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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. I would, but I have neither box nor scene nearby for me to enjoy.
  2. I think Terminator II was more influential in those regards.
  3. I think it looks more like an F-15 than an F-18, save the LERX.
  4. Indeed :-P
  5. What Hornet are you thinking of? The F/A-18 has two engines, two intake ports, and two tail fins.
  6. X-men Evolution ended its run with the finale of season 3. I don't remember what happened, exactly. but http://www.tvtome.com should be able to help. I recall the final scene. The X-men becomes the X-men as we know it. Rogue even flies.
  7. You mean mitochondria?
  8. You. Are. Not. I'm using an A210. The 2650 is the A205. Did you set the thing on maximum resolution? Exposure time?
  9. More so with the photography skills than the camera, friend. My camera has a higher resolution than his, but no way in hell would I be able to capture such fine details ;-)
  10. Wasn't Seabook an MS mechanic?
  11. The seam right before the big FAST pack booster cone. EDIT: By the way, AchtungMacross, I am VERY impressed with the quality of your pictures. They're huge, yet they're very detailed, and no blurs yet. What camera are you using? Are you using a tri-pod? Macro-mode?
  12. Maybe the Predator is what we need to unite the two parties. Dissenters will be killed and their skulls will be displayed as trophies.
  13. The only one getting the shaft in 0083 was Captain Synapse. Kou (the one most deserving of death) was set free, and the rest of the Albion crew was made into Titans. Some may argue that they did get the shaft by being made into Titans, but come on, the Titans uniforms and color schemes are infinitely studlier than anything else the EFSF may have come up with in the past, present, or future.
  14. My question is that whether the military he fought with at the end of the series will keep a close eye on him or not, like the EFSF with Amuro.
  15. Every description I've heard about SEED Destiny smells like Zeta. I expect them to pull a SEED and come up with a completely new storyline by the 5th episode, just like SEED did with 0079. In anycase, I'm guessing Kira would be under house arrest in the beginning too.
  16. Hmm... F-91 ver. Ka. The lineart looks good. The toy, not so much. Them Crossbones sure are nice though.
  17. Damn, you don't have a middle ground option. I thought Predator was a decent film. Arnold kicked some ass, which is nice (though I wonder if it would have been better if the movie was remade and Kristanna Loken was doing the ass kicking), but I don't think Predator really had much to do with sci-fi, per se. Action movies, yes, but not sci-fi. I believe the films that defined non-corny sci-fi are Alien/Aliens. Definite classics. Freakin' smart guns KICK ASS!
  18. http://www.childofmecha.com/Modeling/Chrome/Chrome.html Apply it to specific pieces.
  19. Lieutenant McKenzie in Gundam 0080 was assigned her Gundam Alex. Graham, I, too, wouldn't mind some unassembled Valkyrie toys. I would kill for a nice transforming VF-0S.
  20. The only SEED thing I've bought are the 1/144 Astray Red Frames, because I like them. I've excercised my vote. I think the people who complain about these designs don't actually buy them. I sure as hell didn't. It's the ones who don't complain that are telling Bandai to make more of these dreadful things.
  21. No matter how complex a kit Bandai puts out, it's still an unassembled toy. It's just overwhelming because of the sheer number of parts. If you put three or four 1/144 kits together in one sitting, you've put together the equivalent of a MG kit. By extension, putting three or four MG kits together in one sitting would be comparable to putting together a PG kit. It does not require skills to build Bandai kits. Just patience. Since kids think that building a Bandai kit is modelling, they moan and groan when they have to paint a real model kit. In their mind, "if Bandai can pull it off, why not Hasegawa or Tamiya?", when clearly, we know that between Bandai, Tamiya, and Hasegawa, Bandai is not the one putting out superior models. The one thing I can give Bandai, though, is vastly superior injection molding technology. Their ejector pin marks are hardly detectable. The ones that can be found have been thoughtfully placed *away* from molded details. Can't say the same for Hasegawa.
  22. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?GNZCS709
  23. I still can't not hate Fujita's works. I've always hated Zeta mech designs, and a number of those designs can be traced to Fujita. Having him design Gundam mechs is the LAST thing I want. Hell, I prefer Okawara's SEED I mechs over Fujita's Hyper Zeta anyday. We can only hope ;-)
  24. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1090516040.jpg Man, zooming in close really shows off all the flaws in a model. That seam needs some attention in your next model ;-)
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