www.interq.or.jp/blue/yanase/raku/freedam_g2.jpg The new MG kit looks pretty nice, but WindFall's redesign makes Bee-Craft's refinement look like puke.
  12. Yum. I'm interested in seeing how they're going to make Chiklis into The Thing. Should be interesting.
  13. Please, be careful what you wish for.
  14. Yes, that's why Goose shouldn't have died.
  15. I didn't think so. F-14's were in Vietnam? What year? I'm guessing way towards the end, right before the US was pulling out, right?
  16. Super sexy chick shooting the poo out of zombies? Sounds like me :-D http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/image..._valentiine.jpg
  17. I'm glad the single tail 'cat didn't make it. That thing is UGLY. Question: Should Goose have died in Topgun?
  18. Seam on the front of the forearm, near the clear lens, and nasty mold lines on the hands. The clear blue lenses would have been interesting, if they were allowed to remain clear blue. Otherwise, not a bad job.
  19. I thought they only discontinued the first three non-FAST Valkyries. The Super and Strike Valks are still being produced. I'm not too worried about it. These will come around again eventually. I'm more worried about not ever getting a VF-11, or VF-0D
  20. Getting there :-D Make "VFA-103" on the spine black, and the air intake warning stripes (?) red and you're golden ;-)
  21. Pitch: Nose up/down Yaw: Nose left/right Bank: Rotate on central axis. //Hmm... that should be Roll, not Bank. Vectored thrust creates a force, and it might be enough to pitch the nose. I don't know whether it is powerful enough to do so, but it DOES create a force, since changing the thrust direction creates an additional force vector. The F-14 had no problems with sweeping the wings back fully. At full sweep, no control surfaces on the 'cat moves, yet it can still turn and burn with the best of them. The only problem I can see with the VF-1 would be stability: with no horizontal stabilizers, the plane is likely to pitch, unless the computer actively controls the thrust vectoring to compensate.
  22. It looks ridiculous with just the tail in hi-vis and lo-vis everywhere else. Shift some more colors around ;-) David, so former F-14 squads are getting twin seater Hornets now? Might we start seeing twin seater Hornets belonging purely to the Navy too, or are they just going with Super Hornets now?
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