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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. So your not liking someone's work makes his work overrated? How does that work, especially when someone else still gets the main mecha designer job, even though it's general concensus that the crap he puts out is, well, crap? I assume that you're talking out of your ass. No offense. Okawara has ALWAYS been about hanging too much crap on too skinny a frame. Katoki's equipment actually makes sense. Okawara's the one over compensating. They animate better because they are moving so quickly that our eyes cannot make out the crappy design elements he loaded on there. Pause the animation to see if it actually is any better. Izubuchi. He has an eye for realistic designs. I do admire him. Katoki himself is an Izubuchi fan. But Katoki he ain't. Please. That Hyper Zeta Gundam is the ugliest piece of poo I've ever seen. Until SEED stuff comes along, of course. I'm more pissed off about Okawara's dumbing the Astray down into the M1.
  2. Say what? The what Warrior? Obviously, you've never seen a Katoki design.
  3. I'm hoping that it stays a rumor too.
  4. That won't be necessary. The NX-01 kit had every window drilled out and backed by a clear part. In fact, half of that kit is clear. The new Enterprise will be no different. These ships were designed to be lit. The running light holes on the NX-01 are perfectly sized for 3mm LED's.
  5. I don't view Enterprise as a Star Trek series, per se, so as a science fiction drama, it works for me. Now, showing me something older than even Enterprise... I have absolutely no interest in it at all whatsoever. I want to see the future, god damn it. After I've seen the future, I don't want to see the damned past.
  6. You probably still have uncompressed pictures of your kit. What do you say you upload it to us so we can see it completely?
  7. Based on the Command and Conquer: Generals engine: http://www.3dgamers.com/games/lotrbattlemiddle/ The RTS game that came out earlier this year wasn't based on the movies. This new one will be.
  8. Well, of course, there are always those trade offs. Screen resolution is limited by the TV the console is hooked up to. Game makers know this, so they optimize a console game based on that. My system is on the ridiculous low end of the performance spectrum >_< It won't even run WarCraft III properly. I need to update, not for Doom 3, but for the RTS Lord of the Rings game coming out in the fall, as well as for the "recently released" War of the Ring game.
  9. The XBox is a dedicated gaming console, with hardware specifically optimized to run games, whereas the PC is a general purpose machine, running not only the game but an operating system, ad-wares, spy-wares, and god knows what else. It's like the thing with an NES and an NES emulator. My TI-89 probably has a better processor than the NES, yet you may still need a computer much faster than that to run an emulator. Compared to modern PC's, gaming hardware is generally pretty pathetic, yet most of the time, they run games more quickly and reliably than you can on a PC.
  10. On the other hand, it certainly is a far cry above other so called "pro-built" models I have seen. I think it looks nice. I myself wouldn't pay so much money for it, since I would rather build my own, but I would certainly not reject it from a display case.
  11. Did Kawamori decide on the VF-0D head for the two-seater VF-0A earlier on as well, or is that one of those things that he changed half way, or is that one of those things where we simply don't have any information? While we're on the subject... Was there ever a two-seater VF-1 other than the VF-1D, which I assume is a trainer version, say, VF-1B?
  12. A little behind the time, buddy :-P I pre-ordered mine back in March.
  13. A two-seater VF-0A doesn't necessarily equate to a VF-0B, since you yourself pointed out that the 0A and 0B/D have different heads. Unless the two-seater VF-0A actually had the 0B/D head in the first place, making it the VF-0B.
  14. What kind of wings did it have? I just looked at those scenes this afternoon. Those are A types.
  15. That helmet doesn't look like something you wear in a fighter cockpit. It looks like something you wear when you go biking. Biel looks worse in it than when she was out of it.
  16. You toy guys at least have the Yamato. We modellers get jack squat when it comes to affordable models of the VF-11.
  17. Huh. It IS different. I never noticed it. Whoops.
  18. With a VF-1/2 to boot? :-P I wonder what that looks like... Fore half of the VF-0 and aft half of the VF-1?
  19. Stamen0083


    Any of you guys secretly wishing the 1/48 line would die so the 1/32 line may be born? ;-)
  20. It's just you. We all are having a civilized discussion, aren't we? ;-)
  21. I have no problem with his putting out subpar worl done in what little time with what little skills he may have. I have a problem with his putting out subpar work and then insulting good work in the process.
  22. It's easy to claim that it's about the technology involved when trying to defend why one design looks like another. However, no one said anything about technologies involved here. Terpfen was talking about aesthetics. If the Gelgoog was a more ridiculous looking Zaku, then you'd be right. However, it is not. If, in fact, the CGUE is supposed to be more advanced than the Ginn, yet it carries the exact same integrated equipment is rather coincidental, don't you think? Please. Show me an American fighter plane that can easily be mistaken for a MiG, and I'll believe you. As is, this is just silly. Meteor: - Two beam cannon that can turn into beam sabers. - Docked Mobile SUIT. GP03D: - One giant beam cannon with a pair of beam sabers. - Docked Mobile SUIT. A little too close for comfort. Yet the Meteor cannot pull a GP03D in the sheer coolness department. Well. if a Gundam doesn't transform into a giant block, it transform into a fighter of some sort. If not, it splits up and transforms into a fighter of some sort. Another coincidence? http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed/amf-101-flight.jpg Yeah, right. Several. The Guncannon comes to mind.
  23. Some different wings http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/zero/vf-0a.htm
  24. It's the VF-0S with the VF-0B head. Another farting delay tactic to make drooling fans drool more more the VF-0D. fart you, Hasegawa. I'm not buying another Macross kit until the VF-0D comes out. Or the VF-11. Who's with me?
  25. I don't think you're qualified to make that comment until you come back to us with a less than creative custom paint job, as you say. Until then, tack on as many pieces to your toy jet as you'd like. I'm not impressed.
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